Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Classic Who - Season 11, Story 70 - The Time Warrior

"A warrior. A warrior from the stars! Have you come to challenge me, sky warrior?" ~ Irongron

"By virtue of my authority as an officer of the Army Space Corps, I hereby claim this planet, its moons and satellites, for the greater glory of the Sontaran Empire." ~ Linx

Brigadier: Well, I'd rather a bright idea. It's rather hard to keep an eye on all these scientist chaps at home, so I had these cubicles put up on several floors. Confined the whole lot to barracks. All my eggs in one basket, so to speak.
The 3rd Doctor: That's fine, so long as no one steals the basket.

"Well, my Aunt Lavinia is in America on a lecture tour, you see. She had an invitation to visit here. I took her place. Well, I thought all this might give me a good story. I'm a journalist. Sarah Jane Smith." ~ Sarah Jane

"This helmet conceals the fact that I am not to of your kind, Irongron. You might not find my true appearance pleasing." ~ Lynx

Irongron: Oh, so you like a war, eh?
Linx: Who does not? My race has been at war for millennia. There is not a galaxy in the universe which our space fleets have not subjugated. But you do not understand me. I am stranded on this primitive planet when I should be leading my squadron to glory. I am an expert at war, Irongron.

Sarah: What's happening?
The 3rd Doctor: You're asking questions again.

"Someone's operating a matter transmitter. And the really odd thing is, there's a time transference too. It's being worked from several centuries ago. Past and present mixed up. Very interesting, that." ~ The Third Doctor

"Brigadier, a straight line may be the shortest distance between two points, but it is by no means the most interesting." ~ The Third Doctor

"Well done, old girl. Absolutely on target. For once." ~ The Third Doctor

Sarah: Look, just pack this up, will you. It's not funny. I happen to be a reporter and I've got a big story...
Irongron: Take her away, Bloodaxe. Throw her in the dungeon.
Sarah: Why don't you take off that ridiculous gear and go home to your butcher's shop. Let go! Look, I warn you, any more of this and I'm going straight to the police.

"Aye, the wench is crazed right enough. A pity. She is not uncomely." ~ Irongron

"Ah, I understand. You have a primary and secondary reproductive cycle. It is an inefficient system, you should change it." ~ Lynx

"By heavens, Bloodaxe. 'Tis like a tin tadpole. You cut off its head and yet it wriggles. I'll have a word with Linx about this." ~ Irongron

"Only one thing matters. To complete the repairs to my ship and return to the glorious war that is my destiny. Nothing must interfere with that. Nothing, and nobody." ~ Lynx

"I'm sure the Doctor's the key to it all. He was there when one of the scientists was taken. He has a machine that can travel through time. Well, it must be him, and somehow we've got to stop him." ~ Sarah Jane

Linx: What is your native planet?
The 3rd Doctor: Gallifrey. I am a Time Lord.
Linx: Ah, yes. A race of great technical achievement, but lacking the morale to withstand a determined assault.

"Young girl? I should have thought he was a bit old for that sort of thing. Oh well." ~ Prof. Rubeish

"You've been getting around, Sarah. Are you on visiting terms with all the local nobility?" ~ The Third Doctor

"Because I never lie. Well, hardly ever." ~ The Third Doctor

"You know, I was never much of a hand with a paint brush myself.  No. Nor a palette knife for that matter. But I'd like to study under one of the masters one day. Rembrandt, preferably." ~ The Third Doctor

"Me? I'm a Time Lord. And my people are very keen to stamp out unlicensed time travel. You can look upon them as galactic ticket inspectors, if you like." ~ The Third Doctor

"Gas? Good heavens, what on Earth do you take me for? No, it was some sort of superior stink bomb with a few bangs and flashes thrown in for good measure. No, it's quite harmless, I assure you, but (sniff) phew." ~ The Third Doctor

Rubeish: Who is Irongron? Is he a nice chap?
The 3rd Doctor: Well, I wouldn't recommend him for the Royal Society.

"Now listen, all of you. You've been kidnapped, but you're about to be rescued. I hope. There's a machine here that'll send you home again. Unfortunately, I don't know how to work it, and the chap who does has vanished. But I expect he'll pop up again. He usually does. But the important thing is, until then, you must carry on working as if you were still hypnotised.  Oh, Morrison, don't start asking a lot of awkward questions. I assure you I don't know the answers any more than you do." ~ Rubeish

"Well done, Sarah. Just like a daring young man on the flying trapeze. Come on." ~ The Third Doctor

"Do you know, I think that was one of the most active days I've had in years. Well, it's not as if I was a lad anymore, once you're over two hundred..." ~ The Third Doctor

"Something's gone wrong. He must have hit the take off button too soon. Come on, we've got about a minute to get out of here. Quick, run!" ~ The Third Doctor

Hal: Goodbye. You are truly a great magician, Doctor.
The 3rd Doctor: To tell you the truth, Hal, I'm not a magician at all.
Sarah: I'm not so sure about that.

"The Time Warrior" marks the first appearance of the Elisabeth Sladen as Sarah Jane Smith, arguably the most popular companion the Doctor has ever had.  Sladen is tied with Nicholas Courtney for the record of appearing with 7 on-screen incarnations of the Doctor.  She was a companion for both the third and the fourth Doctor, pluse she appeared in the Five Doctors with all of the first five Doctors in "The Five Doctors".  She later appeared with David Tennant and Matt Smith's Doctors in the the 2005 revival of Doctor Who, plus her own spin off show, The Sarah Jane Adventures.

Along with Peter Davison and John Leeson, she is one of only three actors to play the same character in both the classic series and the revival series.

"The Time Warrior" is also the first appearance of the Sontarans, in this serial Linx is played by Kevin Lindsay who would reprise his role the following season in The Sontaran Experiment shortly before his death.

This story is also the first time the Doctor mentions his home planet by name: Gallifrey. (Gallifrey was originally scripted as Galfrey.)  He refers to the Time Lords as "galactic ticket inspectors".

This story features the debut of a new opening and closing title sequence designed by Bernard Lodge and realised using a process known as 'slit scan'. The opening title sequence features for the first time the distinctive diamond-shaped logo for the series.

Working titles for "The Time Warrior" included The Time Fugitive and The Time Survivor.

It was script editor Terrance Dicks' choice for the setting of a medieval castle. Robert Holmes disliked the idea, stating he was a science fiction writer and not very good at history, but he followed Dick's instructions to pick up "The Boys Book of Castles" and write from that.

Holmes reversed the roles in giving Dicks the setting of a lighthouse for Horror of Fang Rock in 1977.

Peckforton Castle was used for both Wessex and Irongron's castles.

In Dicks' novelization of The Time Warrior, published by Target Books in June 1978. Linx's first name was revealed as Jingo, in the prologue.

Bob Hoskins was the first choice to play Irongron. He turned it down, but recommended David Daker.

Links (Watch on DailyMotion.com)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

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