Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Classic Who - Season 10, Story 68 - Planet of the Daleks

"Telepathic circuits. Sending a message to the Time Lords. I must tell them to. I must, I..." ~ The Third Doctor

"There is no such place as Earth. It's just a name in our old legends. It doesn't really exist." ~ Vaber

"Skaro! Yes, of course, you're Thals!" ~ The Third Doctor

"In our legend, there is a being, a figure from another planet who came to Skaro when the Thals were in their greatest peril, in something called a Tardis." ~ Taron

The 3rd Doctor: You still don't trust me?
Taron: Why should I? You come here out of nowhere and then claim to be something out of a legend.

"No, don't do that. No, most Daleks have an automatic distress call. Even when they're deactivated, the transmitter may keep functioning." ~ The Third Doctor

"There's a considerable difference between courage and reckless stupidity, you know." ~ The Third Doctor

"Oh, I don't know. I think you're doing yourself rather an injustice there. If you hadn't acted the way you did, we'd have all been captured. They give medals for that sort of bravery." ~ The Third Doctor

"Courage isn't just a matter of not being frightened, you know.  It's being afraid and doing what you have to do anyway, just as you did." ~ The Third Doctor

"Daleks! Daleks here?" ~ Jo Grant

"No, that's hopeless. If there's one thing the Daleks are very good at making, that is locks." ~ The Third Doctor

"A tiny motor with an electric power source. That's it. Yes. Yes, I'll dismantle the circuitry, reverse the polarity and convert to a low power receiver transmitter with a positive feedback." ~ The Third Doctor

"It should give them quite a brainstorm. Give me your screwdriver." ~ The Third Doctor

"Do you know the strength of the Dalek force here? The signal we intercepted was to Dalek Supreme Command. It stated that the force assembled on Spiridon was now complete. It gave their numbers. Well, somewhere on this planet there are ten thousand Daleks!" ~ Rebec

"It's an allotrope of ice. Well, it's a form of ice that never gets hard. Codal is convinced that the core of this whole planet is a mass of it, because every once in a while the pressure builds up and the whole thing bursts to the surface.  but instead of white hot lava, this erupts with molten ice. We've seen it, tremendous explosions. The ice covers the jungle for miles around." ~ Taron

"You know, for a man who abhors violence, I must say I took great satisfaction in doing that." ~ The Third Doctor

"Never underestimate the Daleks, Codal. They won't let a little matter of a metal door delay them for long." ~ The Third Doctor

"When faced with the inevitable, don't waste precious time by resisting it." ~ The Third Doctor

"You know, after this, I think I must take up hot air ballooning. It really is most exhilarating." ~ The Third Doctor

"Look, Doctor, the last I'd heard about you, you'd been captured by the Daleks, right and I was told that they were going to take you because they're doing all these experiments and then I thought you were going to be in them and I didn't know what I was going to do..." ~ Jo Grant

"They've got an army based here, Jo, the mightiest army of Daleks there's ever been." ~ The Third Doctor

"Good, because the business of command is not for a machine, is it? The moment that we forget that we're dealing with people, then we're no better off than the machines that we came here to destroy. When we start acting and thinking like the Daleks, Taron, the battle is lost." ~ The Third Doctor

"You know, this planet never ceases to amaze me. First we find a gigantic refrigerator and now night storage heaters. It really sounds quite luxurious." ~ The Third Doctor

The 3rd Doctor: What? But that's the worse thing he could possibly do.
Rebec: But Codal said if we destroyed the refrigeration unit, we'd be destroying the Daleks.
The 3rd Doctor: On the contrary, you'd be bringing their army to life.

The 3rd Doctor: Well, first of all we've got to stop the Daleks releasing their bacteria. Second, we've got to make sure their army stays inactive, and third, we've got to generally put an end to their chances of invasion of other planets.
Jo: Well, how're we going to do all that?
The 3rd Doctor: I haven't the faintest idea.

"We cannot leave here. No one can enter. We can never leave here. Never, never, never!" ~ Dalek Section Leader

"He's right, you know. One bomb won't destroy them all. The most we can hope for is to stop that army getting into action." ~ The Third Doctor

"Message from command spacecraft. The Dalek Supreme will touch down in Spiridon shortly. He will assume total command of all operations on this planet." ~ Dalek

Latep: Just knowing might mean the difference between success and failure. We all thought that whatever happened, there was no way out. It was a suicide mission. That's affected everything we've done. We've faced dangers and taken risks because there was nothing to lose, Jo.
Jo: Would you go on taking them?
Latep: I don't know. You see, I've found a reason to be more careful, a reason for wanting to stay alive.

"When you get back to Skaro, you'll all be national heroes. Everybody will want to hear about your adventures. So be careful how you tell that story, will you? Don't glamorise it. Don't make war sound like an exciting and thrilling game.  Tell them about the members of your mission that will not be returning, like Maro and Vaber and Marat. Tell them about the fear, otherwise your people might relish the idea of war. We don't want that." ~ The Third Doctor

"Preparations will begin at once to free our army from the ice. We have been delayed, not defeated. The Daleks are never defeated!" ~ Dalek Supreme Command

Originally, Episode 5 was to end with all of the Thal characters massacred by the Daleks. Terrance Dicks, however, asked that Terry Nation not include this plot point, as the series was beginning to be criticized for its violent content.

According to the DVD info text, it was decided at one point that all on-screen actors had to wear makeup, including the Dalek operators, who (it was feared) could conceivably be seen through the mesh of the props. The operators, in protest, one day dressed up their Daleks as women, and Michael Wisher and Roy Skelton, playing along with the joke, provided suitably "camp" voices for the dolled-up Daleks!

The original color version of Episode 3 is currently missing. A black & white print exists and was colorised by various methods for the DVD Boxset Dalek War.

 The story has been recognized as a reworking of the first Dalek story, The Daleks, containing some of the same plot devices, including: a group of Daleks in a city encountering the Thals on a ravaged planet; a deadly plague instead of a neutron bomb; someone using a Dalek shell as a disguise; the Doctor imprisoned in a cell and with paralyzed legs; and the Daleks imprisoned in their city at the end of the story.

Because Terry Nation had not written for the show since 1965, he initially believed each episode was individually-titled. Among his episode titles were "Destinus", "Countdown to Eternity" and "Victory."

Daleks who survived this skirmish with the Doctor were later imprisoned in the Intensive Care Ward of the Dalek Asylum, where the Eleventh Doctor would later encounter them. (Asylum of the Daleks)

External shots were done at Beachfields Quarry, in Surrey.

Links (Watch on DailyMotion.com)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6

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