Susan: The Spanish didn't think so.
Barbara: They only saw the acts of sacrifice. That was the tragedy of the Aztecs. The whole civilisation was completely destroyed, the good as well as the evil.
"Hey, look, cartoons! They've got bubbles coming out of their mouths." ~ Susan
"I don't care if she is interested in them, I told her repeatedly not to go off on her own." ~ The First Doctor
Tlotoxl: (as Richard Crookback) A vision is with us, Autloc. When does it rain?
Autloc: This day. When the sun's fire first touches the horizon to the west.
Tlotoxl: At that moment shall I present her to the people. A vision is with us and shall stand before them. And I, in supplication to the Rain God, shall offer human blood. The rains will come. No more talk against us that the gods were against us and brought drought to the land. The rains will come and power shall again be ours.
Autloc: I tell you the rains will come with or without sacrifice.
The 1st Doctor: And what about her?
Autloc: Cameca? Of all those here, her advice is most sought after.
The 1st Doctor: What did you say her name was?
Autloc: Cameca. You will find her a companion of wit and interest. And now I beg permission to depart.
The 1st Doctor: Of course.
"There's no buts about it. If human sacrifice is essential here and it's their tradition, then let them get on with it. But for our sakes, don't interfere. Now promise me, please. Promise." ~ The First Doctor
Barbara: You know, that's what gets me. I mean, take Autloc. He's sensitive, intelligent. And then there's...
Susan: Tlotoxl. It's incredible, isn't it? Beauty and horror developing hand in hand.
Barbara: It's no good, Doctor, my mind's made up. This is the beginning of the end of the Sun God.
The 1st Doctor: What are you talking about?
Barbara: Don't you see? If I could start the destruction of everything that's evil here, then everything that is good would survive when Cortes lands.
The 1st Doctor: But you can't rewrite history! Not one line!
Autloc: The Great Spirit of Yetaxa has spoken.
Tlotoxl: No, no, this is not Yetaxa. This is a false goddess! And I shall destroy her.
Barbara: What about you and Ian?
The 1st Doctor: Oh well, Ian can look after himself, and I think I shall know more about the entrance to the tomb tonight. I've met somebody who knows how the temple was built. An Aztec lady.
Barbara: You're an old rogue.
Autloc: No, he sleeps. Yetaxa's servant won the victory with his thumb.
Tlotoxl: You saw the blow?
Autloc: There was no blow. He fought with his thumb.
"No, no, they call me the Doctor. I am a scientist, an engineer. I'm a builder of things." ~ The First Doctor
"What better way to destroy your enemies than to let them destroy themselves. " ~ Ixta
"Famine, drought and disaster will come, and more and more sacrifices will be made. I see a time when ten thousand will die in one day.In total destruction. Your civilisation will pass forever from the land." ~ Barbara
The 1st Doctor: Autloc, stop this!
Tlotoxl: No. Let it continue, to the death!
(Ian throws Ixta off, but he is starting to get whoosy)
Tlotoxl: Destroy him, Ixta.
Autloc: Yetaxa forbids it.
Tlotoxl: A false goddess forbids it. Destroy him.
Barbara: There's to be an eclipse. And Tlotoxl will offer human blood so that the sun will shine again.
Autloc: Yes.
Barbara: But it's a trick! As the High Priest of Knowledge, you know the sun will shine again.
Autloc: Unless the gods withdraw their favour from us.
Barbara: Am I not a god? Support me. Tlotoxl won't dare defy us both.
Autloc: If I take that course, there is no way back for me. In all humility, I beg you, do not deceive me or prove false to me.
Tonila: But did you not suggest the use of knowledge of poisons against Yetaxa?
TlotoxlL: I say that such a test would prove the woman. If she dies, she is mortal. If she lives, then she is indeed the spirit of Yetaxa returned. Now, would you deny yourself the glory, Tonila, of seeing the gods proved before your eyes?
Tonila: I shall prepare the mixture, then you and I and Autloc will test Yetaxa.
Cameca: He is a gentle companion, and most dear to me.
Autloc: Then prepare these beans as a love potion.
Cameca: That would be too bold. Rather he should show his love for me.
Autloc: You wish him to prepare it?
Cameca: Yes.
The Doctor and Cameca are about to share the cocoa)
The 1st Doctor: Happy days, my dear.
Cameca: The happiest of my life, dear heart. Was ever such a potion brewed? In bliss is quenched my thirsty heart.
The 1st Doctor: Very prettily put, my dear.
Cameca: Oh, sweet-favoured man, you have declared your love for me, and I acknowledge and accept your gentle proposal.
(The Doctor nearly chokes on his cocoa)
Ian: Where did you get hold of this?
The 1st Doctor: My fiancée.
Ian: I see. Your what?
The 1st Doctor: Yes, I made some cocoa and got engaged. Don't giggle, my boy, It's neither here nor there.
The 1st Doctor: Barbara! Barbara! Something terrible, my dear. I just don't know how to tell you. Ian...
Ian: I'm all right.
The 1st Doctor: My dear boy, I thought you were drowned.
Ian: I nearly was.
Ixta: Now seven warriors have challenged my right to command and only I survive.
Ian: Good commanders don't jump to conclusions, Ixta.
Ian: This is a trap. This is mine. Ixta gave it to me. Come on, let's get out of here.
Captain: Hold him! This belongs to you?
Ixta: Yes, I gave it to him. (helping Autloc up) Ian was helping the handmaiden to escape. He struck you down from behind.
Ian: How do you know he was hit from behind?
The 1st Doctor: It isn't just Tlotoxl that we have to contend with. He and his kind will destroy all this one day.
Cameca: How can it be prevented if it is the will of the gods.
The 1st Doctor: It isn't the will of Yetaxa.
Cameca: The gods wish an end to sacrifice?
The 1st Doctor: Yes, and Yetaxa speaks for them.
Cameca: We are a doomed people, my dear. There's no turning back for us.
The 1st Doctor: You're a very fine woman, Cameca, and you'll always be very, very dear to me.
Cameca: I honour Autloc's trust. I bring you your handmaiden.
The 1st Doctor: That was a very brave thing for you to do, Cameca, but you can't stay here.
Cameca: I'd hoped I might stay by your side. Then think of me. Think of me.
"What's the point of travelling through time and space if we can't change anything?" ~ Barbara
Barbara: And the one man I had respect for, I deceived. Poor Autloc. I gave him false hope and in the end he lost his faith.
The 1st Doctor: He found another faith, a better, and that's the good you've done. You failed to save a civilisation, but at least you helped one man.
Negative film prints of all episodes were recovered from BBC Enterprises in 1978.
John Lucarotti spent a lot of time researching the real Aztecs before writing this story.
Carole Ann Ford was on holiday during the filming of episodes 2 and 3 and appeared only in pre-taped film sequences which were shot during rehearsals for episode 5 of the preceding story, The Keys of Marinus.
Links (Watch on DailyMotion.com)
Part 1: The Temple of Evil
Part 2: The Warriors of Death
Part 3: The Bride of Sacrifice
Part 4: The Day of Darkness

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