Ian: Well, we'll have to find out for ourselves, won't we?
Barbara: Thank you for the we. She's waiting in one of the classrooms. I'm lending her a book on the French Revolution.
Ian: What's she going to do, rewrite it?
Susan: Oh, I'm sorry, Miss Wright. I didn't hear you coming in. Aren't they fabulous?
Barbara: Who?
Susan: It's John Smith and the Common Men. They've gone from nineteen to two.
Ian: John Smith is the stage name of the Honourable Aubrey Waites. He started his career as Chris Waites and the Carollers, didn't he, Susan?
Susan: You are surprising, Mister Chesterton. I wouldn't expect you to know things like that.
Ian: I have an enquiring mind. And a very sensitive ear.
"Well, I don't know how you explain the fact that a fifteen year old girl does not know how many shillings there are in a pound." ~ Barbara
Susan: I can't, Mister Chesterton. You can't simply work on three of the dimensions.
Ian: Three of them? Oh, time being the fourth dimension, I suppose? Then what do you need E for? What do you make the fifth dimension?
Susan: Space.
Barbara: It's silly, isn't it? I feel frightened. As if we're about to interfere in something that is best left alone.
Ian: Come on, let's get it over with.
Barbara: Well, don't you feel it?
Ian: I take things as they come. Come on.
"It's a police box! What on earth's it doing here? These things are usually on the street." ~ Ian
"Young man, is it reasonable to suppose that anybody would be inside a cupboard like that, hmm?" ~ The First Doctor
Barbara: Is this really where you live, Susan?
Susan: Yes.
The 1st Doctor: And what's wrong with it?
Ian: But it was just a telephone box.
Ian: But it was a police telephone box. I walked all around it. Barbara, you saw me.
The 1st Doctor: You don't deserve any explanations. You pushed your way in here uninvited and unwelcome.
Barbara: I think we ought to leave.
Ian: No, just a minute. I know this is absurd, but I feel...I walked all round it.
Susan: The Tardis can go anywhere.
Barbara: Tardis? I don't understand you, Susan.
Susan: Well, I made up the name Tardis from the initials, Time And Relative Dimension In Space. I thought you'd both understand when you saw the different dimensions inside from those outside.
"Have you ever thought what it's like to be wanderers in the fourth dimension? Have you? To be exiles? Susan and I are cut off from our own planet, without friends or protection. But one day we shall get back. Yes, one day. One day." ~ The First Doctor
Susan: Look, I love your school. I loved England in the twentieth century. The last five months have been the happiest of my life.
Barbara: But you are one of us. You look like us, you sound like us.
Susan: I was born in another time, another world.
"Your arrogance is nearly as great as your ignorance." ~ The First Doctor
Susan: We've left 1963.
The 1st Doctor: Oh, yes, undoubtedly. I'll be able to tell you where presently. Zero? That's not right. I'm afraid this yearometer is not calculating properly. Hm!
The 1st Doctor: They are saying I'm a charlatan. What concrete evidence would satisfy you?
Ian: Just open the doors, Doctor Foreman.
The 1st Doctor: Eh? Doctor who? What's he talking about?
Ian: But it is ridiculous. Time doesn't go round and round in circles. You can't get on and off whenever you like in the past or the future.
The 1st Doctor: Really? Where does time go, then?
Ian: It doesn't go anywhere. It just happens and then it's finished.
"It's still a police box. Why hasn't it changed? Dear, dear, how very disturbing." ~ The First Doctor
"That's not his name. Who is he? Doctor who? Perhaps if we knew his name we might have a clue to all this." ~ Ian
"It's his notes. He'd never leave his notebook. It's too important to him. It's got the key codes of all the machines in the ship. It's got notes of everywhere we've been to. Something terrible has happened to him, I know it has. We must find him." ~ Susan
"I can make fire for you. Let me go and I'll make all the fire you want. You don't have to be afraid of me. I'm an old man. How can an old man like me harm any of you?" ~ The First Doctor
Kal: Make fire. Make fire come from your fingers as I saw you.
The 1st Doctor: I have no matches. I cannot make fire. I cannot make fire!
Ian: Try and hang on.
Barbara: But how are we going to get out of this?
The 1st Doctor: We should use our cunning.
Barbara: You're trying to help me.
The 1st Doctor: Fear makes companions of all of us. That's right.
Barbara: I never thought once you were afraid.
The 1st Doctor: Fear is with all of us, and always will be. Just like that other sensation that lives with it.
Barbara: What's that?
The 1st Doctor: Your companion referred to it. Hope. Hope, that's right.
Susan: I'm sure I remember this place. But we didn't come round it, we went across it.
Barbara: Yes, there was a sort of trail.
Ian: If that's true, we must be quite near the ship. How are you feeling?
The 1st Doctor: I'm all right. Don't keep on looking upon me as the weakest link of the party.
The 1st Doctor: You seem to have elected yourself leader of this little party.
Ian: There isn't time to vote on it.
The 1st Doctor: Just so long as you understand I won't follow your orders blindly.
Ian: If there were only two of us, you could find your own way back to the ship.
The 1st Doctor: Aren't you a tiresome young man!
Ian: And you're a stubborn old man.
Susan: No, Grandfather. We can't leave them.
The 1st Doctor: Silence! We're going back to the ship.
Susan: No!
The 1st Doctor: What are you doing? They must be out of their minds.
Ian: Well, we've lost our chance of getting away. Your flat must be littered with stray cats and dogs.
Barbara: These are human beings, Ian.
Ian: All right, now we're helping them. You're a doctor, do something.
The 1st Doctor: I'm not a doctor of medicine.
Susan: Grandfather, we can make friends with them.
The 1st Doctor: Oh, don't be ridiculous, child.
Barbara: Why? You treat everybody and everything as something less important than yourself.
"Remember, Kal is not stronger than the whole tribe." ~ Ian
Ian: The whole tribe should be watching. Everyone should know how to make fire.
Za: Everyone cannot be leader.
Ian: No, that's perfectly true. But in our tribe, the firemaker is the least important man.
Za: Ha! I do not believe this.
The 1st Doctor: He is the least important because we can all make fire.
Susan: But we helped you. We gave you fire.
Hur: We have fire now.
Ian: Yes. And I was the fool who gave it to you. Why didn't I wait?
Barbara: Please, you must take us back. You must.
The 1st Doctor: You see, this isn't operating properly. Or rather, the code is still a secret. When you put the right data, precise information to a second of the beginning of a journey, then we can fix a destination, but I had no data at my disposal.
Barbara: Are you saying that you don't know how to work this thing?
When "An Unearthly Child" was first aired, parts of Britain were suffering a power failure. It was also the day after President Kennedy was assassinated. Both of these factors meant the program was only seen by a disappointing 4.4 million people. When repeated a week later, it was watched by 6 million.
The original storyline was entitled Nothing at the End of the Lane. A short story by the same name written by Daniel O'Mahony can be found in Short Trips and Side Steps. It suggests the entire first season of the show may just be a psychotic fantasy in the mind of Barbara Wright.
The names for the Doctor's companions were originally to be Bridget ("Biddy") instead of Susan, Lola McGovern (instead of Barbara Wright), and Cliff instead of Ian.
The makers of the show originally considered the idea of having a functioning chameleon circuit but ruled it out on cost grounds, feeling it would have been too expensive to build a new, disguised spaceship for every story.
The first school scene was re-written to reduce the tension between Barbara and Ian. In the original script, Ian says: "When I've had a bad day, I come in here [the staff room], and I want to smash all the windows.". Barbara retorts: "It hasn't been a bad day", and Ian remarks: "You're just naturally like that?". Barbara: "I hope not. I've had another kind of day. A very puzzling kind of day".
After Barbara and Ian leave Susan alone in the class room, the idea that Susan should do something mysterious was a late, unscripted inclusion. In the previously recorded original version, Susan doodled in the book. In this version, it was decided to abandon the doodling, and zoom in on the book instead. The design team asked for a book with an identifiable picture of Robespierre on the cover.
In the original script, the "PRIVATE" notice at the junk yard was originally supposed to appear significantly newer than the lettering on the gates. The junkyard was also supposed to contain: "a broken-down old shed". Additionally, Ian was Susan's form master, and called her: "the all-time, A1, dyed-in-the-wool enigma of Coal Hill Comprehensive".
According to the DVD info text, the striped top Susan wears in this and later stories belonged to Carole Ann Ford and was part of an alternate costume she suggested for the character after it was decided to abandon the more adult, futuristic look of the unaired pilot. According to the commentary, Ford's suggested outfit also included black leggings and boots, which were rejected as too sexy, so jeans were worn instead. Ford would wear the same striped top in her later movie The Great St. Trinian's Train Robbery.
Director Waris Hussein selected the Form 4A school children from pupils at the Corona Stage School.
The piece of music that is purported to be John Smith and the Common Men is called "3 Guitars Mood 2," by The Arthur Nelson Group. It is featured on a CD called Doctor Who: Space Adventures. This piece of music was also used in the documentary Verity Lambert: Drama Queen, a tribute to the late Verity Lambert which was first broadcast on 5 April 2008 on BBC4.
Shortly before departing 1963, the Doctor had arranged with a local undertaker to have the Hand of Omega buried in Shoreditch Cemetery. (Remembrance of the Daleks) After defeating WOTAN on 20 July 1966 (The War Machines), he returned to check that it had been buried as per his instructions, only to discover that it had been removed. He determined that his future self would arrive at an earlier point in order to deal with it.
Before the Doctor and Susan settled down in Shoreditch in 1963, they took a brief trip to St Albans on 17 December 1997 to ensure that the United Kingdom would remain safe during and after the 1960s. Unbeknownst to either of them, the Fourth Doctor and his companions Romana and K9 were in the vicinity on the same day.
Susan refers to decimalization and then realizes it has not happened yet in England. In 1963, the United Kingdom had a system of two hundred forty pence to a pound. Decimalization actually took place on 15 February 1971. The implication is that they have visited the UK after 1971.
Links (Watch on DailyMotion.com)
Part 1: An Unearthly Child
Part 2: The Cave of Skulls
Part 3: The Forest of Fear
Part 4: The Firemaker
Doctor Who: The Beginning (An Unearthly Child / The Daleks / The Edge of Destruction) (Stories 1 - 3) DVD is available at Amazon.com,
or download from iTunes, or watch via streaming on Hulu Plus.
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