Saturday, January 5, 2013

Classic Who - Season 1, Story 3 - The Edge of Destruction

Ian Chesterton: Are you all right?
The 1st Doctor: Oh, yes, these numbers keep blurring before my eyes. That's all.

"I'm afraid we have no time for codes and manners. And I certainly don't underestimate the dangers, if they exist. But I must have time to think. I must think. Rash action is worse than no action at all, hmm?" ~ The First Doctor

Ian Chesterton: Frankly, Doctor, I find it hard to keep pace with you.
The 1st Doctor: You mean, to keep one jump ahead. That you will never be. You need my knowledge and ability to apply it, and then you need my experience to gain the fullest results.
Ian Chesterton: Results? For good or for evil?
The 1st Doctor: One man's law is another man's crime. Sleep on it, Chesterton. Sleep on it.

Ian Chesterton: Have you any idea where we are, Doctor.
The 1st Doctor: Where is not as important as why, young man.

"You're the cause of this disaster, and you both knocked, you knocked both Susan and I unconscious." ~ The First Doctor

"That's very curious. That can't be what's outside the ship. This is a photograph." ~ The First Doctor

"How dare you! Do you realise, you stupid old man, that you'd have died in the Cave of Skulls if Ian hadn't made fire for you. And what about what we went through against the Daleks? Not just for us, but for you and Susan, too, and all because you tricked us into going down to the city. Accuse us? You ought to go down on your hands and knees and thank us. But gratitude's the last thing you'll ever have, or any sort of common sense either." ~ Barbara Wright

"I've been very patient with you, Miss Wright, and really, there's no more time for these absurd theories." ~ The First Doctor

"Oh, I recognize that. That's where we nearly lost the TARDIS, four or five journeys back." ~ Susan

"I know. I know. I said it would take the force of a total solar system to attract the power away from my ship. We're at the very beginning, the new start of a solar system. Outside, the atoms are rushing towards each other. Fusing, coagulating. Until minute, little collections of matter are created. And so the process goes on, and on until dust is formed. Dust then becomes solid entity. A new birth,... of a sun and its planets!" ~ The First Doctor

"You know, my dear child, I think your old grandfather is going a tiny little bit round the bend." ~ The First Doctor

"Because I accused you unjustly, you were determined to prove me wrong. So, you put your mind to the problem, and, luckily, you solved it." ~ The First Doctor

This is the only complete serial in Doctor Who to only feature the regular cast, with no guest actors appearing.

Producer Verity Lambert had to write a letter of apology after another department felt it was an unwise decision to show Susan acting out violently with a pair of scissors.

This story was written to make up the number of episodes and meet the show's commitment to the BBC. The show was initially commissioned for 13 episodes. An Unearthly Child had four and The Daleks had seven, so an additional two episodes were required in case the show should be cancelled at this point.

The first episode, "The Edge of Destruction", takes place entirely in the TARDIS. The "mini-episodes" of Children in Need Special, Time Crash, Good as Gold, and Space/Time would also be set entirely in the TARDIS, as would technically the full-length story Amy's Choice. The Meanwhile in the TARDIS mini-episodes of the Complete Fifth Series Box Set and the Night and the Doctor mini-episodes from the Complete Sixth Series Box Set were also set entirely in the TARDIS (with the exception of the Night and the Doctor episodes First Night and Up All Night)

Links (Watch on
Part 1: The Brink of Disaster
Part 2: The Edge of Destruction

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