Susan Foreman: That's a very difficult question to answer, Ping-Cho.
Ping-Cho: You do not know where your home is?
Susan Foreman: Well, I've had many homes... in many places.
"A caravan that flies!... Do you imagine what this will mean to the Khan? It will make him the most powerful ruler the world has ever known; stronger than Hannibal... mightier than Alexander the Great!" ~ Marco Polo
Susan Foreman: One day, we'll know all the mysteries of the skies... and we'll stop our wandering.
Barbara Wright: Then you and I will say goodbye.
Susan Foreman: Mmm? Oh, not yet! Not for a long time.
Acomat: The, ah, the old magician.How can you kill him?
Tegana: With a stake through the heart.
"I wonder there they are now. The past, or the future?" ~ Marco Polo
Khan: What do we owe?
The Doctor: Oh, thirty-five elephants with ceremonial bridles, trappings, brocades and pavillions, four thousand white stallions and twenty-five tigers.
Khan: That's not too bad so far.
The Doctor: And the sacred tooth of Buddha which Polo brought over from India.
Khan: Oh... that? What else, what more?
The Doctor: I... I'm very much afraid all the commerce from Burma for one year, sire.
The master videotape was wiped by the BBC in 1967. No footage is known to survive. However, director Waris Hussein passed a complete set of telesnaps to the BBC archives in 2004. Many colour and black and white photographs of this story remain. Along with the soundtrack, these were used by Loose Cannon Productions to make a reconstruction of this story.
Telesnaps and extracts from the original soundtrack, are included as part of a 30-minute abridged reconstruction of the story "Marco Polo". This is included as part of "Doctor Who: The Beginning" DVD collection released in January 2006.
This was the first Doctor Who story to feature live animals (the Mongol horses).
This was the first and only television story to feature a narrative and a map tracking the journey of the main characters (although character voice-over narratives have been featured in parts of other stories, such as The Deadly Assassin, Army of Ghosts/Doomsday, The Family of Blood, Forest of the Dead and The End of Time).
This is one of three 1960s Doctor Who stories for which no moving images of the actual production or even the characters in costume survive. Though most missing serials have at least one surviving clip from a 16mm telerecording or a few frames from a 8mm home movie, nothing remains of this, Mission to the Unknown, or The Massacre of St Bartholomew's Eve.
Somewhat ironically, this serial was sold to more countries than any other serial of the 1960s. At least nineteen different countries purchased it. For it to be completely missing, more copies of this story were likely destroyed than of any other serial.
Marco Polo appears to be obsessed with the notion of a "magical, flying box". When the Eleventh Doctor is erased from history in The Big Bang, Polo instead discovers the Pandorica and brings it to the Vatican.
Links (Watch on DailyMotion.com)
Part 1.1 - Part 1.2 - Part 1.3 The Roof of the World
Part 2.1 - Part 2.2 - Part 2.3The Singing Sands
Part 3.1 - Part 3.2 - Part 3.3 Five Hunderd Eyes
Part 4.1 - Part 4.2 - Part 4.3 The Wall of Lies
Part 5.1 - Part 5.2 - Part 5.3 Rider from Shang-Tu
Part 6.1 - Part 6.2 - Part 6.3 Mighty Kublai Khan
Part 7.1 - Part 7.2 - Part 7.3 Assassin at Peking
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