Barbara: We're not on earth, then?
The 1st Doctor: No. Certainly not.
Barbara: Susan. Don't you have anything in the ship that records the journeys?
Susan: Oh, yes. There's a meter fixed to a great big bank of computers. If you feed it with the right sort of information, it can take over the controls of the ship and deliver you to any place you want to go.
Barbara: Then why don't we know where we are?
Susan: Well, it's a question of the right information, you see. I don't say that Grandfather doesn't know how to work the ship, but he's so forgetful, and then he will go off and. Well, he likes to work on his own.
Barbara: So I've noticed.
Ian: I was wondering if perhaps you..
The 1st Doctor: My dear boy, these eternal questions of yours. Do I know where we are, I suppose?
Ian: Now listen, Doctor, I don't want to argue with you. We're fellow travellers whether we like it or not. But for heaven's sake try and see it from our point of view. You've uprooted us violently from our own lives. You
The 1st Doctor: You pushed your way into the ship, young man.
Ian: All right, all right, I admit it. A small part of the blame is ours.
The 1st Doctor: Oh, small?
Ian: But naturally we're anxious. What are we going to do? Can we live here? What do we eat? There are millions of questions.
The 1st Doctor: A very good idea. I'm hungry.
Ian: Mm. Not bad. What do you think, Barbara?
Barbara: I think it's delicious.
Ian: My bacon's a bit salty.
The 1st Doctor: It shouldn't be. It's English.
Susan: Here it is. The thing that's ticking. It's over here. It's a Geiger counter.
Ian: But look at the needle! It's past the danger point.
The 1st Doctor: Yes, yes, that explains a lot of things, doesn't it. A jungle turned to stone, the barren soil and the fact that we're not feeling well.
Ian: Radiation sickness?
The 1st Doctor: Yes, I'm afraid so.
Ian: But how do you explain the buildings? They're intact.
The 1st Doctor: A neutron bomb. Yes. It destroys all human tissue, but leaves the buildings and machinery intact. Yes.
"Abuse me as much as you like, Chesterton. The point is... we need an immediate return to the ship, and I suggest we leave at once." ~ The First Doctor
Barbara Wright: Ian, do you think they really are just machines?
Ian Chesterton: What do you mean?
Barbara Wright: Well, I was going to say... Do you think there's someone inside them?
Ian Chesterton: That's a point! We haven't any idea what's inside them.
The 1st Doctor: No, no. Thals? What are you talking about? We're not Thals, or whatever you may call them. Can't you see we're very ill.
Dalek 1: You and your companions need a drug to stay alive.
The 1st Doctor: We have no drugs. (softly) A drug? A drug. The drugs left outside the Tardis.
Dalek 2: Tardis? He is becoming delirious. I do not understand his words.
The 1st Doctor: Tell me something about the people, the Thals.
Dalek 1: Over five hundred years ago there were two races on this planet. We, the Daleks, and the Thals. After the neutronic war, our Dalek forefathers retired into the city, protected my our machines.
The 1st Doctor: And the Thals?
Dalek 1: Most of them perished in the war, but we know that there are survivors. They must be disgustingly mutated, but the fact that they have survived tells us they must have a drug that preserves the life force.
The 1st Doctor: And knowing that these mutated creatures exist outside the city, you're willing to send one of us in amongst them?
Dalek 1: As you say yourself, all your lives depend on it.
Susan: You can't get into the ship.
Ian: All right then, give me the key.
Susan: It's not just a question of turning the key. The whole lock comes away from the door.
Ian: Susan, supposing these Daleks insist that only one of us goes. Then I'll have to take the key and I'll have to go on trying until the door opens.
Susan: No, you'd jam the lock. Look, it's a defence mechanism. There are twenty one different holes inside the lock. There's one right place and twenty wrong ones. If you make a mistake, you'll. Well, the whole inside of the lock will melt.
"Don't stop for anything. Straight there, straight back. An hour might make all the difference." ~ Ian Chesterton
Susan: Well, don't you know about the Daleks?
Alydon: So the Dalek people have survived. But do they live in that dead city?
Susan: Well, underneath it, anyway.
Alydon: We are the survivors of a final war. But the radiation still persists and that is why your friends are ill. I wonder if the Daleks have seen us.
Susan: Seen you?
Alydon: I mean, if they call us mutations, what must they be like?
The 1st Doctor: I can't understand. Why have they taken Susan?
Ian: How do they know we want to help the Thals?
Ganatus: They are Daleks.
Temmosus: Yes, but we've changed over the centuries. Why shouldn't they? The once famous warrior race of Thals are now farmers.
Dyoni: But the Daleks were teachers, weren't they, Temmosus?
Temmosus: Yes, they were. And philosophers.
Ganatus: Perhaps they are the warriors now.
Dalek 1: What is the last word here?
Susan: The last word?
Dalek 1: Su.San. [Susan giggles] Stop that noise.
Susan: It's what I'm called. It's my name. Susan.
The 1st Doctor: The floors are metal. All the floors are metal.
Barbara: Well, so are the streets of the city outside.
The 1st Doctor: Why?
Barbara: I don't know.
The 1st Doctor: No, I know you don't know. I mean, why do they use metal? Is it because it lasts longer? Or because
Ian: Because it's essential to them. That's an idea.
The 1st Doctor: No, no, no, now listen. Let's concentrate on the Daleks. Have you noticed, for example, that when they move about there's a sort of acrid smell?
Susan: Yes, yes, I've noticed that.
Barbara: I know. A fairground.
Ian: That's it. Dodgems.
The 1st Doctor: It's electricity. I think they're powered that way.
"Keep away! Keep away from me! Keep away from me! Keep away!" ~ Dalek
Barbara: Surely they'll know that we're pushing you.
The 1st Doctor: No, no, no, it won't be suspicious at all.
Barbara: There's someone down there. Look, by that sort of gateway thing beyond the low building. I saw someone cross that space.
The 1st Doctor: A Dalek?
Barbara: No, it was a man. A human being.
Susan: The Thals! They've come for food supplies.
The 1st Doctor: They're walking into an ambush.
"Make no attempt to capture them. They are to be exterminated. You understand? Exterminated!" ~ Dalek
Temmosus: No, Alydon. And you must thrown off these suspicions. They're based on fear, and fear breeds hatred and war. I shall speak to them peacefully. They'll see that I'm unarmed. There's no better argument against war than that.
Alydon: Yes, if they really want to listen.
Alydon: Yes. Yes, I know. If only I knew why the Daleks hated us. If I knew that, I, I could alter our approach to them, perhaps.
Ian: Your leader, Temmosus.
Alydon: Yes?
Ian: Well, he appealed very sensibly to them. Any reasonable human beings would have responded to him. The Daleks didn't. They obviously think and act and feel in an entirely different way. They just aren't human.
Ganatus: Yes, but why destroy without any apparent thought or reason? That's what I don't understand.
Ian: Oh, there's a reason. Explanation might be better. It's stupid and ridiculous, but it's the only one that fits.
Alydon: What?
Ian: A dislike for the unlike.
Ian: The fluid link.
Susan: You've lost it?
Barbara: Ian, you can't have.
Ian: No. The Daleks took it from me when they searched me. It's down there somewhere. In the city.
Susan: Well, have you made another fluid link yet?
The 1st Doctor: No, I can't, my child. And I've looked through all my spares and I've really discovered we do need some mercury.
Susan: Oh, no.
The 1st Doctor: It's put us in a bit of a jam. I must get that fluid link back again. I'm afraid my little trick has rather rebounded on me. What you might call tempting providence, Chesserman.
Ian: Well, don't worry about it now, Doctor. It's happened.
The 1st Doctor: Yes, well, at least you're not vindictive.
Alydon: We will not fight. There will be no more wars. Look at our planet. This was once a great world, full of ideas and art and invention. In one day it was destroyed. And you will never find one good reason why we should ever begin destroying everything again. I'm sorry.
Ian: You're not sorry. You stand here, mumbling a lot of words out of your history. But it means nothing, nothing at all. You carry this around with you. Your history records. Well, it must be valuable to you. Supposing I take it down to the city and try and trade with the Daleks? Perhaps they'd think it valuable enough to exchange for our fluid link.
Alydon: I don't believe you'd do it.
Dalek 1: But what are we to do? Is this the end of the Daleks?
Dalek 2: We need radiation to survive. So we must increase our supply of radiation.
Dalek 1: But there is only one way to do that.
Dalek 2: Exactly. We may have to explode another neutron bomb.
"There is no indignity in being afraid to die. But there is a terrible shame in being afraid to live." ~ Alydon
Ganatus: Yes. Barbara, look! There's a passageway here.
Barbara: Well, that won't be easy.
Ganatus: It's a good job we haven't been over-eating recently. It's going to be a long crawl. Well, we won't use one of the customs of your planet.
Barbara: And what's that?
Ganatus: Ladies first.
Ian: So far, so good. It seems to be broadening out a bit.
Ganatus: Who knows, it may stop being impossible.
Barbara: Just become unbearable.
"Dear, dear, dear. That young man gets so agitated." ~ The First Doctor
Susan: Look, Grandfather, this is marvellous, but they must have a fault locator somewhere. We must get away from here.
The 1st Doctor: But, my dear child, don't you realise what I've done? A few simple tools...
Susan: Yes, but we mustn't waste time.
The 1st Doctor: A superior brain.
Susan: We must go now!
The 1st Doctor: But, child, look..
[He turns to see a phalanx of Daleks trapping them]
"The only interest we have in the Thals is their total extermination!" ~ Dalek
"Tomorrow, we will be the Masters of the planet, Skaro!" ~ Daleks (in unison)
Dalek: What we need for life means death for the Thals.
The 1st Doctor: You could live in the city and the others could...But why do you have to destroy? Can't you use your brains for right?
Dalek: Only one race can survive.
Dalek 1: Alert Daleks in Section one. The Thals are entering the city.
Susan: Grandfather, they're coming.
The 1st Doctor: Can they get here in time?
Ian: Now where are we?
Barbara: I have no idea. I have some experience in these corridors. They all look alike.
Dalek 1: Listen to me.
The 1st Doctor: Yes.
Dalek 1: (very slowly) Stop our power from wasting or it will be the end of the Daleks.
The 1st Doctor: Even if I wanted to, I don't know how.
"No, no, thank you. We're much too far away from home, my granddaughter and I. Thank you all the same. It's a nice gesture on your part. You know, this soil is not quite so barren as you think. I've been making tests, and even you might live to see and hear the birds amongst the trees. You wanted advice you said. I never give it. Never. But I might just say this to you. Always search for truth. My truth is in the stars and yours is here." ~ The First Doctor
This serial introduces the Daleks, the series' most iconic and popular monsters, for the first time and established Doctor Who as a resounding popular hit, with ratings rising to 10.4 million by the end of the serial. As a result of its success, the production team quickly arranged a return for the Daleks to be broadcast in the next season, which became Doctor Who: World's End.
The first installment of the story had to be remounted due to talk-back - direction from the on-set director to the cast - that had made it onto the original version's soundtrack.
It is never mentioned in the story whether the travelers are in the past, the present or the future. In The Dalek Invasion of Earth, the Doctor states this first encounter with the Daleks occurred "...a million years in the future", and implies it was towards the end of Dalek history, though he gives no indication how he knows this. However, it should be noted that the Daleks themselves in this serial state that the neutronic war only took place five hundred years ago, not millions of years. Planet of the Daleks suggests this first encounter occurred in the past, generations before the 26th century. This is now generally the accepted placement of the story, though the exact year is still a matter of debate and theorizing among fans.
No Doctor Who story in any medium has ever explained why the Daleks in this story are all confined to their city and are all killed at the end when all other stories depict them as galactic conquerors. In The Official Doctor Who & the Daleks Book by Terry Nation and John Peel, it is explained that the Daleks encountered in this story were not the main Dalek race, but the descendants of a group of mutated Kaled survivors from the Thousand Year War who crawled into a city of abandoned prototype Dalek casings built by Davros. The book argues that as Davros' technology for his Daleks progressed and gave them greater mobility, they left the metal city behind, and this is consistent with the explanation given by the Daleks themselves in this story: that they were mutated survivors of the war, which is a different background to the Daleks from Genesis of the Daleks
Bands of sticky tape were affixed around the shoulder section of the Daleks after William Hartnell cut himself on one of the metal bands.
This story was originally scheduled to be designed by Ridley Scott who later went on to direct films such as Alien and Blade Runner.
Per the First Doctor Handbook, "The Rescue" is the first episode of Doctor Who in which the (de)-materialization of the TARDIS is achieved through the in-camera technique of "roll back and mix". This effect was extraordinarily difficult in the 1960s, which is why it was only done a few times in the monochromatic era of the program. As camera technology improved over the years, it became fairly straightforward, even easy, to do.
Links (Watch on DailyMotion.com)
Part 1: The Dead Planet
Part 2: The Survivors
Part 3: The Escape
Part 4: The Ambush
Part 5: The Expedition
Part 6: The Ordeal
Part 6: The Rescue
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