Thursday, February 21, 2013

Classic Who - Season 6, Story 50 - The War Games

"We're back in history, Jamie. One of the most terrible times on the planet Earth." ~ The Second Doctor

"There's something very strangely wrong here." ~ The Second Doctor

Redcoat: Highlander! Keep away from me, you!
Jamie: Hey, easy now. I'm a prisoner too, you know! How'd you get here? Well, come on, how did you get here?
Redcoat: I don't know, I can't remember! I got lost, I think.
Jamie: What year do you think it is?
Redcoat: Year? Why, it's seventeen forty five.

"How dare you treat me like this, sir! Don't you address me like that, sir! This is disgraceful! I shall make a complaint directly to the Minister himself!" ~ The Second Doctor

"But that's a complete anachronism. It's something out of it's own time." ~ The Second Doctor

Zoe: That mist, Doctor, what was it?
The 2nd Doctor: I don't know, Zoe. Some sort of force field.

Buckingham: Doctor, who were those people who attacked us just now?
The 2nd Doctor: Oh, they were Romans.
Carstairs: Oh, but that's impossible!
The 2nd Doctor: Oh, lots of impossible things happen when you pass through time.

Lucke: For the last time, what is your name?
The 2nd Doctor: Why don't you just call me Doctor?

"What a way to fight, though, hiding in wee holes and blasting each other with big guns." ~ Jaime

"Doctor, look, it is like the Tardis. Bigger inside than out.  But who else would have space time machines like the Tardis?" ~ Zoe

Buckingham: Oh, wait for me.
Jamie: Ah, now, Lady Jennifer, I don't think you should come.
Buckingham: Because I'm a woman?
Jamie: No, er, well, in a way, yes.
Buckingham: That settles it then. I'm certainly coming. You can't go alone.

"But the War Chief. He's the only one who understands space time travel." ~ Scientist

"Are you suggesting he's bringing in his own people, the Time Lords?" ~ Scientist

"There is only one way they could have escaped. By use of a space time machine." ~ Security Chief

"Oh my goodness!" ~ The Second Doctor

"You must surrender, Doctor, or you will all be crushed to death. You have thirty seconds to decide." ~ The War Chief

"He's locked off the controls and taken the master circuit rods. What an ingenious fellow he is." ~ The War Chief

"Then I hope that time is on your side." ~ The War Lord

"Have you looked for this space time machine of theirs? They will no doubt try to return to it. That's where we should be looking for them. It's a simple enough conclusion. You might even have reached it yourself." ~ The War Chief

"A violent attack on the Chateau would almost certainly destroy the control units there. The time zone barriers would disappear. No, use the conventional forces. Could be quite amusing. A mass attack on the chateau. A pincer movement with our little band of heroes caught in it's jaws." ~ The War Lord

Security Chief: And the Doctor? Will he die with the rest?
War Chief: Why shouldn't he?
Security Chief: He seems to have a charmed life.
War Chief: Only when you have a hand in his fate. This Doctor will die.

"I've set up a time zone barrier all round the chateau. Your people can come and go just as you please. At last we've got a safe base from which to fight them! We can carry out the next step in complete safety." ~ The Second Doctor

"The interrogation of that resistance leader might prove difficult. He is obviously a man of substantial intellect. He will need special treatment." ~ The Second Doctor

The 2nd Doctor: I had every right to leave.
The War Chief: Stealing a Tardis? Oh, I'm not criticising you. We are two of a kind.
The 2nd Doctor: We most certainly are not!
The War Chief: We were both Time Lords and we both decided to leave our race.
The 2nd Doctor: I had reasons of my own.

"Man is the most vicious species of all. Consider their history. For a half a million years they have been systematically killing each other. Now we can turn this savagery to some purpose. We can bring peace to the galaxy, and you can help. You see, I'm not the cold-hearted villain you suppose me to be. My motives are purely peaceful." ~ The War Chief

The 2nd Doctor: Now I understand. It's my Tardis that you're after, isn't it?
War Chief: Exactly! When we are in control, the machines I have brought with me will have expired. If we hold the only space time travel machine, we can rule our galaxy without fear of opposition.

Zoe: What did he mean, Doctor? Who mustn't you call?
The 2nd Doctor: The only people who can put an end to this whole ghastly business and send everyone back to their own times. The Time Lords.

"Don't worry. When the Time Lords get him, he'll wish you had killed him. They're coming" ~ The War Lord

Jamie: Why did you run away from them in the first place?
The 2nd Doctor: What? Well, I was bored.
Zoe: What do you mean, you were bored?
The 2nd Doctor: Well, the Time Lords are an immensely civilised race. We can control our own environment, we can live forever, barring accidents, and we have the secret of space time travel.
Jamie: Well what's so wrong in all that?
The 2nd Doctor: Well we hardly ever use our great powers. We consent simply to observe and to gather knowledge.

"Aye, you can say that again. Whenever there's any trouble, he's in it right up to his neck." ~ Jaime

"You have returned to us, Doctor. Your travels are over." ~ Time Lord

"My War Chief was himself was a Time Lord, and the knowledge he brought me made the whole scheme possible. And another of your Time Lords gave me his support! You collaborated with my War Chief. If I am guilty, then you are guilty too!" ~ The War Lord

"True, I am guilty of interference, just as you are guilty of failing to use your great powers to help those in need!" ~ The Second Doctor

"Again? Now, Zoe, you and I know, time is relative, isn't it?" ~ The Second Doctor

Patrick Troughton's son, David (who had previously been an extra in The Enemy of the World and would go on to portray King Peladon in The Curse of Peladon and Winfold Hobbes in Midnight), appears in the minor speaking role of Private Moor.

Clips were used in episode 10 from The Web of Fear (the TARDIS in space), Fury from the Deep (the sea landing) and The Wheel in Space (a Wheel exterior).

The story title, episode number and writers' credits for each episode are shown over a stock footage montage of explosions and gunfire.

The space/time machines that the War Chief provides for the games are only named SIDRAT once (in episode seven, when it's pronounced 'side rat'). The acronym is never explained on-screen, but Malcolm Hulke's novelisation of the story reveals it to stand for Space and Inter-time Directional Robot All-purpose Transporter.

Producer Derrick Sherwin's then wife Jane appears in the role of Lady Jennifer Buckingham.

The actor playing the Doctor is credited as "Dr. Who" in the closing credits for the last time. This technically incorrect credit would be amended to the slightly-less-incorrect "Doctor Who" beginning with Spearhead from Space.

The final episode of this serial was the last to feature scrolling end credits until Part Four of the Fifth Doctor serial Earthshock. (This would later be seen in the revived series.)

There is fan speculation that after The War Games, the Second Doctor was recruited by the CIA (Celestial Intervention Agency) and sent on missions, the series of events would be known as Season 6B, then after the Second Doctor had served his purpose, he was sent to Earth and the events of Spearhead from Space began with a new Doctor.

According to the DVD Production Notes commentary, The War Games was allotted 10 episodes when a planned storyline entitled Doctor Who and the Impersonators was cancelled.

Ironically, Episode 8, the least-watched Doctor Who episode of all time up until 1989, was also arguably the most important episode in the show's history, as it was the one in which the Doctor is first described as being a fugitive from his people, the Time Lords.

In Episode 1, the Doctor kisses Zoe. This marks the first time the Doctor kisses a companion (albeit in a purely platonic manner).

The Doctor's home planet appears for the first time — but it wouldn't be named until Barry Letts pre-empted its on-screen debut in The Time Warrior by revealing the name in the letters column of an issue of TV Comic.

A real First World War ambulance is used in the location scenes.

Links (Watch @ Daily Motion)

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10

DVD available for purchase at

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