Monday, January 7, 2013

NuWho - Series 6, Episode X - The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe - Season 32, Story 224

"Listen, Cyril. Tell him that I've borrowed Mister Goldsmith's car. That I found a spaceman in a field, possibly an angel, but he's injured and I can't get his helmet off, so I'm having to take him into town to find a police telephone box, all right?" ~ Madge Arwell

The 11th Doctor: No, no, no. I'm fine. I just need to find the, er, the key.
Madge: Do you want me to do it with a pin? I'm good with a pin.
The 11th Doctor: Multi-dimensional, triple encoded temporal interface. Not really susceptible to pointy things.
Madge: Got it.
The 11th Doctor: Okay. Suddenly the last nine hundred years of time travel seem that bit less secure.

"Usually called the Doctor. Or the Caretaker or Get Off This Planet. Though, strictly speaking, that probably isn't a name." ~ The Eleventh Doctor

"I sleep up there. Stay away. Beware of panthers. They're terrifying. Have you never seen panthers?" ~ The Eleventh Doctor

"Lily and Cyril's father, my husband, is dead and they don't know yet, because if I tell them now, then Christmas will always be what took their father away from them, and no one should have to live like that. Of course, when the Christmas period is over, I shall..I don't know why I keep shouting at them." ~ Madge Arwell

"In a forest, in a box, in a sitting room. Pay attention." ~ The Eleventh Doctor

"It was a present, and it wasn't supposed to be opened till Christmas Day. Honestly, who opens their Christmas presents early? Okay. Shut up. Everyone." ~ The Eleventh Doctor

"Naturally occurring Christmas trees. How cool is that?  It's a big universe. Everything happens somewhere. Call it a coincidence. Call it an idea echoing among the stars. Personally, I call it a brilliant idea for a Christmas trip. Or it should've been." ~ The Eleventh Doctor

"Please say we can tell the difference between wool and side arms." ~ Droxil

"Never underestimate a tree, Lily. I met the Forest of Cheem once. She fancied me." ~ The Eleventh Doctor

"Cyril, what have I told you about opening your presents early? Something like this was bound to happen." ~ Madge Arwell

"Think about it. Weak and strong. It's a translation. Translated from the base code of nature itself. You and I, Cyril, we're weak. But she's female. More than female, she's mum. How else does life ever travel? The Mother ship." ~ The Eleventh Doctor

Alexander Armstrong (Reg Arwell) supplied the voice of Mr Smith throughout the run of The Sarah Jane Adventures and in the Doctor Who story The Stolen Earth / Journey's End.

At seven words, this episode has the longest title of any Doctor Who episode.

At the end of the episode, Amy Pond points a water pistol at the Eleventh Doctor when he shows up on her doorstep. Previously, she has twice aimed a gun at her daughter, River Song (The Impossible Astronaut & A Good Man Goes to War) and at Silents. (The Wedding of River Song) The Tenth Doctor once protected Donna Noble by bluffing the Soothsayers with a water pistol. That episode was the first that Karen Gillan ever appeared in, as a Soothsayer. (The Fires of Pompeii)

The Doctor's respiratory bypass system has previously let him survive briefly in the vacuum of space. (Four to Doomsday)

The country house belongs to "Uncle Digby" and the family spends their Christmas there to escape the bombing in London. In C.S. Lewis' The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, the main characters are sent to the country home of Professor Digory Kirke to escape the bombing of London and discover a portal to Narnia in a wardrobe.

The "Beware of Panthers" line is similar to the sign in Hitchhiker's Guide "Beware of the Leopard" and may be a reference to that book: Oh, yes. It was on display in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign outside the door saying "Beware of the Leopard." Ever thought of going into advertising?


Available on Amazon, Netflix and iTunes.

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