Sunday, January 13, 2013

NuWho - Series 7, Episode 2 - Dinosaurs on a Spaceship - Season 33, Story 226

"Oh, Indira, I liked you before you said missiles." ~ The Eleventh Doctor

The 11th Doctor: Don't move! Do you really think I'm that stupid I wouldn't notice? How did you get aboard, eh? Transmat? Who sent you?
Rory: Doctor. That's my dad.
The 11th Doctor: Well frankly, that's outrageous.
Rory: What?
The 11th Doctor: You think you can just bring your dad along without asking? I'm not a taxi service, you know.

"I know. Dinosaurs! On a spaceship!" ~ The Eleventh Doctor

Brian: Sorry, sorry. Are you saying dinosaurs are flying a spaceship?
The 11th Doctor: Brian, please, that would be ridiculous. They're probably just passengers.

"A spaceship powered by waves." ~ Rory Williams

Amy: Well, I've spent enough time with the Doctor to know whenever you enter somewhere new, press buttons.
Nefertiti: What else have you learned from him?
Amy: Don't stop at button pressing.

"We're on an Ark. A Silurian Ark." ~ Amy Pond

"I will take you apart cog by cog and melt you down when all this is over." ~ Rory Williams

"Ah, the purple light. That's what it was. An IV system, identifying value. The database of everything across space and time allocated a market value. Argos for the universe. You were trying to find out how much I'm worth." ~ The Eleventh Doctor

"You said Roxborne Peninsula, so why are you heading to Earth? You're on the wrong course. Oh, you don't know how. Brilliant. You couldn't change the pre-programmed course without instructions. The ship defaulted, returned home. Oh dear. The Silurians outwitted you even after you'd massacred them, so now you're a prisoner on the ship you hijacked.  Little bit of news, Solomon. You're being targeted by missiles. Get off this ship while you still can." ~ The Eleventh Doctor

"Go, Tricy. Run like the wind!  Quick, how do you start a Triceratops?" ~ The Eleventh Doctor

"No, I'm Rory's Queen. Wife. Wife. I am his wife. Please don't tell him I said I was his Queen. I'll never hear the end of it." ~ Amy Pond

"You're right, Doctor. I can't keep the dinosaurs and live myself. But I had the IV system scan the entire ship, and it found something even more valuable. Utterly unique. I don't know where you found it, or how you got it here, but I want it. Earth Queen Nefertiti of Egypt. A face stamped across history." ~ Solomon

"The ship does all the engineering. The controls are straight forward. Even a monkey use them. Oh look, they're going to. Guys, come on. Comedy gold. Where's a Silurian audience when you need one." ~ The Eleventh Doctor

The 11th Doctor: No, come on, Pond. You'll be there till the end of me.
Amy: Or vice versa.
The 11th Doctor: Don't.

"You know what I want more than anything? A dinosaur tooth to take home. Dinosaurs ahead, a lady at my side, about to be blown up. I'm sure I've never been happier." ~ John Riddell

"Don't mess with Egyptian Queens." ~ The Eleventh Doctor

"Look, Solomon. The missiles. See them shine? See how valuable they are. And they're all yours. Enjoy your bounty." ~ The 11th Doctor

The Doctor claims to be a Sagittarius, but qualifies this statement by adding, "Probably." Interestingly enough, November 23 (the first airdate of Doctor Who in 1963) falls during the time that Sagittarius is deemed by astrologers to be occupied by the sun using the tropical astrological calendar. In the sidereal astrological calendar, the sun was on the Libra/Scorpio border at the time of first airing.

In a moment of excitement, the Doctor kisses Rory on the mouth after Rory suggests checking if the Silurian Ark has defence systems. This is the second same-sex kiss featured in the series and the first initiated by the Doctor. The first kiss was between Captain Jack Harkness and the Ninth Doctor in The Parting of the Ways.

For this episode, the Doctor Who logo's texture resembled scales, like those of a dinosaur. It was also given a green hue. However, it might also be the Silurians; they are green reptiles as well.

According to the IV system, the Doctor doesn't exist. We later discover in The Angels Take Manhattan that the Doctor had been erasing any evidence of his existence from databases throughout time and space in his effort to "return to the shadows."


Available on Amazon and iTunes.

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