Saturday, January 12, 2013

NuWho - Series 4, Episode 4 - The Sontaran Stratagem (Season 30, Story 192a)

"Doctor? It's Martha, and I'm bringing you back to Earth." ~ Martha Jones

"He is too skinny for words. You give him a hug, you get a paper cut." ~ Donna Noble

"Do you know how many cars there are on planet Earth? Eight hundred million. Imagine that. If you could control them, you'd have eight hundred million weapons." ~ The Tenth Doctor

"It's all right for you. You can just come and go, but some of us have got to stay behind. So I've got to work from the inside, and by staying inside, maybe I stand a chance of making them better." ~ Martha Jones

"Oi, you lot. All your storm troopers and your sonics. You're rubbish. Should've come with me." ~ Donna Noble

"Personnel. That's where the weird stuff's happening, in the paperwork. Because I spent years working as a temp, I can find my way round an office blindfold, and the first thing I noticed is an empty file. Sick days. There aren't any. Hundreds of people working here and no one's sick. Not one hangover, man flu, sneaky little shopping trip, nothing. Not ever. They don't get ill." ~ Donna Noble

"I didn't tell my family. I kept it all so secret, and it almost destroyed them. They ended up imprisoned. They were tortured. My Mum, my Dad, my sister. It wasn't the Doctor's fault, but you need to be careful. Because you know the Doctor. He's wonderful, he's brilliant, but he's like fire. Stand too close and people get burnt." ~ Martha Jones

"Oh, if that's what you want. I mean, it's a bit soon. I had so many places I had wanted to take you. The Fifteenth Broken Moon of the Medusa Cascade, the Lightning Skies of Cotter Palluni's World, Diamond Coral Reefs of Kataa Flo Ko. Thank you. Thank you, Donna Noble, it's been brilliant. You've, you've saved my life in so many ways. You''re just popping home for a visit, that's what you mean." ~ The Tenth Doctor

"It's been a long time since anyone said no to you, isn't it?" ~ The Tenth Doctor

"Oh, that's not a very good nickname. What if you do get defeated? Staal the Not Quite So Undefeated Anymore But Never Mind?" ~ The Tenth Doctor

"There is an enemy of the Sontarans known as the Doctor. A face-changer. Legend says that he led the battle in the last great Time War. The finest war in history and we weren't allowed to be a part of it. Oh, but this is excellent. The last of the Time Lords will die at the hands of the Sontaran empire, in the ruins of his precious Earth." ~ General Staal

"Oh yeah, that's my Donna. Yeah, she was always bossing us round when she was tiny. The Little General we used to call her." ~ Wilfred Mott

This episode marks the first television appearance of the Sontarans in twenty-three years. Their last regular series appearance was in The Two Doctors. The last time they were referred to was in 2007 in Eye of the Gorgon. They had also appeared in several non-canonical or questionably canonical productions, including "A Fix with Sontarans" in 1985 and the early-1990s independent production Shakedown: Return of the Sontarans.

This show was made during the thirty-fifth anniversary of the Sontarans.

In The Time Warrior the Sontarans were described as "nasty, brutish and short". This is the first time that they are shown to actually be shorter than normal human stature.

UNIT has now been rebranded as the UNified Intelligence Taskforce, having previously been known as the United Nations Intelligence Taskforce. This followed a request by the United Nations shortly after the series returned to TV in 2005. Nonetheless, Martha still refers to UNIT receiving funding from the United Nations and the later Children of Earth: Day One indicates that the UN still commands UNIT.

The cloning vat in this story is the fountain from The Fires of Pompeii, redressed.

The table that is used to hold the real Martha is used in the Torchwood episode Cyberwoman. Also the metal headware that Martha has on at the same time looks like mind probe used the episode Sleeper.


Available on Amazon, Netflix, or iTunes.

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