Saturday, January 12, 2013

NuWho - Series 4, Episode 11 - Turn Left (Season 30, Story 197)

"Oh, I was just passing by. I shouldn't even be here. This is wrong. It's wrong. This is so wrong." ~ Rose Tyler

"You're doing it again. Looking behind me. People keep on doing that, looking at my back." ~ Donna Noble

"I was supposed to be out there selling papers. I should have been there. We all should. We'd be dead." ~ Wilf

"Sweetheart, come on. You're not going to make the world any better by shouting at it." ~ Wilf

"That was the Torchwood team. Gwen Cooper, Ianto Jones, they gave their lives. And Captain Jack Harkness has transported to the Sontaran home world. There's no one left." ~ Rose Tyler

"I think you dream about him sometimes. It's a man in a suit. Tall, thin man. Great hair. Some really great hair." ~ Rose Tyler

"Trust me. We need the Doctor more than ever. I've, I've been pulled across from a different universe because every single universe is in danger. It's coming, Donna. It's coming from across the stars and nothing can stop it." ~ Rose Tyler

"He thought you were brilliant.  It just took the Doctor to show you that, simply by being with him. He did the same to me. To everyone he touches." ~ Rose Tyler

"Just got lucky, this thing. It's one of the Trickster's Brigade. Changes a life in tiny little ways. Most times, the universe just compensates around it, but with you? Great big parallel world." ~ The Tenth Doctor

"But she told me to warn you. She said two words. Bad Wolf. Well, what does it mean?" ~ Donna Noble

The time beetle almost exactly parodies the Eight Legs from Planet of the Spiders. They are both arthropods, sit on the backs of humans, and can remain unseen.

A circle of mirrors was also used to expose and reveal the Mara (as is used here to reveal the beetle) in Kinda.

Despite being billed in the opening credits and featuring prominently in the episode, Rose is never referred to by name.

Billie Piper was seen at the end of Partners in Crime, and had short cameos in The Poison Sky and Midnight. The Partners in Crime cameo was filmed during production of Turn Left, as was the short piece of footage used in Midnight and The Poison Sky. This means no less than three directors would have been at work on the Doctor Who set during the production schedule of Turn Left - the main episode's director, Graeme Harper, the director of Partners in Crime, James Strong, and the director of Midnight, Alice Troughton.

Unusually, the episodes featuring Piper were filmed relatively early in the production of the season, which allowed a clip of Rose from this episode to be included in the cinema trailer released in advance of the season being broadcast.

Chipo Chung last appeared in Utopia as the Malmooth, Chantho, Professor Yana's personal assistant. She plays the fortune teller in this story.

This is the 'Doctor-lite' episode of the series, similar to Love & Monsters and Blink, albeit with a much darker storyline. Unlike previous Doctor-lite stories, however, the focus is given to the companion, rather than her also taking a minor role. They used the same scheduling trick in the previous episode, Midnight, which featured virtually none of Donna. These episodes allow the production team to complete fourteen episodes (including the Christmas episode) in a schedule originally designed to complete thirteen. A second team can be filming the "extra" episode, with the main cast filming only a day or so. Their footage is judiciously spread through the episode to give the impression of a larger interaction, although in the case of Turn Left, David Tennant's participation was restricted to the opening scene and epilogue, with a body double used for the scene where Rose and Donna witness the Doctor's dead body being loaded into the ambulance.

A reference to something on Donna's back was last heard in The Fires of Pompeii when Lucius Petrus Dextrus saw into the future.

Billie Piper states in the accompanying Doctor Who Confidential episode that she had forgotten how to play Rose, and needed to watch past episodes to remind herself.

A recurring theme in previous episodes hinted that Donna would die in the future which occurs in this episode. However, this was an alternate reality Donna who sacrificed herself in order to prevent her past self from taking the wrong turn thus forcing her to meet the Doctor as was planned.

Part of this episode is filmed in China Town, though not the one in London, but recreated in Cardiff. Chinese people living in South Wales were invited to be background extras via Facebook at the end of 2007. They had to reply to the Doctor Who casting crew with their name and sizes for costumes to be made for them and they were paid approx £70 for the day. David Tennant was seen in 'China Town' when he took time out of filming though staying on location to appear on Blue Peter to appeal to viewers to donate shoes to their Shoebiz appeal.

Donna is told she can have her fortune told for free because she has red hair. This is a reference to Chinese culture, since red is considered very lucky in China. It's also a common carny trick to draw people into the attraction; half off for lovely ladies, men wearing hats, anything that matches some characteristic of the person being appealed to.


Available on Amazon, Netflix, or iTunes.

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