Tuesday, January 8, 2013

NuWho - Series 2, Episode 14 - Doomsday (Season 28, Story 177b)

"Cybermen now occupy every landmass on this planet. But you need not fear. Cybermen will remove fear. Cybermen will remove sex and class and color and creed. You will become identical. You will become like us." ~ Cyberman

"They're not taking instructions! They understand. You're on every street. You're in their homes. You've got their children. Of course they're going to fight!" ~ The Tenth Doctor

"We would destory the Cybermen with only one Dalek.  You are superior in only respect.  You are better at dying." ~ Dalek

"Five million Cybermen, easy. One doctor, now you're scared." ~ Rose Tyler

"What? Close the breach? Stop the Cybermen? Defeat the Daleks? Do you believe I can do that?" ~ The Tenth Doctor

"If these are going to be my last words then you're going to listen. I met the Emperor. And I took the time vortex and poured it into his head and turned it into dust." ~ Rose Tyler

"So we're sending the Daleks and the Cybermen to hell? Man, I told you he was good." ~ Mickey Smith

"By fighting...on the front line.  I was there at the fall of Arcadia.  Someday I might even come to terms with that." ~ The Tenth Doctor

"Technology using the one thing a Dalek can't do...touch.  Sealed inside your casing, no feeling anything, ever. From birth to death, locked inside a cold metal cage.  Completely alone.  That explains your voice.  No wonder you scream." ~ The Tenth Doctor

"Time Lord science...it's bigger on the inside." ~ The Tenth Doctor

The working title for this episode was Torchwood Falls.

Doomsday and the 2006 World Cup finale aired in the same week. Radio Times did variant covers of a team of a Cybermen and a team of Daleks on a football pitch, the lead holding a football.

The Doctor tells Rose to set all the coordinates to "6". This would be "666", or the number of the Beast. This further correlated to the story as sending the Dalek and Cybermen to "hell", which is what some people call the Void.

When Rose and the Doctor put their heads against the wall, as if listening for each other, it is very similar to the way the wolf and the Doctor listened to each other through the door in Tooth and Claw.

Army of Ghosts/Doomsday is the only multi-part series finale written by Russell T Davies not to feature a regeneration scene. The Ninth Doctor regenerates in The Parting of the Ways, the Master regenerates in Utopia, the Tenth Doctor almost regenerates in The Stolen Earth/Journey's End, and then does so for real in The End of Time.


Available on Amazon, Netflix, or iTunes.

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