The 3rd Doctor: My dear Miss Shaw, I never report myself anywhere. Particularly not forthwith.
"You're not proposing to dismantle a piece of equipment worth fifteen million pounds with a screwdriver?" ~ Dr. Lawrence
"Something's been happening here which is outside the normal security pattern, and that is precisely the business of UNIT." ~ Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart
"What happens if one of these power losses occurs at a particularly crucial time? Your nuclear reactor could turn into a massive atomic bomb." ~ The Third Doctor
"The knowledge I shall gain is worth any risk." ~ Dr. Quinn
"Lethbridge-Stewart, what on earth is the point of my trying to discover things for you if you keep turning them down all the time." ~ The Third Doctor
"Immediate cause of death, fracture of the cranium. Further observations, unusual abrasions on the body, strangely resembling scratches or claw marks. Presumably caused during fall. Claw marks?" ~ The Third Doctor
"Well, this all looks very exciting. May I come too?" ~ The Third Doctor
"Subterranean Loch Ness monster? Very helpful." ~ Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart
"All I can tell you is that it was something very, very large, and something very, very alive. Well, it was certainly some kind of dinosaur. Certainly nothing that I've ever seen before, though." ~ The Third Doctor
"Have you never heard of female emancipation?" ~ Liz Shaw
"That's typical of the military mind, isn't it? Present them with a new problem, and they start shooting at it." ~ The Third Doctor
"It's a bit hard to accept one monster, let alone two." ~ Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart
"Ah yes, your mysterious Doctor with his sonic screwdriver. Is he qualified to make such an investigation?" ~ Dr. Lawrence
"It was like a reptile, but it walked upright like a man." ~ Liz
"You'd save yourself a lot of trouble if you'd let me help you. They didn't catch it, you know." ~ The Third Doctor
Liz: What do you think you're doing?
The 3rd Doctor: Breaking open the cabinet, m'dear. He's not going to leave anything important just lying around, is he?
"Of course. This is the world as it was before the great continental drift, two hundred million years ago. And these notes, well, they're calculations on the age of the earth, with particular reference to the Silurian era." ~ The Third Doctor
"I've got one of them here. The one they were hunting. I've got it locked up. That creature in there is a scientist. With the knowledge it can give me, I can prove...Unless I get it back to the caves it will die. And I won't take it back until it tells me what I want to know." ~ Dr. Quinn
"Stupid bumbling idiots, the pair of them." ~ The Third Doctor
"Hello! Are you a Silurian? Look, do you understand me? Well, what do your people want? How can we help you? How many are there of you? Tell us what we can do!" ~ The Third Doctor
"You're still going ahead with your plans to invade the caves? Whatever the Doctor says?" ~ Liz Shaw
"There are times, Doctor, when you sorely try my patience." ~ Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart
"Liz, these creatures aren't just animals. They're an alien life form, as intelligent as we are." ~ The Third Doctor
"I suppose you just happen to have one in your pocket?" ~ Liz Shaw
"The population of the earth, what weapons we use, what food we eat. Don't you see? They are trying to gather information for an invasion!" ~ Major Baker
"Well, the whole thing's ridiculous. The Brigadier and Baker talk of saboteurs, and that Doctor believes there are monsters down there." ~ Dr. Lawrence
"His team? What, that girl and that crazy Doctor? The man's a raving lunatic! He's insolent, he's impertinent, he shows no respect for my authority." ~ Dr. Lawrence
"Intentions? Well, that's obvious, isn't it? We must destroy them, before they destroy us." ~ Miss Dawson
"Don't worry, help's on the way. I only wish it weren't." ~ The Third Doctor
"Look, you've got no idea of the fighting power of the humans. They've got bombs now that can wipe out whole continents." ~ The Third Doctor
"This is our planet. We were here before man. We ruled this world millions of years ago. A small planet was approaching the world. We calculated that it would draw off our atmosphere, destroying all life. We built this place, and suspended our lives till the atmosphere should return." ~ Silurian Leader
"Oh yes, I think there is. You see, your people are used to living in extreme heat, whereas these areas on Earth are of little interest to man. I believe with your advanced technology that you could build cities in parts of the world that man has hitherto completely ignored." ~ The Third Doctor
Silurian: Those apes have only shown hostility to us.
The 3rd Doctor: And you to them. Someone has to make a move, otherwise this whole thing will end up in complete catastrophe.
"I shouldn't worry about him, Brigadier. He's probably chatting quite happily to his monster friends." ~ Dr. Lawrence
"There are those of us unwilling to share this planet." ~ Silurian Leader
"Will you roll up your sleeve please, Doctor? Now you have been exposed to the infection just as much as everyone else. I know all about your different biochemistry, but we don't know if it makes you immune. Now roll up your sleeve. Come on." ~ Liz Shaw
"Maybe one of the Silurians is friendly but the rest seem determined to wipe us out." ~ Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart
"You know, I'm beginning to lose confidence for the first time in my life. And that covers several thousand years." ~ The Third Doctor
"Well, you can clear out of here, all of you. And take that crazy Doctor with you! And all of your military rubbish! I'm in charge of this place! Well, are you going? Or do I have to throw you out myself!" ~ Dr. Lawrence
"Well, don't stand there gawping, man! Come on, give me a hand!" ~ Captain Hawkins
"But you can't do that! You can't exterminate a whole species." ~ The Third Doctor
"They're reptile, cold blooded. They'll thrive in heat. We shall die. It'll mean the end of the human race." ~ Liz Shaw
"The reactor is now permanently overloaded. There's going to be a massive explosion, and a colossal radiation leakage." ~ The Third Doctor
"Well, I exaggerated a bit, but I had to push the reactor past the critical stage or they'd never have believed me. We'd better get out of here at once." ~ The Third Doctor
"Yes, I know. I'll try fusing the control of the neutron flow. Now stand well back and cover your eyes." ~ The Third Doctor
"Yes, not all at once, you understand. One at a time, so that we can reason with them. There's a wealth of scientific knowledge down here, Brigadier, and I can't wait to get started on it. " ~ The Third Doctor
"Give them time to get clear, and then set off those explosive charges. I want that Silurian base sealed permanently." ~ Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart
"But that's murder. They were intelligent alien beings. A whole race of them. And he's just wiped them out." ~ The Third Doctor
Paul Darrow (who went on to appear in Blake's 7 as Avon and Timelash as Tekker) appears as Captain Hawkins.
There are non-speaking cameo appearances by members of the production team, including Barry Letts, Terrance Dicks and most prominently, Trevor Ray (who plays a ticket collector struck down by the Silurian virus) in the location scenes shot at Marylebone Station in London.
When the Silurians return to hibernation at the end of the episode, they say they will be revived in fifty years. While the year of this episode is not given, it was broadcast in 1970. Fifty years later would be 2020, which coincides with the events of The Hungry Earth.
Bessie (on screen numberplate WHO 1) is seen for the first time (its real numberplate was MTR5 as WHO1 was taken).
The title of the story came about because most of the scripts (up to this point) were titled Doctor Who and the... While the Doctor Who and the... was ordinarily left off the titles, this time, the title retained the words. To avoid this occurrence in the future, the Doctor Who and the... was left off the scripts in the following stories.
Links (Watch on DailyMotion.com)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
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