Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Classic Who - Season 7, Story 51 - Spearhead from Space

Officer: Control have reported that meteorite storm to UNIT HQ.
Technican: So Control didn't think they were meteorites either?
Officer: What else could they be? Don't let your imagination run away with you.

"An expert in meteorites, degrees in medicine, physics and a dozen other subjects. Just the sort of all-rounder I've been looking for. We need your help, Miss Shaw." Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart

Liz: Why is Earth any more likely to be attacked now than during the last fifty thousand years?
Brigadier: In the last decade, we've been sending probes deeper and deeper into space. We've drawn attention to ourselves, Miss Shaw.

"Doctor Lomax, I took that blood sample from an adult male patient. Now you tell me it's not human blood. I don't know if that makes me a doctor or a vet, but it's still my job to look after him." ~ Dr. Henderson

"Splendid. That sounds like the Doctor." ~ Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart

"Oh, dear. Oh, I can't have changed that much, surely? Oh, I must see what they've done to me. Can I borrow, can I borrow a mirror, please? Oh, no! Oh, no. Well, that's not me at all. No wonder you didn't recognise me. Oh, that face. That hair. Oh, I don't know, though. I think it's rather distinctive, actually. Don't you think? No, you don't." ~ The Third Doctor

"Miss Shaw, I'm not a fool. I don't chase shadows. What you don't understand is that there might, there is a remote possibility that outside your cosy little world other things could exist." ~ Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart

"You really believe in a man who's helped to save the world twice? With the power to transform his physical appearance? An alien who travels through time and space in a police box?" ~ Liz Shaw

"All energy is a form of life." ~ Channing

Liz: Now, all you have to do is to borrow a key from the police.
The Brigadier: I've got the key here. Henderson found it in the Doctor's hand.

"Camouflage, General. It's not really a police box. It's a spaceship." ~ Liz Shaw

The Brigadier: Oh well, at least he won't get very far.
Liz: You mean, before your men shoot him again?
The Brigadier: I don't find that funny.

"All right, all right, I suppose you want to see my pass? Yes, well, I haven't got one. And I'm not going to tell you my name, either. Now you just tell Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart that I want to see him. Well, don't just stand there arguing with me, man! Get on with it!" ~ The Third Doctor

"My dear Brigadier, it's no earthly good asking me a lot of questions. I've lost my memory, you see?" ~ The Third Doctor

Liz: What are you a doctor of, by the way?
The 3rd Doctor: Practically everything, my dear.

"But I'm sure I used one some time in the past, or was it the future?" ~ The Third Doctor

"Well, you think that the Tardis isn't big enough, don't you? That's because you keep looking at it simply as a police box. You see, Liz, the Tardis is dimensionally transcendental." ~ The Third Doctor

"The temptation was too strong, my dear. It's just that I couldn't bear the thought of being tied to one planet and one time. I'm sorry. It won't happen again." ~ The Third Doctor

"That mean, despicable, underhanded lot! They've changed the dematerialisation code." ~ The Third Doctor

"You mean there's some form of intelligence inside that globe?" ~ Liz Shaw

"The other globes that came down? They're all part of one entity. Let's say a collective intelligence." ~ Liz Shaw

"I think all that group are top civil servants. Hey, that's odd. They're all Government types. There are no astronauts, famous personalities. You know, people like that." ~ Liz Shaw

"Oh, there's nothing to be afraid of. They're only dummies. I think." ~ The Third Doctor

"It's the facsimiles, Brigadier. They're moving. They've just left the waxworks. By tomorrow, they will have taken over the key positions in the entire country. Now you've got to move against that factory now!" ~ The Third Doctor

"Well, I'm trying to devise a weapon that we can use against them. Well, it's not very efficient, I know, but it's the best that I can do. And then you've got to take me to the security area of that factory." ~ The Third Doctor

"We are the Nestenes. We have been colonising other planets for a thousand million years. Now we have come to colonise Earth." ~ Channing

"Don't you realise that when I was stranded on this little planet of yours, I had nothing but these clothes that I Oh, my goodness! Well, I've just realised. I don't even own these. I borrowed them from the hospital. And there's that car, too. Yes, you know, I took to that car. It had character." ~ The Third Doctor

This is the first story featuring Jon Pertwee as the Doctor, as well as the first appearance of companion Liz Shaw. It is also the first appearance of the villain known as the Nestene Consciousness and its servants the Autons.

There is a new title sequence designed by Bernard Lodge (who designed the previous title sequence).

Due to a scene-shifters' strike, this story is completely shot on film and almost completely on location. Discounting the 1996 TV movie, it is the only Doctor Who story in franchise history to be shot completely on film; the 2005-present revival is actually shot on videotape, which is digitally remastered to look like film.

The actor playing the Doctor is credited for the first time as 'Doctor Who' in the closing credits as opposed to 'Dr. Who' which had been the norm since 1963. This form of credit would continue until the end of the Tom Baker era in 1981, after which the credit became the correct form, 'The Doctor'.

This serial first establishes that the Doctor has two hearts. Before this, it was suggested that he only had one.

The rationale the Brigadier gives Liz for aliens suddenly being interested in Earth is used, almost word-for-word, by the Tenth Doctor, when he tries to explain to Prime Minster Harriet Jones why the Sycorax won't be the last aliens to visit Earth. (The Christmas Invasion)

Among the props seen on the Doctor's workbench is the Morok freezing machine from The Space Museum (which was recycled previously as an x-ray laser in The Wheel in Space), and a control panel from one of Tobias Vaughn's machines, from The Invasion, in addition to which one of the original studio models of the Cyber Ship from The Invasion would later appear as a large piece of lab equipment in this story.

When asked by Liz what discipline he is a doctor of, the Doctor replies, "Practically everything." He reportedly gives a similar response (off-screen) during his tenth incarnation. (Utopia)

Links (Watch on DailyMotion.com)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

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