Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Classic Who - Season 6, Story 47 - The Krotons

"Abu-Gond and Vana-Gond, alone of your generation you have been chosen to receive the highest honour that can befall a Gond. You are now the companions of the Krotons! Our warmest, our most sincere congratulations to you both. You will now step forward for the investiture of your robes of honour. Eelek." ~ Selris

Zoe: No, wait a minute. Where are we?
Jamie: You don't expect him to know, do you?

The 2nd Doctor: We are friends! It's all right. Now don't be afraid.
Jamie: We have trouble.

Zoe: We're from another planet, another world.
The 2nd Doctor: That girl. Now where has she gone?
Selris: How can they be from another planet?

"They're contaminated. You're contaminated. No one goes into the wasteland. Because it's poisoned, and you will die." ~ Eelek

"The vandals. Look at that.  My favourite umbrella." ~ The Second Doctor

"I'm not a Doctor of medicine you know, Zoe." ~ The Second Doctor

Selris: According to our legends, silver men came out of the sky and built a house among us. The Gonds attacked them but the silver men caused a poisonous rain to fall, killing hundreds of our people and turning the earth black.
Jamie: The wasteland.
Selris: Yes. Because it was said that ever afterwards anyone who set foot there would die in terrible pain.

"An atomic-laser? Is that better than an axe?" ~ Thara

Zoe: Pattern recognition.
The 2nd Doctor: Yes, and the pattern is my face.
Selris: Doctor, do you mean that thing was sent out to attack you and only you?
The 2nd Doctor: Yes, so it seems. It's rather flattering, isn't it.

The 2nd Doctor: Yes, the Gonds are quite advanced in some ways. Their medicine's very good, but they haven't got much general chemistry. I wish they had an ETC machine though.
Zoe: Yes. There are tremendous gaps in their knowledge. Well, they only seem to know what the machines teach them.
The 2nd Doctor: Yes. And the machines are programmed by the Krotons, so the gaps in their knowledge may be significant.

"Oh don't worry, Jamie. I'll make sure he doesn't do anything rash." ~ Zoe

"I was just trying the machine. Oh, but Doctor, it was all so easy! The Krotons were very pleased with me." ~ Zoe

"Yes, well, Zoe is something of a genius. Of course it can be very irritating at times." ~ The Second Doctor

The 2nd Doctor: Well, she doesn't have to go, does she? Well, does she or doesn't she?
Selris: I'm afraid she must. Complete obedience is the Krotons first command, and if we fail to obey...
The 2nd Doctor: They'll destroy you, I see.

"The Doctor's almost as clever as I am." ~ Zoe

Selris: Class three one nine eight. Selected male, Doctor-Gond.
The 2nd Doctor: Doctor-Gond. Idiots!

Jamie: Och, the Krotons! They just rap out an order and everyone jumps, don't they? Aye, well, I'm not just standing here to see my...
Selris: Where are you going?
Jamie: To find a way into this box of tricks!

Kroton: They are leaving. Shall I fire?
Jamie: They're not leaving. They wouldn't.

"We've been slaves for a thousand years. Do you think you can free us in one day?" ~ Beta

"You have no value. You will be dispersed." ~ Kroton

Kroton: The Dynatrope needs high brains for transfer power. The Gonds have no high brains.
Jamie: Aye, and that makes it all right to kill them, does it?
Kroton: That is procedure.

The 2nd Doctor: Hydrogen telluride.
Zoe: What? Oh, of course. The worst smell in the world.
The 2nd Doctor: The worst smell in any world.

"Oh, it'll come in useful. It's very useful stuff, sulphur, you know. Very useful stuff indeed." ~ The Second Doctor

"Oh, my giddy aunt." ~ The Second Doctor

"Yes, what a stupid place to land. You can tell that the Captain is not at the helm, can't you?"  ~ The Second Doctor

"Well it only does that, you see, if I remember to set the HADS.  The Hostile Action Displacement System. If the Tardis is attacked, it automatically dematerialises."  ~ The Second Doctor

Vana: Selris said you'd gone into the machine.
The 2nd Doctor: Oh yes, well, we did, but, er, well, what goes in must come out, mustn't it?

"Stop it! Stop it! What do you think you're doing, you idiots? Unhook the thing! You're meddling with things you don't understand!"  ~ The Second Doctor

"Vana, how is Beta getting on with the acid I asked him to make?"  ~ The Second Doctor

"Shall we put a bit more in? Let's see what happens. We can only blow ourselves up." ~ Beta

"Really! We will not be bullied. Don't push!"  ~ The Second Doctor

"No, no, Zoe. If this machine does run down, there will be the most colossal release of energy. Enough to destroy us, the Krotons and most of the planet."  ~ The Second Doctor

"I was merely trying to explain that if anyone was to contaminate what was in that tank, you'd know what it was like to breathe poisoned air."  ~ The Second Doctor

The 2nd Doctor: Oh! Butterfingers!
Zoe: Oh Doctor, you are clumsy.

Zoe: But how did you know the machine would dissolve?
The 2nd Doctor: Hmm? Well, the machine was eighty percent tellurium, Zoe, and tellurium is soluble in sulphuric acid.
Zoe: But the machine wasn't pure tellurium.
The 2nd Doctor: No, well, the acid wasn't pure sulphuric acid, but it worked didn't it?

All episodes of this serial exist in 35mm telerecording negative.

This is the first collaboration between writer Robert Holmes and script editor Terrance Dicks. It was only Dicks' second story in that capacity. In a neat bit of symmetry, Horror of Fang Rock was one of script editor Robert Holmes' last stories, written by Terrance Dicks.

West of England Quarry and the Tank Quarry in Malvern, Worcestershire were used for the planetary shots.

Links (Watch on DailyMotion.com)

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

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