Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Classic Who - Season 6, Story 46 - The Invasion

The 2nd Doctor: Zoe, that's a missile!
Jamie: A what?
Zoe: It's a missile? Somebody's fired a missile at us, Jamie! Oh Doctor, come on, let's get out of here.

The 2nd Doctor: This company, what do they do?
Lorry Driver: International Electromatics. Now surely you've heard of them?
The 2nd Doctor: Well, no, we've been a little out of touch.
Lorry Driver: You must have been. They're the worlds biggest electronics manufacturers. You can hardly buy a piece of equipment that isn't theirs.

The 2nd Doctor: Oh. Then Professor Travers doesn't live here?
Isobel: Well, he did. He left about a month ago. Gone to America for a year with his daughter.

"But this is an automatic answering device! Ah, shut up, you stupid machine!" ~ The Second Doctor

Jamie: Do you not write anything down on paper at all?
Isobel: Well, I'd only lose it if I did. Writing on a wall's much safer. You can't lose a wall, can you?
Jamie: No.

"More stupid computers. Automatic receptionists. Right." ~ The Second Doctor

"Oh shut up, you stupid machine! Diabolical inventions." ~ The Second Doctor

"Oh I'm not joking, Jamie. Underneath all that charm there was something odd. Sinister. Almost inhuman." ~ The Second Doctor

"Oh, you wouldn't say that if you knew them. If there's trouble to be found, the Doctor and Jamie can't miss it." ~ Zoe

"I've told you over and over again, Jamie. Time is relative." ~ The Second Doctor

Brigadier: Are you still making a nonsense of it. Doctor, in your, what was it called? Tardis?
The 2nd Doctor: Yes, we're still travelling. Yes.
Brigadier: Yes, Mister Travers told me all about it. It's er, well it's, to say the least, an unbelievable machine.
The 2nd Doctor: Any more unbelievable than the Yetis?
Brigadier: No, true. I'm not quite so much of a sceptic as I was since that little escapade.

The 2nd Doctor: But what's so odd about people going into the building?
Brigadier: Oh, nothing odd about them going in. The trouble is, some of them haven't come out.

"I will not be beaten by this brainless tin box." ~ Zoe

Zoe: It'll take more than a soldering iron to put that right.
Isobel: Hey, don't you think we better get out of here before somebody gets annoyed?
Zoe: Oh yes. I think perhaps you're right.

The 2nd Doctor: What a splendid little toy this is, Jamie.
Jamie: Aye, but doesn't play tunes like mine.

Jamie: It's exactly the same as your office in London.
Vaughn: In all basic essentials, yes, it is. That's the secret of my success, you see. Uniformity, duplication. My whole empire is based on that principle. The very essence of business efficiency.

Vaughn: I should, of course, be angry with you. You've thwarted my elaborate security precautions twice. I'd like to know why.
The 2nd Doctor: Oh, that's quite simple. I hate computers and refuse to be bullied by them.

Packer: If you're been ordered to destroy him...
Vaughn: I don't take orders, Packer, I give them! Now, I think the time has come to stop playing games with this Doctor!

Vaughn: Yes, Packer. Our clever Doctor has outwitted you. Oh, then that wouldn't be too difficult, would it?
Packer: Well, it won't do him much good, will it? After all, he can't get anywhere, can he?
Vaughn: No, but then why do it?

"You know something? You're a clever wee chappie." ~ Jamie

Jamie: Hey, Doctor, I've just been thinking. What happens if they get the lift going before we get to the top?
The 2nd Doctor: Oh, that's simple.
Jamie: What?
The 2nd Doctor: We get squashed.
Jamie: What! Well, come on!

"You're a stupid incompetent! I want that Doctor! Put the whole compound on alert! Have every available guard on the job! Find him, Packer! Find him!" ~ Vaughn

"Do you wish to be totally converted? Would you prefer to be one of them? Completely inhuman?" ~ Vaughn

"Doctor. If you can hear me, listen. You have ten minutes, Doctor. Ten minutes to relinquish your freedom. At the end of that time, your young friend Zoe will pay the consequences of your foolish and totally pointless opposition. Ten minutes, Doctor, ten minutes." ~ Vaughn

Turner [OC]: Hello, sir. No, mission accomplished. On our way back now.
Brigadier: Splendid. No casualties?
Turner [OC]: No, sir. All well. Fortunately Vaughn's jackboots couldn't shoot a flying elephant.

"Spaceships? On the other side of the Moon?" ~ Brigadier Lethbridge Stewart

Jamie: But Doctor, you can't go back the same way again. They'll be waiting for us this time.
The 2nd Doctor: Oh my word. How very fortunate.

Isobel: What on Earth are Cybermen?
The 2nd Doctor: They're from another world. Inhuman killers.
Turner: You mean they're from space, or something.

Isobel: I'm sorry, but, well, it's a pretty fantastic story to swallow.
Brigadier: Yes, but so was the attack from the Yeti, but nevertheless it happened.
Turner: With all due respect sir, she's right. No one believed in the Yetis until they saw them. If you go to Central Command with this story, they'll think you're mad.

"And how do I prove that in the sewers of London there are creatures from outer space waiting to attack us. Go and get one?" ~ Brigadier Lethbridge Stewart

Brigadier: Well, you're a young woman. This is a job for my men.
Isobel: Well, of all the bigoted, anti-feminist, cretinous remarks
Brigadier: This is no job for a girl like you. Now that's final.

"This is rather like looking for the proverbial needle in the proverbial...Just a minute." ~ The Second Doctor

Brigadier: Any success?
The 2nd Doctor: No, not yet. There's an alien logic in these circuits but I haven't been able to work it out yet.

"Vaughn, obviously I can't choose but to work for you. If I refuse, you'll torture me or kill me. I know I can't stand up to torture, and I don't want to die. You're an evil man, Vaughn. You're sadistic. You're a megalomaniac. You're insane. I pity you, but if I get half a chance, I'll kill you." ~ Watkins

"Emotion is alien to the Cybermen's nervous system. It'll destroy it. The micro-monolithic circuits. They're emotional circuits! No wonder they weren't logical. Now why didn't I think of this before. Now, let's see." ~ The Second Doctor

"Honestly, Jamie. Cybermen underneath London and all you can think about is your sleep." ~ Zoe

Turner: Well, sounds like total success for Vaughn and the Cybermen.
The 2nd Doctor: Yes. We appear to be sitting right in the middle of the hornet's nest.

Zoe: Oh, he'll be all right, Isobel's with him. Anything I can do, Doctor?
The 2nd Doctor: Well I suggest that you go with the Brigadier. Much as I detest computers, I think that remarkable brain of yours will come in very handy.

Cyber-Planner: The first transporter fleet is being attacked and destroyed. You have betrayed us.
Vaughn: No!
Cyber-Planner: The failure of this mission is due to you. We will now take over the invasion.

"Is this what you wanted? To be the ruler of a dead world?" ~ The Second Doctor

Zoe: Well, it's all quite logical really. Hardly any calculation needed at all. Except for simple stuff like speed, angle of descent and relative positions of the spaceships.
Peters: Can't we keep her on, sir? She's much prettier than a computer.

"Now you're beginning to understand the Cybermen, Vaughn, you can't make bargains with them!" ~ The Second Doctor

"You think I'm mad, that all I want is power for its own sake. No, I have to have power. The world is weak, vulnerable, a mess of uncoordinated and impossible ideals. It needs a strong man, a single mind. A leader! I'll help you to destroy them because I hate them. They destroyed my dream." ~ Vaughn

This story marked the start of Terrance Dicks record-setting tenure as script editor for the show.  It as also the final major appearance of the Cybermen until 1975's Revenge of the Cybermen.

This story had a working title of Return of the Cybermen. It was originally conceived as a four part story and got expanded to eight when the next story, The Dreamspinner, fell through.

Zoe makes no appearance in Episode Three of the story as Wendy Padbury was on holiday during the week when it was recorded. Similarly, Jamie appears only in a pre-filmed insert in Episode Eight as Frazer Hines was due for a break.

In the DVD's animated version of Episode 1, "Bad Wolf" (the story arc of the 2005 series) is written on Isobel's wall as an in-joke.

The episode was intended to prove that Earth-based stories could be produced cheaply and effectively. Ironically, it was the most expensive Doctor Who episode ever produced when made, and remained so for several years.

The characters of Professor Travers and his daughter Anne from The Abominable Snowmen and The Web of Fear (the latter only) were supposed to reappear this story. Due to disputes with those stories' writers Mervyn Haisman and Henry Lincoln, they were replaced with Professor Watkins and his daughter Anne.

It was during production of this story that Frazer Hines announced his intention to leave the series.

John Levene was originally cast as a Cyberman, as he had done in The Moonbase. He got the role of Corporal Benton when the performer originally cast was dismissed for chronic tardiness.

Part 1*
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4*
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8

* Loose Cannon reproductions. PUP Animated versions of these episodes are available on the DVD release.

Doctor Who: The Invasion (Story 46) is available for purchase at Amazon.com

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