"Look, I'll be careful. I'm perfectly capable of of looking after myself. I'll just walk around Paris and see the sights." ~ Steven
"Many things frighten people in Paris these days." ~ Nicholas Muss
"Ten years ago at Vassy, a small town some miles south of Paris, a hundred Huguenots were slaughtered by the Catholics." ~ Nicholas Muss
"Look, Nicholas, I can prove that the Doctor looks like the Abbot. Show me the way to the Port Saint Martin. We'll go to the shop of Preslin the apothecary, and you'll meet the Doctor." ~ Steven
"He's dead. I saw his body lying in the street by the Abbot's house. Before I could do anything Roger Colbert saw me and sent the guards after me again. Heaven knows what I do now." ~ Steven
"My dear Steven, the Catholics will have other things on their minds tonight. She will be quite safe. Now then, you and I must leave Paris at once!" ~ The First Doctor
"We are to unleash the wolves of Paris. None are to be spared." ~ Marshal Tavannes
"In any case, I cannot change the course of history, you know that." ~ The First Doctor
"I tell you this much, Doctor, wherever this machine of yours lands next I'm getting off. If your researches have so little regard for human life then I want no part of it." ~ Steven
"Perhaps I should go home, back to my own planet. But I can't. I can't." ~ The First Doctor
This is one of three missing 1960s Doctor Who stories – the other two being Marco Polo and Mission to the Unknown – which exist only as audio recordings, with not one frame of footage known to survive either on 16mm black & white film or 8mm cine film taken off a television screen. The recreation was done by Loose Cannon Productions.
This was the first Doctor Who story to be directed by a woman, namely Paddy Russell. There would not be another until Invasion of the Dinosaurs in 1974, which was likewise directed by Russell.
According to the book Doctor Who: Companions by David J. Howe and Mark Stammers, the final episode of the serial was to have included an in-joke cameo appearance by William Russell and Jacqueline Hill reprising their roles as former companions Ian Chesterton and Barbara Wright. The scene — which was scheduled to be filmed but was cancelled — had Ian and Barbara witnessing the dematerialisation of the TARDIS after Dodo enters. In the finished programme, the departure of the TARDIS is witnessed by a woman (Marguerite Young, who was a friend of Paddy Russell) walking her dog on Wimbledon Common.
The BBC Radio Collection release gives the title as, variously, The Massacre and The Massacre of St Bartholomew's Eve. The packaging uses the title The Massacre, but the accompanying booklet uses both titles. The CDs have The Massacre of St Bartholomew's Eve printed on them and this is also the title announced by Peter Purves on the discs themselves.
Links (Watch on YouTube.com)
Part 1: War of God
Part 2: The Sea Beggar
Part 3: Priest of Death
Part 4: Bell of Doom
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