The 1st Doctor: I haven't the remotest idea, my boy. No doubt their reasons will be entirely adequate. Yes, I think I perhaps I'd better go and ask them where we are.
Vicki: Doctor, be careful! They look terribly fierce.
The 1st Doctor: Oh, what nonsense. If you take notice of them, I think they're doing more talking than they are fighting.
The 1st Doctor: What is this? What is it you take me for?
Achilles: The Father of the Gods and ruler of the world.
The 1st Doctor: What! Do you really? And who might you be, may I ask?
Vicki: Anyway, we don't even know where we are.
Steven: Well, the Doctor said they were Greeks. We're probably in Greece.
Vicki: Oh, but that would be wonderful, wouldn't it? We might meet the Heroes. We might...
Agamemnon: What's the matter with you, man? Don't you want to get Helen back? Don't you don't you want to see your wife again?
Menelaus: Quite frankly, no. If you must know, I was heartily glad to see the back of her.
Agamemnon: You mustn't talk like that in front of these. [Agamemnon jestures to nearby servants]
Menelaus: It wasn't the first time she'd allowed herself to be abducted. I can't keep on going off to the ends of the Earth to get her back. It makes me a laughing stock.
Agamemnon: Now you knew perfectly well what she was like before you married her. Besides, this is a question of honour, to get her back. Family honour, don't you understand?
The 1st Doctor: I am most displeased. Who is in command here?
Agamemnon: I have that honour.
The 1st Doctor: As I have always understood. Yet this mountebank Odysseus appears to be a law unto himself. He makes fun of his guests, and laughs at Zeus.
Odysseus: Your temple, as you call it, has disappeared.
The 1st Doctor: Disappeared?
Odysseus: Vanished into thin air.
Priam: Well, what news? Have you avenged your brother Hector? Have you? Have you killed Achilles?
Paris: I sought Achilles, father, even to the Grecian lines, but he skulked within his tent. He feared to face me.
Priam: Well go back and wait until he gets his courage up. Upon my soul, what sort of brother are you? Furthermore, what sort of son?
"I dreamed that out on the plain the Greeks had left a gift, and although what it was remained unclear, we brought it into Troy. Then at night, from out its belly, soldiers came and fell upon us as we slept." ~ Cassandra
"So really, you see, we arrived in your time entirely by accident. It's just another miscalculation by the Doctor." ~ Steven
Cassandra: Oh, hear me, you horses of the heavens, who gallop with our destiny. If you would accept this gift, let us see a sign. Show us your will, I pray you, for we are merely mortal and need your guidance.
[At that moment, Vicki steps down from the Tardis, dressed in an elegant gown.]
Paris: Well!
"Yes, I know, all those dreary flights of birds and entrails and all that kind of thing. Well, I mean, perhaps she's read the same ones. I shouldn't imagine you have a monopoly." ~ Paris
Priam: Come, Cressida. You and I have a great deal to say to each other. I have a feeling you are going to bring us luck.
Cassandra: She will bring nothing but doom, death and disaster.
Priam: Don't pay any attention to Cassandra. She takes the gloomiest view.
Steven: Is Paris such a bad fighter?
Odysseus: The weakling cannot stomach killing.
Steven: I'm Greek, you're Trojan. Is not that quarrel enough?
Paris: Yes, well personally, I think this whole business has been carried just a little bit too far. I mean, that Helen thing was just a misunderstanding.
Steven: Which I now propose to resolve. Draw your sword.
Priam: Look at Paris. Handsome as the devil, but a complete coward.
Vicki: I thought he was rather nice.
Priam: Yes, women generally do. That's what got us into all this trouble. Oh, of course, you've not met Helen yet, have you?
Paris: I am at present officer commanding all Trojan forces/
Cassandra: Ha!
Paris: And I will not tolerate interference from a fortune-teller of notorious unreliability.
Cassandra: How dare you! I am High Priestess of Troy!
Vicki: But suppose I don't? Suppose the Greeks win?
Cassandra: You will be burnt as a sorceress, a false prophet, and a spy.
Priam: Well, as one of them, anyway.
[Vicki and Steven are locked in the dungeon.]
Steven: I disguised myself so that I could rescue you.
Vicki: You succeeded beautifully. Thanks, Diomede.
Menelaus: Well, then what do we do?
The 1st Doctor: You take to the ships and sail away, to make the Trojans think you've all gone.
Menelaus: Excellent. Now that is a good idea.
The 1st Doctor: You all come back again, of course.
Menelaus: Why is there always a catch in it?
Troilus: Well I don't see how you can be friends with a Greek.
Vicki: Oh, look, Troilus. When you come from the future you make friends with a lot of people, and he's one of them.
Troilus: I see. But he's not in any way special?
Vicki: No. Why do you keep on?
Troilus: Well, because that's what I was...I mean, that's what the others were worried about.
Vicki: (sotto) It is the Trojan Horse. But I thought you..
Troilus: What was that?
Cassandra: Yes, ask her! Go on, ask her! She knows what it is. It's our doom! It's the death of Troy, brought upon us by that cursed witch!
Paris: Now understand me, Cassandra. I will not have one word said against that horse.
Steven: You'd better go. In any case, Troilus'll die of jealousy if he knows you're with me.
Vicki: And what is that supposed to mean?
Steven: Oh, come off it, Vicki. The way you two were carrying on back there in the...
Vicki: Troilus has been very kind to me and I'm very fond of him and if all you can do is make fun
"You had no right to bring me here at all. I'm utterly useless to you. You must let me out of here. You're selfish, greedy, corrupt, cheap, horrible. Your one thought is for yourself and what you can get out of it." ~ The First Doctor
"Diomede, I lived to call down wrath for love of Cressida." ~ Troilus
"Now you stand back. I've gone far enough with you, my Lord Odysseus. You go adventuring on your own. Be off with you." ~ The First Doctor
Paris: It's the Greeks! They were inside the horse and our gates are open to the enemy.
Cassandra: And none of you would listen to me!
"The main thing is I belong here now with you. If you'll have me." ~ Vicki
Katrina: Strange god, you bring me peace.
The 1st Doctor: No, I don't know what Vicki has advised you, but...
Katrina: Oh, the Priestess Cressida told me all would be well and I knew it was to come.
"I'm not a Doc. I am not a god." ~ The First Doctor
All four episodes of this story are lost, but some material from episodes 1, 2 and 4 exist as 8mm home movie clips, shot by filming a television set during the original transmission.
This is one of the least documented stories, with very limited material (film/photographic) existing.
"The Myth Makers" proved to be a most troubling serial for William Hartnell. His health had begun to deteriorate, with his arteriosclerosis making it more difficult for the actor to remember his lines. Furthermore, Hartnell was unhappy by what he saw as the Doctor's diminished role in the scripts. He feared that he was being upstaged by prominent guest stars, including Francis De Wolff and especially Max Adrian. Additionally, he suffered a bereavement while working on the story: the death of his Aunt Bessie, who had looked after him during his troubled childhood. Unfortunately, the tight recording schedules prevented him from taking time off to attend her funeral. And finally he was injured during the filming when he collided with a camera platform during the taping of the first episode, bruising his shoulder. He soldiered on however, and stayed with the serial for the remaining of the taping.
This is Peter Purves' favourite Doctor Who serial.
Links (Watch on DailyMotion.com)
Part 1: Temple of Secrets
Part 2: Small Prophet, Quick Returns
Part 3: Death of a Spy
Part 4: Horse of Destruction
DVD is available at Amazon.com.
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