Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Classic Who - Season 3, Story 18 - Galaxy Four

The 1st Doctor: Well, the atmospheric pressure's quite normal. Oxygen, temperature, radiation. It's all quite normal. I wonder. Hmm. I wonder if it's possible to have a planet so obviously conducive to life and yet without any?
Vicki: Well, I've finished chopping this fellow. Could we go out and see?
The 1st Doctor: Yes, I don't see why not, my child. It appears absolutely deserted. As a matter of fact, I think we shall get some long-deserved, undisturbed peace for once.

The 1st Doctor: The Rills. Are these the people that control these things?
Drahvin 2: They are not people.
Drahvin 1: They are things.
Drahvin 2: They crawl.
Drahvin 1: They murder.
Vicki: Murder?
Drahvin 2: They have already killed one of us.
The 1st Doctor: Oh, I should like to meet these Rills.

Steven: It won't come off. Let's leave it.
Drahvin 2: We were instructed not to lose it.
Steven: Were you instructed to be killed as well?

Steven: All women?
Maaga: Women?
The 1st Doctor: Yes, feminine. Ah, female.
Maaga: Oh, we have a small number of men, as many as we need. The rest we kill. They consume valuable food and fulfill no particular function.

The 1st Doctor: There, you see, my boy? Look. Not a scratch. Not a scratch.
Steven: Yes, well, are we going in or not, Doctor?
The 1st Doctor: I certainly excelled myself with that force barrier.

The 1st Doctor: It's imperative that we leave at once.
Steven: Why is that that? The Drahvins did say fourteen dawns.
The 1st Doctor: Two dawns! Tomorrow is the last day this planet will ever see.

Vicki: But let me go, now.
Maaga: No, I can't let you do that, because you might all escape in your spaceship. And we need your help.
Vicki: Whether we want to give it or not.

Steven: Well, what are you talking about, Doctor? It's you who stopped to fiddle around on the outside.
The 1st Doctor: But you brought up the subject. Now don't argue, please. Don't argue. I've never heard such rubbish.

Steven: Yes, well, we'd have been a lot quicker if it hadn't been for the Doc. We got held up by a Chumbley.
The 1st Doctor: They tried to blow us up inside the Tardis.
Maaga: They didn't succeed?
The 1st Doctor: Well of course they didn't. My ship's not made of tin like this old trash. Oh, good gracious me! Seems if I cough too loudly, the whole thing'd fall to pieces.

The 1st Doctor: In any case, I can't help you.
Maaga: Why not?
The 1st Doctor: In the first place, madam, I never kill anything. Neither do my friends.

The 1st Doctor: Well, now don't lose patience, you see. Now look, in this case, first we must observe, note, collate, and then conclude. After that, perhaps we can act.
Vicki: Yeah. Well, with the time we've got you have to all that in ten minutes flat.

Vicki: Didn't you see? They only pick up sounds in front of them. If we keep immediately behind them, they won't know we're there.
The 1st Doctor: Yes, yes, yes, you may appear to be right, but it's dangerous, and it's very risky!
Vicki: That was no risk. I noted, observed, collated, concluded, and then I threw the rock.
The 1st Doctor: Oh yes, yes, yes, quite so, yes, yes. You about finished? This time I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.

The 1st Doctor: It's most impressive. Yes, most impressive. And what's this, I wonder? You know, I think these Rills are far more advanced than I thought they were,.
Vicki: It looks like some kind of air purifier.
The 1st Doctor: Yes, or some kind of machinery for converting air into something else. Yes, it's most interesting

Chumbley: Why do they want to capture it? We have offered to take them with us.
Vicki: They didn't tell us that.
Chumbley: No. They would not. They would rather kill. They hate us.

The 1st Doctor: Tell me, what do these Rills look like?
Vicki: They won't show themselves, Doctor.
The 1st Doctor: Oh? Why ever not?
Chumbley: Because our appearance would not be pleasant to you.
The 1st Doctor: Oh, what nonsense. We're not children, you know.

Maaga: Good. Empty the airlock. Yes, Earthman. The air is already leaving the airlock. You have three choices.
Steven [OC]: Three?
Maaga: Stay there and die, go outside and be killed by the machine, or surrender.

Chumbley: Maaga, you will take your soldiers back into the ship, and you will stay there. Until now we have spared you, although you have attacked us time and time again. But we will always defend our friends.
Maaga: Friends.
Chumbley: We will prevent any attempt on your part to leave the ship. I am resolute. Now, go back into your spaceship.

Chumbley: We are strange beings to you. You've never met anything like us. You come from Earth, a planet we don't know, but clearly it is a planet which still knows conflict.
Steven: What? So?
Chumbley: If we are right and the power-charge is going to take too long a time, then the Doctor, the girl, and you must leave. We believe in self-preservation.

Vicki: It's strange. To think that at dawn all this will explode into nothing.
The 1st Doctor: No, not just nothing, child. Hydrogen gas that springs itself out like molten silver against the other stars in the same galaxy.

Drahvin 3: Stand still. You have escaped once. You will not do so again.
Steven: And be killed?
Drahvin 3: Death does not frighten me. I die a warrior Drahvin.

The 1st Doctor: You are different from us, of course, but at least you are intelligent.
Steven: Yes, what difference does it make what your form is?
The 1st Doctor: Importance lies in the character and to what use you put this intelligence. We respect you as we respect all life.

The 1st Doctor: Yes, I think I understand, and thank you very much.
Chumbley: It is easy to help others when they are so willing to help you. Though we are beings of separate planets, you from the solar system and we from another space, our ways of thought, at times, do not seem all that different. It has been an honour to know you and serve you.

Season three got off to a rough start with "Galaxy 4".  Mervyn Pinfield was originally hired to direct. Unfortunately, as work progressed, Pinfield fell badly ill and it became clear that he was in no condition to continue. Derek Martinus replaced him.

The stars greatly disliked the scripts for this serial. Things got so heated that John Wiles threatened to fire William Hartnell. Maureen O'Brien's complaints led to Wiles dismissing her in "The Myth Makers".

Peter Purves has been outspoken in his distaste for "Galaxy 4", which was originally written for Ian, Barbara and Vicki. He has frequently opined that his character, companion Steven Taylor, was not well-served because the hurried rewrite mostly transferred Barbara's lines to him, resulting in a "feminisation" of Steven's character. For example, he lets the Drahvins trap him in an airlock, despite his astronaut origins.

The Drahvins were originally intended to be male. It was Verity Lambert who suggested that they be female.

Parts one, two and four remain missing from the BBC archives.
The master videotape of episode 3 was wiped by the BBC and no copy of it was known to exist until an almost complete film reel, held by a private collector in Hampshire, was discovered in July 2011. The episode was released as part of the DVD extras on Doctor Who: The Aztecs - Special Edition DVD.

A telesnap reconstruction of the missing episodes was completed by Loose Cannon Productions. 

The soundtrack for the serial is intact and has been released commercially by BBC Audio with linking narration provided by Peter Purves.

The stock music used for the soundtrack was performed by an experimental group called Les Structures Sonorés. They performed their music on glass tubes. Some of the same music was used in The Web Planet.

The Drahvins are part of the alliance of "everything, that ever hated" the Doctor in The Pandorica Opens. (The Drahvins themselves are not seen, only mentioned in the script by River Song. Their spaceship may be among those seen arriving, albeit unidentified on-screen.)

Links (Watch on DailyMotion.com)
Part 1: Four Hunderd Dawns
Part 2: Trap of Steel
Part 3: The Airlock
Part 4: The Exploding Planet

Doctor Who - Lost in Time Collection of Rare Episodes - The William Hartnell Years and the Patrick Troughton Years DVD is available from Amazon.com

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