The 1st Doctor: It's lucky for you child, they're not here to hear you say that. Good gracious me. You think they're old? What do you think of me?
Vicki: You're different, Doctor.
"You know, I wouldn't mind New York. I didn't get to see a lot of it, what with the Daleks and everything. But what I saw from the top of the Empire State Building, I wouldn't mind going back there." ~ Vicki
Vicki: Did you hear that?
The 1st Doctor: Yes, perhaps it's something fallen down, or maybe we've changed course.
Vicki: (sotto) There's someone in the living quarters. Doctor, be careful. It's obviously a Dalek.
(The Doctor takes off his jacket to throw over the eye-piece. The doors open, and a ragged man carrying a stuffed toy staggers out and falls on the floor.)
Vicki: Steven!
"Now listen to me, young man. Sit down. Now, there are two things you can do. One, sit there until you get your breath back, and two, don't call me Doc! Now do I make myself clear?" ~ The First Doctor
Steven: I must have flaked out. I remember registering that, well, it didn't look like a ship. It was very small. I must have been delirious.
Vicki: I don't suppose you were. It is very small outside. It's just in here it's big.
Steven: Oh, come off it!
Vicki: You don't believe me, do you?
Steven: Oh, of course I do, Vicki. Every word.
"That is the dematerialising control and that, over yonder, is the horizontal hold. Up there is the scanner, those are the doors, that is a chair with a panda on it. Sheer poetry, dear boy. Now please stop bothering me." ~ The First Doctor
Steven Taylor: You gave this ship a name just now, what was it?
Vicki: TARDIS. T-A-R-D-I-S. It's stands for Time And Relative Dimensions In Space.
Steven Taylor: IDBI.
Vicki: What? IDBI?
Steven Taylor: I-D-B-I.
Vicki: Yeah.
Steven Taylor: Means I Don't Believe It.
The 1st Doctor: Well, there you are, young man. What do you think of that now, eh? A Viking helmet.
Steven: Oh, maybe.
The 1st Doctor: What do you mean, maybe? What do you think it is, a space helmet for a cow?
"Supposing you do what I say for once?" ~ Vicki
Vicki: Are you all right?
Steven: I've felt better. I dare say I'll get over it. It's pretty authentic Saxon, isn't it?
Vicki: Don't tell me you've actually started to believe us?
Steven: I mean they'd hardly go to all this trouble for a fancy dress ball, now would they?
Eldred: Wulnoth! I do not trust them!
Steven: Well, I'm not mad about you either!
Vicki: Too easy. I don't think we've been as clever as we think we have.
Steven: Oh, now, what does that mean?
Vicki: Well look, say he's the one who's tricked us. Say he gave himself away deliberately like that, in order to make us think we'd fooled him.
Steven: Vicki, there's only one way we can find out what's going on in there. That's to break in.
Vicki & Steven: [together] Follow me.
[They head in opposite directions, then Steven turns to follow Vicki.]
Vicki: There's only one possible answer.
Steven: What?
Vicki: A secret passage.
Steven: A secret pa? Oh no!
Vicki: Listen, they always have them in castles and monasteries and things in case of siege, or fire, or something. Well, don't just sit there. Help me look.
"You know, there's something very peculiar going on. Now I've got to accept something, so all right, I accept you've got a time machine. But the watch, the gramophone, the Saxons. That doesn't add up. It must be something to do with that Monk." ~ Steven
Monk: Sight Vikings. We're up to date, we're up to date. Now then, light beacon fires. I can get the villagers to help me with that. Oh ho! Everything's going on marvellously! According to plan. Now, to convert this ridiculous thing into miles. Absurd measurement, miles, kilometres, I don't know where they are. There.
[Marks a map and makes notes. There's a banging on the door.]
Monk: Oh. Oh, no more visitors. It's getting...it's getting so that you can't call a monastery your own.
Vicki: The only way the Doctor could move the Tardis would be to dematerialise.
Steven: So?
Vicki: If the Doctor left here in the Tardis, he couldn't get back. Oh, it can't be that, it can't be!
The 1st Doctor: Ah ha! Now, I wouldn't do that if I were you. This may not be a gun but I can still do you a considerable amount of harm.
Monk: Oh, a man of violence. I'm surprised at you.
"And remember, no more monkery!" ~ The First Doctor
"It's a Tardis. The Monk's got a Tardis!" ~ Vicki
Vicki: A logbook. A sort of diary. Listen. Met Leonardo Da Vinci.
Steven: Who?
Vicki: Da Vinci. Listen! Met Leonardo Da Vinci and discussed with him the principles of powered flight.
Steven: What? Da Vinci lived in the middle ages. I know he tried to build a flying machine, a sort of aeroplane.
Vicki: I know and according to this it was the Monk who put him up to it.
"Are you quite mad? You know as well as I do the golden rule about space and time travelling. Never, never interfere with the course of history." ~ The First Doctor
Monk: Doctor, it's more fun my way. I can make things happen ahead of their time.
The 1st Doctor: Is that so?
Monk: Yes, indeed. For instance, do you really believe the ancient Britons could have built Stonehenge without the aid of my anti-gravitational lift?
Monk: And more in keeping with the period, I would say, than a modern police box? What's the matter, Doctor? Can't you repair your camouflage unit?
The 1st Doctor: Now, now, now, don't try and bamboozle me. It so happens that your machine fits into this monastery, but it's sheer luck.
Monk: Luck? Luck? Oh, no, there's no luck about it. I couldn't have picked a better place for my headquarters than this. A deserted monastery right on the coast, gullible peasants who believe everything I say to them. No, Doctor. No, I planned to materialise my ship right on this very spot disguised as a sarcophagus, and here it is.
Steven: But that means that the exact minute, the exact second that he does it, every history book, every, well, the whole future of every year and time on Earth will change, just like that and nobody'll know that it has?
Vicki: I suppose that's what I'm trying to say.
Steven: Well, there's more to this time travelling than meets the eye.
"Ah! Ah! What's he done? He's taken my dimensional control! He's ruined my time machine! I'm, I'm marooned. Marooned! In 1066. Oh, Doctor. Doctor! Doctor!" ~ The Monk
The Monk was the first Time Lord other than the Doctor and Susan to appear in the series, although the term Time Lord would not be invented for another four years. The Monk also became the series' first recurring individual villain.
A print of episode 2 is held in the Film & TV Library. Incomplete prints of all episodes were found in Nigeria in 1985. Complete prints of episodes 1 and 3 were returned to the archive in 1992.
William Hartnell, displeased at the number of changes the production underwent, play-acted throwing a temper tantrum during the rehearsal of this story.
Links (Watch on DailyMotion.com)
Part 1: The Watcher
Part 2: The Meddling Monk
Part 3: A Battle of Wits
Part 4: Checkmate

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