The 7th Doctor: So what's so terrible about Perivale?
Ace: Nothing ever happens here.
"Horses? In Perivale? Don't be stupid." ~ Ace
"Your mum had you listed as a missing person. You don't give a toss, do you? I dunno. Four kids gone missing just this month. Vanished into thin air. It's the parents I feel sorry for. Doesn't cost much to phone, luv. Ten pence, is all." ~ Sergeant Paterson
"I've got to see a man about a cat." ~ The Seventh Doctor
"He doesn't have to outrun the lion, only his friend. Then the lion catches up with his friend and eats him. The strong survive, the weak are killed. The law of the jungle. Very clever, if you don't mind losing your friend. But what happens when the next lion turns up? think you'd better get your running shoes on, gentlemen." ~ The Seventh Doctor
"When is a cat not a cat? When it builds its own cat flap." ~ The Seventh Doctor
"Oh, hi, Ace. I thought you were dead. That's what they said. Either you were dead, or you'd gone to Birmingham." ~ Ange
"Know what I reckon? UFOs. They whisk 'em off and do experiments on them like we do on animals. I wouldn't fancy cutting Stevie up to see what's inside, would you?" ~ Ange
"Not a very efficient way to hunt, is it? All that noise and pantomime just to slaughter one little animal. No, if you're going to hunt, you stalk your prey. You observe it, so you can take it by surprise, and then you don't kill too many. Cover your tracks, so you don't leave a smell. Can you smell that?" ~ The Seventh Doctor
"Just as well I'm here. You need sorting out, you lot?" ~ Ace
The 7th Doctor: They're just playing with him.
The Master: They're essentially a fun-loving species. Now, Doctor, there are things I must discuss with you.
"What do you think this is, The Wonderful World of Wildlife? Who knows? Why do they always ride through here? Why do they always eat us up without ketchup?" ~ Midge
"We're on the planet of the Cheetah People, intelligent carnivores. No one knows much about them. They don't survive long enough to find anything out." ~ The Seventh Doctor
"That. A kitling. A feline vulture. It's got the power of teleportation. It can jump from world to world hunting for carrion." ~ The Seventh Doctor
"This planet's disintegrating. According to my calculations, the safest place at the moment is over there." ~ The Seventh Doctor
"Do you know any nice people? You know, ordinary people, not power-crazed nutters trying to take over the galaxy?" ~ Ace
"There's one thing more dangerous than being attacked by a Cheetah, and that is attacking a Cheetah. You do not know what it will do to you!" ~ The Seventh Doctor
The Master: It seems the creatures of this world can't take us away from here, they can only bring us to this place.
The 7th Doctor: Yes. They can only return home with their prey.
"It's not just death we're all facing. This place bewitches you. If we stay here, we'll be like the people who built these. They thought they could control the planet, the wilderness. They were the ones that bred the kitlings. Creatures with minds they could talk to, eyes they could see through the way I do. It only led to their corruption. We shall become like them. We shall become animals." ~ The Master
"Don't worry, Professor. I'm no one's bowl of cat food." ~ Ace
"Don't worry, one of these others will become a Cheetah animal before you. You can escape in your turn. Or are you too squeamish? Only the animals of this place can leave, Doctor, because they carry it with them." ~ The Master
"Stay still and try not to look like a hamburger. Don't look so glum. It could be worse. It could be Perivale." ~ The Seventh Doctor
"Ah. You are all animal now. You're so weak, your will devoured. A stronger mind will hold on itself longer, a will as strong as mine. How much longer? If I have to suffer this contamination, this humiliation, if I am to become an animal, then like an animal I will destroy you, Doctor. I will hunt you, trap you, and destroy you." ~ The Master
"Ace, listen to me. You're possessed. It's the planet, the Cheetah people. You've changed. You're powerful, dangerous. You can do what they do. You can carry your prey home. You can help us escape. But if you do that, you may never change back. You'll become like the Cheetah people forever." ~ The Seventh Doctor
"It's common sense, right? It's just the way of the world, right? Survival of the fittest. Get rid of the deadwood, let the wasters go to the wall, and the strong will inherit the earth. You and me. Do you hear what I'm saying? Do you know what I'm talking about?" ~ Midge
"If you fight, you'll change, you'll change completely forever!" ~ The Seventh Doctor
"The chase. To hunt in the morning and live till evening. Run out of the light, and slip into the dark. Smell the blood on the wind. Hear your blood in your ears. Die at last, with your enemy's blood in your mouth. With your enemy's blood in your mouth!" ~ Karra
"You should be. It nearly beat me. Such a simple, brutal power. Just the power of tooth and claw. It nearly destroyed me, a Time Lord. But I won. I control that force, Doctor. And now, at last, I have the power to destroy you." ~ The Master
"There are worlds out there where the sky is burning, where the sea's asleep, and the rivers dream. People made of smoke, and cities made of song. Somewhere there's danger, somewhere there's injustice, and somewhere else the tea's getting cold. Come on, Ace, we've got work to do!" ~ The Seventh Doctor
The three lead actors in this story - Sylvester McCoy, Sophie Aldred and Anthony Ainley - were born on the same date i.e. 20th August (but in different years). Ainley died in May 2004.
Survival was one of only three Doctor Who serials to be recorded completely on BBC Outside Broadcast video, instead of the mix of OB and studio video that was more usual during the late 1980s, and the mix of film and video before them. This was probably possible because Ghost Light, the next story in production, was filmed completely in the studio. The other stories to be recorded solely on OB video were The Sontaran Experiment and The Curse of Fenric.
Having surmised that episode three of Survival was likely to be the last episode of Doctor Who for some time and possibly the last ever, producer John Nathan-Turner decided close to airing that a more suitable conclusion should be given to the final episode. Script editor Andrew Cartmel wrote a short, melancholic closing monologue for actor Sylvester McCoy, which McCoy recorded on 23 November, 1989 - by coincidence, the show's twenty-sixth anniversary.
Finally, this story was the last to feature Sophie Aldred as Ace. Aldred would have continued in her role had the series been renewed for Season 27; however, her contract was set to expire at the middle part of that season. The character of Ace was set to be written out of the series in an Ice Warrior story called Ice Time by Marc Platt. According to interviews with the production team, the new companion would have been a female safecracker named Raine Cunningham whom the Doctor would have taken under his wing, with her gangster father as a recurring character.
At the start of the 1996 TV movie, the Master is shown still sporting cat's eyes (and apparently in the same body), indicating he mustn't have completely overcome the virus. By the time of his next appearance after that, however, in Utopia, there is no longer any visible sign of the affliction. He has since been "resurrected" by the Time Lords.
Links (Watch on DailyMotion.com)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
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