"The comet Nemesis will circle the heavens once every twenty five years. It's trajectory, however, is decaying. It will circle ever closer until finally it once again strikes the Earth at the point from which it originally departed, the meadow outside.When. Oh, yes. Yes, of course. On the twenty third day of November in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and eighty eight." ~ Mathematician
"What's this? It's a reminder. Well, obviously, at this precise moment it's a reminder to change course for another destination. I've forgotten. Oh, we'll have to go back and find out." ~ The Seventh Doctor
The 2nd Doctor: Don't you find it embarrassing asking for autographs?
Ace: Not as embarrassing as forgetting what you set your alarm for.
Ace: So who were they, anyway? Who'd want to kill us?
The 2nd Doctor: I'm afraid there's an infinite number of possibilities.
Lady Peinforte: When I employed you, you lead me to believe you were a hardened criminal.
Richard: As my lady knows, before I entered your service I was found guilty of a large number of offences.
Lady Peinforte: Then have the courage of your convictions.
"We can't go nicking stuff in here. It's probably treason. I'm too young to go to the Tower." ~ Ace
"This may qualify as the worst miscalculation since life crawled out of the seas on this sad planet." ~ The Seventh Doctor
"This case contained the bow of Nemesis, property of the Crown, which disappeared mysteriously in 1788. Legend has it that unless a place is kept for the bow in the Castle, the entire silver statue will return to destroy the world." ~ Ace
Richard: I am in a nightmare, or mad.
Lady Peinforte: This is no madness. Tis England.
"This time there'll be a reckoning with the nameless Doctor whose power is so secret, for I have found his secret out. In good time, I will speak it. I shall be his downfall." ~ Lady Peinforte
"Well, it did to Louis Armstrong, but then he really understood time." ~ The 2nd Doctor
"So, Doctor, a new appearance, otherwise our anticipation of your presence has proved entirely accurate." ~ Cyber Leader
"I tell thee, Richard, were there men of silver like these here in our day, my life would have been quite different. Now I'll let them destroy each other, and then we'll take the Nemesis." ~ Lady Peinforte
Richard: My lady, there are people here.
Lady Peinforte: Of course there are people. This is Windsor.
"What are you, social workers?" ~ Skin Head
"Our victory is inevitable. The Doctor will come to us, and Peinforte is a simple savage accompanied by a terrified peasant." ~ Cyber Leader
(The two skin heads are hanging upside down from a tree.)
The 2nd Doctor: Who did this to you?
Skinhead: Social workers.
Richard: What place, what place is this?
Lady Peinforte: The piece of ground on which you stand? Well, I will tell thee. It is thy grave, Richard.
"Is this the human condition of madness, Leader?" ~ Cyberman
The 2nd Doctor: I don't suppose you've completely ignored my instructions and secretly prepared any Nitro Nine, have you?
Ace: What if I had?
The 2nd Doctor: Naturally you wouldn't do anything so insanely dangerous as to carry it around with you, would you?
Ace: Of course not. I'm a good girl. I do what I'm told.
The 2nd Doctor: Excellent. Blow up that vehicle.
"Hello, I'm the Doctor! I believe you want to kill me." ~ The Second Doctor
"Is that why the Cybermen saved my life, so they could do that to me too?" ~ Ace
The 2nd Doctor: We've got to get the bow into the statue's hands in order to activate the validium.
Ace: Is this the only way?
The 2nd Doctor: I believe in the direct approach. You can always go back to the Tardis.
"I understand not. Always I have treated you badly. I have done you no service, shown you no kindness, and yet you risk your life to save me. Why so?" ~ Lady Peinforte
"Look, let's be honest, right? I've never really bottled out of anything before, have I, but I'm really, really scared, Doctor." ~ Ace
"All power, all power past, present and future, shall be mine. Why, I shall be mistress of all of that is, all that shall be, all that ever was. Yes, all! All!" ~ Lady Peinforte
The 2nd Doctor: Aim at the chest panel. And I trust you remember my strict instructions never to cause any further explosions?
Ace: I'm a better person as a result, Doctor.
"I am beautiful, am I not? It is only my present form. I have had others which would horrify you. I shall have those again. You are surprised I speak? I am whatever I am made to be. This time Lady Peinforte called me Nemesis, so I am retribution." ~ The Nemesis
Cyberman: In any case, your threat was meaningless. How could you have destroyed the bow?
The 2nd Doctor: Well, actually, I would have arranged to have the bow neatly placed in front of the rocket sled. Then I would have arranged the rockets to test fire at a pre-arranged time. By the way, Ace, what is the time?
De Flores: The long journey is over. You will be worshipped forever. Doesn't she speak?
The 2nd Doctor: Not to the likes of you.
"Doctor who? Have you never wondered where he came from, who he is?" ~ Lady Peinforte
"A new and final era begins, Doctor. Imagination, thought, freedom, pleasure, all will end. The Earth will be transformed into our base planet. The new Mondas. Before I kill you all, you may watch the arrival of our fleet. Launch the Nemesis." ~ Cyber Leader
Ace: So you sent the Nemesis off into space to draw the Cybermen so you could finish them off.
The 2nd Doctor: I suppose I did. How clever of me.
Script writer Kevin Clarke said that the question "Doctor Who?" was the original basis of "Silver Nemesis". He envisioned the Doctor as a sort of forgetful God, and wanted to explore what would happen when the Doctor forgot to finish what he'd set in motion. It was John Nathan-Turner's idea to include the Cybermen in the story. The original script called for the policemen at the Nemesis' crash site to be killed by a swarm of Cybermats.
Clarke drew heavily from the precepts of Jacobean theatre, particularly in crafting the character of Lady Peinforte (whose name came from the 17th century torture peine forte et dure - literally "long and hard trauma" - in which increasingly heavy weights are placed on the body). De Flores' name was a reference to the 1622 play The Changeling by Thomas Middleton and William Rowley.
This story marked the 25th anniversary of Doctor Who, giving the "Silver" in the title a double meaning. The setting is on November 23 - another anniversary reference, being the date of the airing of the first episode in 1963. Fiona Walker, who played Lady Peinforte, celebrated not only the 25th anniversary of Doctor Who with this episode, but also the 25th anniversary of her first appearance in Doctor Who. She had previously played Kala in "The Keys of Marinus".
The story featured considerable location filming at an disused gas works. In the 1990s the gas works site was destroyed and the Millennium Dome was built on the site.
Leslie French, who played the mathematician in Part 1, was one of the original choices to play the first Doctor before William Hartnell. He was however, the director's third choice for the role of the mathematician.
Prince Edward was asked to appear in this story by John Nathan-Turner, but the royal family wrote a letter in response declaring that it would be inappropriate for this appearance to happen. Turner also attempted to get the real Queen Elizabeth II to appear as herself in the serial (much as members of the Royal Family had appeared on an episode of Coronation Street). This could not be arranged, so an impersonator was enlisted.
The Doctor wears a fez and briefly carries a mop about 12 minutes into part 1. The Doctor would later wear a fez and carry a mop in The Big Bang.
Working titles for "Silver Nemesis" included The Harbinger and Nemesis.
Nicholas Courtney, who frequently played Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart in the series, made a cameo as a listener of the jazz concert. Anthony Ainley (The Master) was asked to be one of the Windsor Castles Tourists, but he declined to make the appearance.
Some individuals who did make cameos in that scene included directors Peter Moffat, Fiona Cumming and Andrew Morgan, writer Graeme Curry, and production manager Ian Fraser and Kathleen Bidmead, Bidmead also played the part of one of the Rezzies in Paradise Towers.
Cumming passed away on 1 January, 2015. She directed "Castrovalva", "Enlightment", "Snake Dance" and "Planet of Fire", all of which stared the fifth Doctor, Peter Davison.
Penelope Wilton was among those names who were asked to play Lady Peinforte. She later played the recurring role of Harriet Jones in the 21st Century Doctor Who series.
According to various cast and crew members the only reason Anton Diffring accepted this role of De Flores was so he could watch Wimbleon. He was also said to be seriously unwell while working on the serial.
Diffring claims he was very baffled by the whole project.
The Doctor's new stereo (for Ace) was to have Zygon like speakers, but these were replaced with more conventional technological ones.
An outtake from this episode sees Sylvester McCoy tripping over a bush and then trying to stab it with his umbrella. The blooper appears in a contemporary PBS documentary on the making of the serial, and was also played during McCoy's 1988 "Clown Court" appearance on The Noel Edmunds Saturday Roadshow. This was later included on the 2009 DVD release of Delta and the Bannermen.
Doctor Who: Silver Nemesis (Story 154) DVD is available at Amazon.com,
or watch via streaming at Hulu Plus.
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