Friday, January 4, 2013

Classic Who - Season 21, Story 133 - Resurrection of the Daleks

Trooper: It was an unfortunate mistake.
Lytton: Make it your last, otherwise the next execution squad will be coming for you.

Galloway: A rodent.
Stien: Wearing combat boots?

"The right moment. The time stress on the Tardis varies greatly. I'm waiting for the right moment to break out of the Time Corridor." ~ The Fifth Doctor

The 5th Doctor: Trouble with you, Tegan, you have no imagination.
Tegan: That's because I can't get worked up about a load of crumbling brickwork.

Mercer: Destroy the prisoner.
Osborn: It's not working!

"Interesting. You don't disbelieve us, do you? What have you discovered?  What have you found? Tell me! Alien objects?" ~ The Fifth Doctor

"Aim for the eyepiece, the stalk at the top of the dome." ~ The Fifth Doctor

"Seal the warehouse terminal of the Time Corridor. We will deal with the Doctor in due course." ~ Black Dalek

"You speak as though my Daleks are no longer capable of war." ~ Davros

"He is a companion of the Doctor. He would be better used as bait. The Doctor is sentimental and emotional. He will come after the boy. This will aid the Dalek plan. Allow the boy to roam freely." ~ Black Dalek

"Without Davros, we have no future. He must be made to believe that we serve him." ~ Black Dalek

"You already know most of it. The Daleks and the Movellans were locked in an impasse. Each time their respective fleets attempted a stratagem, it was instantly anticipated and countered by their opponent's battle computer. Then the Movellans found the answer. They developed a virus which exclusively attacks the Daleks. The fleet was destroyed. Those who survived went to separate parts of the universe to escape the risk of further infection and work on a cure." ~ Lytton

"So, they have returned to their creator. Like an errant child, they have come home once more, but this time they will not abuse me. This time, I shall take my rightful place as their Supreme Being, and under my control, the Daleks shall once more become triumphant!" ~ Davros

(Calder spots a sack move. The Doctor uses a long pole to lift the sack and reveal - a cat.)
Stien: So much for the conqueror of the universe.

"You have the Doctor? Excellent! Once I have drained his mind of all knowledge, he shall then die slowly and painfully! He has interfered for the last time." ~ Davros

"Yes, I know. It's bigger inside than out. Don't worry, soon be over." ~ The Fifth Doctor

"I am very difficult to kill. You should already know that." ~ Davros

Dalek: He is an enemy of the Daleks. He must be exterminated.
Lytton: He must be duplicated first. Confirm with the Supreme Dalek.

"However you respond is seen as an act of provocation. I know the Daleks of old. And Davros. I assume he's about here somewhere." ~ The Fifth Doctor

"What will you do with my duplicate? I've grown rather attached to myself." ~ The Fifth Doctor

"The duplicates will return to Gallifrey, where, at our command, you will assassinate the memebers of the High Council." ~ Dalek

Turlough: Think about what's happening. The Daleks have a ship, so why are their Troopers trying to break into the self-destruct chamber? Why don't they leave, let your friends blow themselves to pieces?  Because whatever the Daleks want is still on board.
Mercer: Davros?
Turlough: You may not be able to help your friends, but you could still kill him.

"When it is time to die, you will, in your agony, beg to pay homage to the Daleks." ~ The Fifth Doctor

"Everyone has a ch-choice. It's in the Constitution, twenty fifth Amendment, or is it twenty sixth? Didn't you go to school?" ~ Stien

"Hurry. There is important work to do. I have waited a long time for this. Once the Doctor is exterminated, I shall build a new race of Daleks. They will be even more deadly, and I, Davros, shall be their leader! This time we shall triumph! My Daleks shall once more become the Supreme Beings!" ~ Davros

"Well, don't just stand there. Come and help." ~ The Fifth Doctor

Tegan: Where are you going?
The 5th Doctor: To kill Davros.
Tegan: Doctor!
The 5th Doctor: I must. Davros created the Daleks. He must not be allowed to save them.
Tegan: But murder?
The 5th Doctor: Once before I held back from destroying the Daleks. It was a mistake I do not intend to repeat. Davros must die.

"Davros has gained control of two Daleks. They are in the Reception area, attempting to enter the Doctor's Tardis. You must exterminate them. You must also destroy Davros. He is unreliable. He cannot be trusted." ~ Black Dalek

"I'll say one thing for you, Davros. Your conversation is totally predictable. You're like a deranged child, all this talk of killing, revenge and destruction." ~ The Fifth Doctor

"The universe is at war, Doctor. Name one planet whose history is not littered with atrocities and ambition for empire. It is a universal way of life." ~ Davros

"To be honest, I wouldn't know what to do with an army." ~ The Fifth Doctor

"You hesitate, Doctor. If I were you, I would be dead. You are soft, like all Time Lords. You prefer to stand and watch. Action requires courage, something you lack." ~ Davros

"I'm an imbecile." ~ The Fifth Doctor

"What is happening? No, no. It cannot be! I am not a Dalek! I cannot die. I am Davros!" ~ Davros

"It's over. The Earth is safe, at least until the Daleks find an antidote for the Movellan virus." ~ The Fifth Doctor

"You have not won, Doctor. You forget, Doctor. Daleks do not need to invade. I have my duplicates. Some have already been placed in strategic positions around the planet. The collapse of Earth society will soon occur. The Daleks will triumph. We cannot fail. The Daleks' true destiny is to rule the universe." ~ Black Dalek

"I'm not coming with you. I'm tired of it.  A lot of good people have died today. I think I'm sick of it. My Aunt Vanessa said, when I became an air stewardess, if you stop enjoying it, give it up. It's stopped being fun, Doctor. Goodbye." ~ Tegan

"It's strange. I left Gallifrey for similar reasons. I'd grown tired of their lifestyle. It seems I must mend my ways." ~ The Fifth Doctor

An article by Russell T Davies in the Doctor Who Annual 2006 suggested that the Dalek Supreme's attempt to assassinate the High Council was one of the initial clashes in the Last Great Time War mentioned in the 2005 series.

Although recorded as four separate episodes, it was broadcast as two forty-five-minute episodes to free up transmission slots for the broadcast of the 1984 Winter Olympics.

Eric Saward was unsatisfied with the story, saying in a DVD commentary that it was too frantic, with too many ideas. The main plot was the Daleks releasing Davros so he might find a cure for the Movellan virus. There were several sub-plots: the creation of duplicates to invade the Earth; the capture of the Doctor to create a clone to assassinate the Time Lords' High Council; Davros's scheme to create a new race of Daleks. As none of these are dealt with at any length, he felt they distracted from the central plot.

John Nathan-Turner hated the Dalek-like helmets of Lytton's troops, but did not have the time to change them.

This story has an unusually high body count, even for Doctor Who. Besides the Doctor, Tegan and Turlough, only Lytton and his two policemen survive (the Dalek Supreme may also have survived, as it's unclear whether it is actually on the Dalek ship at the time of its destruction). Much of the violence appears gratuitous, such as the murder of Laird, the killing of a crew member infected by a disease and the shooting of a man with a metal detector.

Links (Watch on
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

DVD available for purchase from

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