Friday, January 4, 2013

Classic Who - Season 20, Story 129 - The Five Doctors

This story commemorated the twentieth anniversary of Doctor Who.

"Well, the TARDIS is more than a machine, Tegan.  It's like a person. It needs coaxing, pursuading, encouraging." ~ The Fifth Doctor

"For some, the Eye of Orion is the most tranquil place in the universe."~ The Fifth Doctor

"Oh, the Doctor. Wonderful chap. All of them." ~ Brigadier Lethbridge Stewart

"Not allowed? Me? I'm allowed everywhere." ~ The Second Doctor

"You've had this place redecorated, haven't you? Hmm. Don't like it." ~ The Second Doctor

"Now Brigadier I must bid hail and farewell. I shouldn't even be here at all. I'm not exactly breaking the laws of time but I am bending them a little." ~ The Second Doctor

"A man is the sum of his memories. A Time Lord even more so."~ The Fifth Doctor

Romana: For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
The 4th Doctor: That's right.
Romana: So, Newton invented punting.
The 4th Doctor: Oh, yes. There was no limit to Isaac's genius.

Castellan: We can offer you an alternative to your renegade existence.
Borusa: Regeneration. A complete new life cycle.
The Master: What must I do?

"A cosmos without The Doctor scarcely bears thinking about." ~ The Master

"It's very dangerous to fire energy weapons in an enclosed space." ~ The First Doctor

"You attract trouble Doctor. You always did." ~ Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart

"Tegan! Tegan! Tegan! Humor him. I sometimes used to get a bit tetchy; fortunately one mellows with age." ~ The Fifth Doctor

"To my shame. Yes, mine, Brigadier, and that of every other Time Lord. In the days before Rassilon, my ancestors had tremendous powers which they misused disgracefully. They set up this place, the Death Zone, and walled it around with an impenetrable force field, and then they kidnapped other beings and set them down here. I'll explain as we go. To the Tower. To Rassilon, the greatest single figure in Time Lord history." ~ The Second Doctor

Brigadier: Didn't you say he was supposed to be rather a good type?
The 2nd Doctor: So the official history says, but there are many rumours and legends to the contrary. Some say his fellow Time Lords rebelled against his cruelty and locked him in the Tower in eternal sleep.

"Who to Rassilon's Tower would go, must choose below. No, no, no Who unto Rassilon's Tower will go, must choose above, between, below." ~ The Second Doctor

"I know this is going to be hard to believe, Doctor, but for once I mean you no harm." ~ The Master

"Like Alice, I try to believe three impossible things before breakfast." ~ The Fifth Doctor

[about the Master]
Susan: Is this man a friend of the Doctor?
Tegan: Anything but.
Susan: But they talk as if they're friends.
Tegan: That's what worries me.

"Cybermen. Whoever brought me and my other selves here also brought them. Now, you know our legends well enough. Even in our most corrupt period our ancestors never allowed the Cybermen to play the game. Like the Daleks, they play too well." ~ The Five Doctors

"It sounded like something very large and very fierce, and probably very hungry. Come on." ~ The Second Doctor

"And kindly refrain from addressing me as Doc." ~ The First Doctor

Flavia: Black Scrolls of Rassilon!
The 5th Doctor: Interesting. I thought they were out of print.
Borusa: Don't touch, Doctor. This is forbidden knowledge from the Dark Tower.

"On the other hand, where there's a wind, there's a way." ~ The Second Doctor

"You know, I've known the Castellan too long. Oh, he was limited, a little narrow, but always fiercely loyal to his oath of office. Any mention of the Dark days filled him with horror. Now, you saw his reaction to the Black Scrolls. It wasn't that of a man discovered, but of sheer disbelief. No, I'm convinced the traitor is still at large." ~ The Fifth Doctor

The 1st Doctor: Diabolical ingenuity! Nothing happens until you reach the fifth row, half way, and then the entire board becomes a death trap.
The Master: Our ancestors had such a wonderful sense of humour.

"Fear itself is largely an illusion. And at my age, there's little left to fear." ~ The First Doctor

"Oh, I know, I know. Drag you through time and space without so much as a bye or leave, then leave you out when things get interesting." ~ Sarah Jane Smith

"Well, I've reversed the polarity of the neutron flow, so the Tardis should be free of the forcefield now." ~ The Third Doctor

"Hmm? Oh, I'm so sorry. I suddenly realised what the old proverb meant. To lose is to win and he who wins shall lose. It was all part of Rassilon's trap to find out who wanted immortality and put him out of the way. He knew very well that immortality was a curse, not a blessing." ~ The First Doctor

"I'm certainly not the man I was. Thank goodness." ~ The Fifth Doctor

Tegan: You mean you're deliberately choosing to go on the run from your own people, in a rackety old TARDIS?
The 5th Doctor: Why not? After all, that's how it all started.

The "Old High Gallifreyan" writing on the plinth in the Tomb of Rassilon includes the phrase "d³Sx²", which was given as the Doctor's name in the 1972 behind-the-scenes book The Making of Doctor Who, by Terrance Dicks and Malcolm Hulke.

In addition to its inclusion of a number of characters not normally seen together, The Five Doctors was the first episode of Doctor Who ever to premiere abroad, the only other being the 1996 television film. It was also the first Doctor Who narrative broadcast as a part of the UK's Children in Need charity telethon. For the first and, as of 2011, only time, a previous incarnation of the Doctor is brought into an episode by having a different actor play him on screen; Richard Hurndall took over the role of the First Doctor, as William Hartnell had passed away.

Although it was broadcast only a month before Season 21, The Five Doctors is generally considered the seventh and final story of Season 20, which had otherwise concluded the previous March. As such, the story concluded a loose story arc from Season 20 that involved the Doctor and his friends attempting to reach the Eye of Orion.

The Five Doctors was co-produced with the Australian Broadcasting Commission who put in AUD $60,000. This was the first and only occurrence of this. Later, the 1996 TV movie and first four seasons of the new series would also incorporate non-UK support.

Just as the Doctor is (almost) never referred to as "Doctor Who", so too are the terms First Doctor, Second Doctor, etc. never actually uttered on screen. This episode comes closest to breaking that precedent when the First Doctor asks the Fifth, "Regeneration?" and the Fifth replies, "Fourth".

In early drafts of the script, some of the Doctor and companion combinations were different. Originally, the Fourth Doctor would have been paired with Sarah Jane, the Third Doctor with the Brigadier and the Second Doctor with Jamie. When Frazer Hines proved unavailable for more than a cameo appearance the script had to be altered, pairing the Second Doctor with Victoria Waterfield. This was revised again when Deborah Watling became unavailable and Tom Baker decided not to appear, resulting in the pairings as they were screened.

Actor Tom Baker declined to return as the fourth Doctor, feeling there hadn't been a long enough gap between him leaving the role and shooting commencing.** He was represented on screen with previously unseen excerpts from 'Shada', an unfinished story from his tenure. For publicity shots featuring all five Doctors together, the BBC used Tom Baker's mannequin from Madam Tussaud's waxwork collection in London.

John Nathan-Turner hoped to have the show premiere on the actual 20th anniversary date of November 23 but due to scheduling problems it was pushed back to November 25. The show premiered in the USA on November 23, this is the first Doctor Who story ever to receive its premiere screening outside the UK.

Temperatures on location filming were so cold that at one point 'Liz Sladen' had to be asked to slap Jon Pertwee in the face, as he had begun to turn blue.

**Another side to this story is told my Terance Dicks, who claims that Tom Baker had written a Doctor Who movie script and that he had played the Doctor for two or three years longer than he had originally intended because he was hanging out and hoping the BBC would fund the movie, so that he could play the Doctor in the film.  When that fell through, he left, and Dicks relates that the wouldn't do the Five Doctors because he was "sulking" about his failed project. (DVD Commentary)

Links (Watch on
Part 1
Part 2

DVD available for purchase from

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