Friday, January 4, 2013

Classic Who - Season 20, Story 124 - Snakedance

"Manussa, formerly homeworld of the Sumaran Empire which may or may not ring a bell. Does it, Tegan? The Sumaran Empire?" ~ The Fifth Doctor

"Dreams are important... never underestimate them. Once a man fell asleep, dreamt he was a frog. When he woke up he didn't know if he was a man who dreamt he was a frog, or a frog who was now dreaming he was a man." ~ The Fifth Doctor

"How about you, sir? Madame, step this way, if you'd be so kind. I invite you to take the most exciting journey of all. The voyage inside. The journey to meet yourself. I address you in the silence of your own hearts. I offer my personal challenge. Dare you bare witness to what the Mara shows? Will you gaze upon the unspeakable? Dare you come face to face with the finally unfaceable? Children half price." ~ Hawker

"The Legend of the Return is nonsense. Pure superstitious nonsense, invented by the people simply to give themselves something with which to frighten their children. It has no basis, either speculative or proven, in historical fact." ~ Ambril

"At present it exists as a latent mental force in the mind of my companion. It's using her dreams to increase its power. Eventually it will take over her mind altogether, but I've put together a device to inhibit this temporarily." ~ The Fifth Doctor

Tegan: You see into the future in that?
(A crystal ball.)
Seer: Yes. Well, between you and me, not really, I don't. I pretend. I flutter my fingers, gaze deep into the ball and then
Tegan: Then?
Seer: Then I make something up. Whatever comes into my head. Whatever I think they want to hear. After all, they're paying. Doesn't do any harm. Mind you, it's surprising what does come into your head. Sometimes I surprise myself.

"Yes, you've come to pester me with some extravagant theory you've dreamed up concerning the Mara, and should I, the Director, fail to take sufficient notice of your colourful improbabilities, it will be the end of civilisation as we know it at least. How am I doing so far, hmm?" ~ Ambril

"Look, all I want's a little information. What possible harm is there in that?" ~ The Fifth Doctor

Chela: One, two, three, four, five.
The 5th Doctor: And one makes six. The sixth Face of Delusion is the wearer's own. That was probably the idea, don't you think?
Ambril: Get out! Go on, get out!

"On the Kinda world, I was trapped in a circle of mirrors. There is no circle here." ~ Mara

"You're missing the point, Nyssa. It's not what you saw but that you saw anything at all. It proves the crystal has the quality of transforming thought into energy, perhaps even into matter itself. Just think of the power the Great Crystal must have. Whatever's in your thought, whatever in your mind, it can actually make it occur." ~ The Fifth Doctor

"I do not want any more blankets! I want to get out of here. Tell your master I want to see him." ~ The Fifth Doctor

"Where the winds of restlessness blow, where the fires of greed burn, where hatred chills the blood, here in the Great Mind's Eye, here in the depths of the human heart, here is the Mara." ~ Dojjen

"The lock is extremely primitive. It's practically a museum piece. There's no electronic impulse matrix to decode, no sonic microcircuit to disrupt. Proved mechanical six barrel movement, key operated. Primitive but adequate. Well, it's more than adequate, actually, because the key is what we don't have." ~ The Fifth Doctor

Chela: The Snake Dance was banned by the Federation nearly a hundred years ago.
The 5th Doctor: Why, what was the function of the Dance?
Chela: Well, according to the Legend, the Mara's return may only be resisted by those of perfectly clear mind. The Dance was a dance of purification in readiness for the return. However, the Federation held that the Mara no longer existed. That's why they drove the Snake Dancers into the hills.

"If only we still had the sonic screwdriver." ~ Nyssa

The 5th Doctor: I suspect that when they built the Great Crystal they overlooked one vital factor. The nature of the mental energy would determine the nature of the matter created. The Great Crystal absorbed what was in their minds. The restlessness, the hatred, the greed. Absorbed it, amplified it, reflected it.
Nyssa: And created the Mara.
The 5th Doctor: Indeed. And in the reign of evil which followed they must have forgotten the most important thing of all, that the Mara was something they themselves had blindly brought into being.

"Fear is the only poison." ~ Dojjen

The 5th Doctor: What is the snakedance?
Dojjen: This is. Here and now. The dance goes on. It is all the dance. Everywhere and always. So. Find the still point. Only then can the Mara be defeated.
The 5th Doctor: The still point. The point of safety. But it's in the chamber somewhere. Where?
Dojjen: No. The still point is within yourself, nowhere else. To destroy the Mara you must find the still point.

The show had a noteworthy cast. It was one of Martin Clunes' earliest television roles, though not his debut. His outrageous costumes and youthful appearance make it a story often sampled whenever the multi-award-winning actor appears on television chat programs.  Snakedance also featured Brian Miller — husband of Sarah Jane Smith's actor, Elisabeth Sladen — in a significant role.

The Doctor, Nyssa and Tegan previously encountered the Mara on Deva Loka. (Kinda) The three of them and Turlough would encounter the entity, once again on Manussa, though centuries before the rise of the Sumaran Empire.

Links (Watch on
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

DVD available for purchase from

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