Friday, January 4, 2013

Classic Who - Season 19, Story 116 - Castrovalva


Adric: I thought the whole point of this Pharos Project of yours was to track down alien intelligences. We thought we'd save you the trouble and come to you.
Security: Oh yes?
Adric: Yes. We're what you've been looking for. Alien intelligences. You see I come from somewhere up there. That is the way into E-space.

Tegan Jovanka: What's a Zero Room, anyway? Doctor said something about non-interfaces.
Nyssa: I suppose it's some sort of neutral environment, an isolated space cut off form the rest of the universe.
Tegan Jovanka: He should have told me that's what he wanted. I coulda shown him Brisbane.

"It's a small universe, isn't it." ~ The Fifth Doctor

"How do we find the index file? Of course if we had an index file we could look it up in the index file under Index File." ~ Tegan Jovanka

"My dad used to say that 'if' was the most powerful word in the English language." ~ Tegan Jovanka

"Not far now, Brigadier, if the Ice Warriors don't get there first. Oh no. Oh dear. We've wandered into the wrong corridor. We must be close to the main Tardis drive now. Jamie. Jamie, you go back. No, nonsense, be sensible, go back! When I say run, run! Don't you understand? The regeneration is failing." ~ The Fifth Doctor

"That's the trouble with regeneration: you never quite know what you're going to get." ~ The Fifth Doctor

"The Tardis Cloister Bell. Imminent disaster." ~ The Fifth Doctor

Nyssa: This is a time machine.
Tegan: And we're travelling backwards in time. Back to first event!
Nyssa: The creation of the galaxy out of a huge in-rush of hydrogen. We're heading straight into the biggest explosion in history!

"Hogwash. We found the databank. Maybe we'll learn how to fly the machine." ~ Tegan

"This will be simpler, of course, if you go into hover mode first, always remembering of course not to reverse the polarity of the neutron flow. The whole system is on manual now. This is where it starts to get really dangerous." ~ The Fifth Doctor

The 5th Doctor: Oh, the architectural configuration system can do more than that. We can actually delete rooms.
Tegan: Delete them? You mean zap?
The 5th Doctor: Yes, exactly. Zap! Enough zap and you have your thrust.

"So, this air hostess person's flying it, eh? Well I wish her the best of luck." ~ The Fifth Doctor

"Doctor? Everyone's looking for him." ~ The Fifth Doctor

Mergrave: Who are you, stranger?
The 5th Doctor: That's the strangest thing of all. I'm not entirely sure.

Shardovan: You will notice I am tall.
The 5th Doctor: I suppose that's why they made you Librarian.

Mergrave: Shardovan! More strangers have arrived. They scaled the walls.
Shardovan: A new sport to replace hunting.

"Nyssa! Lovely morning! I'm beginning to feel quite my old self, or rather my new self." ~ The Fifth Doctor

The 5th Doctor: Which is the quickest way out of here?
(Everyone points in a different direction.)
The 5th Doctor: Yes, well that's democracy for you. Come on.

Nyssa: It's as if space had folded in on itself.
The 5th Doctor: Very like it. Quick. There may still be time to reverse the sense!" ~ The Fifth Doctor

"Recursive occlusion. Someone's manipulating Castrovalva. We're caught in a space-time trap!" ~ The Fifth Doctor

"There is something amiss with Castrovalva, but because your perception is part of it, you cannot see it." ~ The Fifth Doctor

The 5th Doctor: But you do see it, the spacial anomaly?
Shardovan: With my eyes, no, but in my philosophy...

"Don't you understand anything about zero structures? The internal interfaces are bonded by strong-force interaction. The surfaces can only be separated from inside the Cabinet." ~ Nyssa

"You have got to help me defeat him. GOT TO, do you understand? " ~ The Fifth Doctor

"You made us, man of evil, but we are free." Shardovan

Elisabeth Sladen (Sarah Jane Smith) and Louise Jameson (Leela) were each asked to reprise their companion roles in order to ease an audience, many of whom had only ever known Tom Baker in the character, into a new Doctor. Each of the actresses declined.

This is the first story to have the Doctor credited as "The Doctor" (rather than previously as "Doctor Who" or simply "Dr. Who").

The decision to have Peter Davison impersonate past Doctors was made during rehearsal when Davison presented impersonations as part of his preparation for taking on the role; his interpretation was intended to combine elements of the past Doctors.

The shot used in this story of the town of Castrovalva sitting on a cliffside, and the name of the settlement, was inspired by a print by M.C. Escher. Later in the serial, the collapsing world of Castrovalva takes on a distorted appearance, reminiscent of Escher's surrealist work.

The story was the first of only four Doctor Who serials in the 1963-89 series to feature a pre-credits sequence (the others were The Five Doctors, Time and the Rani and Remembrance of the Daleks). In the 2005 series, pre-title sequences became a regular feature. The reprise from the final moments of the preceding story, Logopolis, had the incidental music changed from its original sombre melody, signifying the 'death' of the Fourth Doctor, to a more upbeat sound, signifying the 'birth' of the Fifth.

The Fifth Doctor first dons his cricket uniform and his habit of pinning a stalk of celery to his lapel in this story, although he doesn't explain why until The Caves of Androzani, his final story.

Links (Watch on
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

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