Brigadier: [of a belly dancer] Very fit, that girl. Extraordinary muscular control. Must adapt some of those movements as exercises for the men.
The 3rd Doctor: They'd take some adapting!
"You see, Professor, my particular field covers, er, psycholotry, telepathy and clairvoyance as well, so I thought perhaps you might be able to help me." ~ The Third Doctor
"Oh. It's happening more and more. I don't want it to! I was quite happy as a performer, Doctor, but I seem to be developing this, this power! Oh, I hate it. I hate it. The things I can make happen." ~ Professor Clegg
"Not only a journalist, but a woman journalist. We do not want her here." ~ Lupton
"A couple of refugee Tibetan monks setting up a lamasery in darkest mummerset? Okay, so maybe meditation's the in-thing. Maybe I can sell it to Percy. I still want to know what it's all about. Look, you'd better start at the beginning. I mean, what are you doing here anyway?" ~ Sarah Jane Smith
Mike Yates: But couldn't that be dangerous? If these, these powers were used wrongly.
Cho-je It could be so, yes. By evil men in their ignorance and craving, it could indeed be most dangerous. Such a thing could never happen here.
"Doctor, I. Ah, doing a bit of hairdressing on the side, eh?" ~ Sergeant Benton
"This has come a long way. From beyond the stars. Could it be a meteorite? Oh, it's beautiful. A gemstone. A blue jewel." ~ Professor Clegg
"The fiendish cunning of the man." ~ Sarah Jane Smith
"A shameless display of feminine wiles. Come on." ~ Mike Yates
"The crystal...I can feel it...concentrate on it. Concentrate! It is why I have come. To find the crystal and get it back. It will give us power. The power we both seek. Concentrate!" ~ Eight Legs
The 3rd Doctor: You know, I've always said that next to Mrs Samuel Pepys you make the finest cup of coffee in the world.
Benton: Thank you very much, Doctor. Actually the secret of it is, is to get the water...
Brigadier: Yeah. Look, never mind the dratted coffee. What about the spiders?
"You know Brigadier, when I was a young man, there was an old hermit that lived half way up a mountain, just behind our house. I spent some of the finest hours of my life with that old man. It was from him that I first learnt how to look into my mind." ~ The Third Doctor
"Oh, I brought it back some time ago from a planet called Metebelis Three. It's also called the blue planet because the moonlight is blue, you see?" ~ The Third Doctor
"But there aren't any giant spiders on Metebelis Three. At least, there weren't any when I was there." ~ The Third Doctor
"You know, this is barmy. Here we are calmly discussing fabulous planets with blue moons, giant spiders, magic crystals as if I was talking about umm pussycats, fish and chips and the Liverpool docks." ~ Sarah Jane Smith
"Panda Three to control. I've just spotted a silver hovercraft being chased by an old crock at ninety miles an hour, and there's a little tiny helicopter after them both! I'm in pursuit. Over." ~ Policeman
"Doctor, we're flying!" ~ Sarah Jane Smith
"Panda Three to control. You'll never believe this, Sergeant, but. Oh, nothing to report, over. I'm coming in. I don't feel very well. Over." ~ Policeman
"More power than you dared to dream of. Veil your mind! You must cloak your ambition. I can understand it, perhaps I share it, but if my sisters on Metebelis Three were to have an inkling of your thoughts, they would kill you. Beware! They seek to make the link." ~ Eight-Legs
"We could use him in the great work, the conquest of Earth. This is the secret purpose of the Great One. That is why she requires the crystal. We shall return to our rightful home, Earth, as rulers." ~ Spider Queen
"As we both know, such things are child's play to a master of sorcerer, but you cannot believe that Mister Lupton is a sorcerer. We have no magicians here, I do assure you." ~ Cho-je
"I like her arrogance no more than you do. You seek power on Earth. I shall seize it on Metebelis. We can help each other. Turn around." ~ Eight-Legs
"It is good that we have come to the west. You whip your poor horse too much. He gallops so that he is exhausted and yet, you know, he never leaves his stable." ~ Cho-je
"Perhaps you've gone mad, hearing voices, talking to yourself. Perhaps I've gone mad too." ~ Barnes
"Well, the Tardis may be a little erratic, I'll admit. After all, she is getting on a bit. But Metebelis Three is the one planet I can be absolutely certain of reaching. You see, I wired the coordinates into the programmer." ~ The Third Doctor
"So shall perish all two legs who would dare to question our power." ~ Spider Queen
"You were followed to Metebelis by two Earth spies. The male is dead, but the female lives, a danger to the state and our person. I suggest, sisters, that until she has been captured, we refuse to listen to these, these traitors. Do you agree?" ~ Spider Queen
"Well, well, well. Our clever young female journalist. You are keen to get your story, aren't you? What a pity it will never be published." ~ Lupton
"Wakey, wakey! Rise and shine! Show a leg, the weather's fine." ~ The Third Doctor
"Why should the blue crystal be the only mineral on Metebelis Three with an unusual structure? Now I'm looking for a stone that will absorb the energy of the spider's attacks. Oh, I do beg your pardon. The eight legs' attacks." ~ The Third Doctor
"Doctor! You're alive! I knew you'd come! Oh, Doctor!" ~ Sarah Jane Smith
"Why should I deny it? I know where the crystal is hidden. I told you, but I didn't say it was hidden on Metebelis. The situation is unchanged. If you wish to invade Earth, you need my help." ~ Lupton
"Now I know what a fly feels like. An absolutely fascinating experience." ~ The Third Doctor, on being held captive in a giant cobweb
The 3rd Doctor: Yes. Yes, make a good item on the next agenda of the spider council meeting. Whether to stew a Time Lord or roast him in a slow oven.
Sarah: That'll give them something to chew over.
The 3rd Doctor: Yes, something they can really get their teeth into, what?
"You bet, Doctor. I'll do my best to give them all indigestion." ~ Sarah Jane Smith
"Compress the muscles. It's a little, a little trick I learned from an old friend of mine. Harry, er, what was his name? Er, Hopkins. No, no, that's not right. Er, Hetherington. No, that's not right either. It wasn't an English name. Er, Hackenschmidt. No, I know it began with an H. Houdini. Yes, that was it. Harry Houdini. Oh, don't worry, old chap. As soon as I've rescued Sarah, I'll find a knife and come back for you." ~ The Third Doctor
"Oh, but it is. You took the one last perfect crystal of power. I searched all time and all space for it. I must have it!" ~ The Great One
"Is that fear I can feel in your mind? You are not accustomed to fear, are you Doctor? You are very wise to be afraid of me!" ~ The Great One
"You are the most misguided of men. Did I not warn you? Did I not tell you of the risks you ran?" ~ cho-je
The 3rd Doctor: The key! I've lost the key!
Sarah: I've got it.
Sarah: But, Tommy, you're normal. You're just like everybody else.
Tommy: I sincerely hope not.
"Your friend knows not only our language but also our customs. The ceremonial gift merely symbolises friendship. We have no need for symbols, you and I." ~ K'anpo
The 3rd Doctor: No, sir, never. Once they get a hold of that crystal, nothing can stop them taking over the Earth.
Sarah: Or even the universe itself.
"We are all apt to surrender ourselves to domination. Even the strongest of us." ~ K'anpo
"Oh no, Sarah, no. No, he's talking about my greed. my greed for knowledge, for information. He's saying that all this is basically my fault. If I hadn't taken the crystal in the first place..." ~ The Third Doctor
"I wouldn't have chosen your alternative. To borrow a Tardis was a little naughty, to say the least." ~ K'anpo
"I will not be silent. I've listened to you for too long. To think that I've lost my chance of power through a spider! A spider that I could crush underfoot, without a second thought. A spider!" ~ Lupton
"You think I care for the puny plans of my subjects? Earth? One paltry planet among millions? Give me the crystal. I thirst for it! I ache for it!" ~ The Great One
"A tear, Sarah Jane? No, no, don't cry. While there's life, there's..." ~ The Third Doctor
"All the cells of his body have been devastated by the Metebelis crystals, but you forget, he is a Time Lord. I will give the process a little push and the cells will regenerate. He will become a new man." ~ K'Anpo
This is the first time the term "regeneration" is mentioned on screen. Tom Baker is uncredited in the conclusion of Planet of the Spiders, when Jon Pertwee transforms into Tom Baker. Since no regeneration was shown at the end of The War Games, this marked the first time since William Hartnell changed into Patrick Troughton in 1966's The Tenth Planet that an on-screen hand-over of the role had occurred. Significantly, therefore, it was the first end-of-season regeneration to show the incoming actor.
This is the first time we see someone other than the Doctor regenerate (K'anpo Rimpoche). K'anpo Rimpoche regenerates from a Caucasian to an Asian (character, not actor). The next time a regeneration would change the individual's ethnicity (on screen) would be in Let's Kill Hitler.
This story features a large chase scene including: Bessie, the Whomobile, a police car, a gyrocopter, a hovercraft and a boat.
Parts of this story were recorded at the same time as parts of Robot. This not only meant that Jon Pertwee and Tom Baker were literally playing the Doctor at the same time, but also that Elisabeth Sladen — and to a lesser extent, Nicholas Courtney and John Levene — were having to rush back and forth between the two productions.
The Time Beetle featured in Turn Left shares some similarities with the Eight Legs: it too is a giant-sized insectoid that can latch onto a victim's back, becoming invisible to disguise its presence at the same time.
Jo Grant sends the Doctor a package containing the blue Metebelis crystal which the spiders covet, making this serial a sequel of sorts to The Green Death. This is also one of the first times - possibly the first - that a past companion has played a role in a later story, although Jo does not actually appear in the story (she does, however, appear in the novelization).
Links (Watch on DailyMotion.com)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
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