Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Classic Who - Season 18, Story 115 - Logopolis

"The second law of thermodynamics is taking its toll on the old thing. Entropy increases. The more you put things together, the more they keep falling apart, and that's the essence of the second law of thermodynamics and I never heard a truer word spoken." ~ The Fourth Doctor

The 4th Doctor: That's one of the questions I was just pondering. There's bound to be an awful lot of fuss about Romana. Why she stayed in E-space, official investigations, that sort of thing.
Adric: The Time Lords won't approve?
The 4th Doctor: What? She has broken the cardinal rule of Gallifrey. She has become involved, and in a pretty permanent sort of way. I think that you and I should let a few oceans flow under a few bridges before we head back home.

"Cars. I hate 'em. You just don't get this sort of silly aggravation with aircraft." ~ Tegan

Adric: Why? Who's looking for us now? You've disposed of the Master.
The 4th Doctor: Yes. But since we left Traken, and then the Cloister Bell.
Adric: Wild catastrophe?

"But it can't have thirty seven dimensions! You said it was an ordinary Earth object." ~ Adric

"I have a feeling I'm overlooking the obvious again." ~ The Fourth Doctor

Adric: Battle stations?
The 4th Doctor: Absolutely.

"Well, he's a Time Lord! In many ways, we have the same mind." ~ The Fourth Doctor

"Nearly, but not quite right. There's something not quite right about all of this." ~ The Fourth Doctor

"Never guess. Unless you have to. There's enough uncertainty in the universe as it is." ~ The Fourth Doctor

"A chain of circumstances that fragments the law that holds the universe together." ~ The Fourth Doctor

"I demand to see whoever's in charge of this ship!" ~ Tegan

"I always thought you underestimated the possibilities of block transfer computation, Doctor. You see, structure is the essence of matter, and the essence of structure is mathematics." ~ Monitor

"At last, Doctor. At last I've cut you down to size." ~ The Master

The Monitor: Our manipulation of numbers directly changes the physical world. There is no other mathematics like ours.
Adric: You mean the computations themselves would affect a computer?
The Monitor: Of course. Change its nature, cause it to malfunction. Only the living brain is immune.

The Monitor: Sabotage.
Adric: Murder.
The Monitor: Interfering with the working of Logopolis. The most dangerous crime in the universe.

"The cheeseboard is the world, and the pieces the phenomena of the universe, as my old friend Huxley used to say. Cheese board? Chess board. And the opponent makes no allowances for mistakes nor makes the smallest concession to ignorance. I'm an ignorant old Doctor, and I've made a mistake." ~ The Fourth Doctor

"And I was vain enough to think it was me he was after. Logopolis is his target." ~ The Fourth Doctor

"You're interfering with the law of cause and effect." ~ The Fourth Doctor

"The entropy you released is eroding your systems, too." ~ The Fourth Doctor

The Master: An alliance with you, Doctor?
The 4th Doctor: In the circumstances, yes.
The Master: If we do cooperate, there'll be no question of you ever returning to Gallifrey.
The 4th Doctor: If we don't cooperate, there'll be no question of Gallifrey.

"I've never chosen my own company. Nyssa, it was you who contacted me and begged me to help you find your father. Tegan, it's your own curiosity that got you into this. And Adric, a stowaway." ~ The Fourth Doctor

"I've done what I can, with the Registry in ruins. We must now realign the aerial, beam the programme out to space. There is a CVE close by we might still be able to re-open." ~ The Monitor

"Envy is the beginning of all true greatness." ~ The Master

"It's the age-old battle, isn't it? Entropy versus structure. Still, while there's life there's six of one and half a dozen of the other." ~ The Fourth Doctor

"The Master killed my stepmother, and then my father, and now the world that I grew up in, blotted out forever." ~ Nyssa

"The Earth people use it to beam messages to the stars. The Doctor calls it reiterated invitation to alien intelligences in deep space." ~ Adric

"Peoples of the universe, please attend carefully. The message that follows is vital to the future of you all. The choice for you all is simple. A continued existence under my guidance, or total annihilation." ~ The Master

"You're utterly mad." ~ The Fourth Doctor

This story was the last to feature Tom Baker as "the current" Doctor. He would reprise his role only in recorded links for the video release of the incomplete Shada in 1992, on the Children in Need special Dimensions in Time in 1993, for the video game Destiny of the Doctors in 1997, and for the BBC Audio story arcs Hornets' Nest in 2009 and Demon Quest in 2010. Tom Baker holds the record for having the longest tenure (seven years) as the Doctor on-screen, although both Sylvester McCoy and Paul McGann would later be considered the "current Doctor" for about nine years each during the series' hiatus from television.

Links (Watch on
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

DVD available for purchase from

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