Adric: Yes.
The 4th Doctor: Open your mind to adventures beyond imagining, yes?
Adric: Yes.
The 4th Doctor: And you criticise my logic.
Adric: No. No, I'm just saying that a lot of the time you don't really make sense.
The 4th Doctor: Ah. Ah. Oh, you've noticed that, have you? Well, I mean, anyone can talk sense. As long as that's understood, you and I are going to get on splendidly.
"Traken Union, famous for its universal harmony. A whole empire held together by...Well, by people just being terribly nice to each other." ~ The Fourth Doctor
"If I knew everything that was going to happen, where would the fun be?" ~ The Fourth Doctor
"Time reveals everything, Adric." ~ The Fourth Doctor
"I am fearful even to involve the Doctor. He will face unimaginable hazard, confront power that would obliterate even a Time Lord. Even you, Doctor. Goodbye, my friend. Farewell." ~ The Keeper of Traken
"Knowledge. Accumulated wisdom of centuries. Well, they're just a couple of my old time logs." ~ The Fourth Doctor
"Evil! The sanctum is invaded! Consuls, we are invaded. Evil! Infinite evil!" ~ The Keeper of Traken
"Plasma fields of this strength couldn't have been generated without some pretty formidable magnetic containment. I'm hardly tooled up for that sort of thing." ~ The Fourth Doctor
The 4th Doctor: Tremas, you know what I need more than anything else in the universe?
Tremas: No, Doctor.
The 4th Doctor: Breakfast. Is your place far?
"All is as you predicted, Melkur. Seron is dead, Tremas is in disgrace. He cannot become Keeper now. You've saved him." ~ Kassia
"New technology dates so quickly these days." ~ The Fourth Doctor
"I must remember never to fall out with your daughter, Tremas. May I look at that? Yes, very clever. No self-respecting fugitive should be without one." ~ The Fourth Doctor
"Ah, good morning, or afternoon, or is it evening? It's very difficult to keep track of time around here." ~ The Fourth Doctor
Tremas: But I swore an oath, Doctor.
The 4th Doctor: Well of course you swore an oath! Now you have to choose. Your personal honour against the safety of the whole of Traken.
"Still, what can't be cured must be endured." ~ The Fourth Doctor
"Yes, yes, don't listen to me. I never do." ~ The Fourth Doctor
Tremas: This is no Keeper of Traken.
The 4th Doctor: Well, I know it's not exactly what you had in mind, but now I'm afraid you're rather stuck with him.
Nyssa: How could he just disappear and reappear like that?
Adric: That's nothing. We do it all the time in the Tardis. Of course! Just like the Tardis.
Nyssa: But why is it so much bigger inside than it is outside?
Adric: Oh, the Doctor told me that was because it was dimensionally transcendental.
Nyssa: What does that mean?
Adric: It means it was bigger inside than outside.
"I used to know an ancient remedy for mad dogs. I must look it up some time. Good library here, have you?" ~ The Fourth Doctor
The Master: I am now nearing the end of my twelfth regeneration.
The 4th Doctor: Then that is the end for a Time Lord.
"The Keeper of Traken" was note worthy for introducing the Character of Nyssa, who became of a companion of the fourth and fife incarnations of the Doctor. It also returned the character of The Master to the show. The Master had not appeared on Doctor Who since "The Deadly Assassin" in 1976.
Sarah Sutton, who was cast to play Nissa, had appeared in a number of television programs previously, starting at the age of 11 when she became the youngest British actress to play Alice in a 1973 television production of Alice in Wonderland. She also appeared in The Moon Stallion in 1978 (as Diana Purwell) and The Crucible in 1980 (as Susannah Walcott).
She took a break after Doctor Who to raise her daughter. Sutton reprised the role of Nyssa in the 1993 Doctor Who Children in Need special Dimensions in Time, and subsequently in several of the Big Finish Productions Doctor Who spin-off audio plays from 1999 onwards. In November 2013 she appeared in the one-off 50th anniversary comedy homage The Five(ish) Doctors Reboot.
Anthony Ainley joined the Doctor Who team on contract in 1980 and would appear in at least one of every six episodes per year until his contract expired in 1986. He did return to play the role of the Master in "Survival" the final episode of the "Classic" series, where The Master was supposedly killed. Ainley died in 2004, before the series was revived.
His nine year stint on the show made Ainley the longest serving actor to appear as a regular character in the series.
Just as his Doctor Who character "The Master" would use anagrams to conceal his identity, Ainley would be credited with an anagram of his own name to hide the fact that a character he was playing in certain episodes was The Master in Disguise. Most notably, this led to his credit in "Castrovalva" episode 3 being "Neil Toynay" (Tony Ainley).
According to script editor Eric Saward, Ainly was so fond of his role as The Master, that he'd introduce himself on the phone by saying "This is the Master," and follow it up with his trademark villainous laugh.
Denis Carey, who plays the Keeper, also played Professor Chronotis in the uncompleted Fourth Doctor serial Shada, and the Old Man in the Sixth Doctor story Timelash, whilst Margot Van der Burgh (Katura) had previously appeared as Cameca in the First Doctor serial The Aztecs.
Johnny Byrne's script for "The Keeper of Traken" dealt with millennalism: the belief that the turn of each millennium will be heralded by a period of cataclysm and upheaval, as espoused by Zoroastrianism and by some Christian sects. With only twenty years left until the year 2000, Byrne felt that this was becoming a timely and interesting topic. He wanted to tie this notion into the tumult that sometimes results when a long-serving head of state dies or retires.
The story was originally set in a mediaeval-type society, divided between the scientific Greys and the zealous Blacks, led by Hellas and Zorca, respectively. Zorca summons a being called Mogen he believes is a demon, but whom the Doctor later realises is the last survivor of a race of super-beings with fantastic mental abilities. Mogen wants to take control of the powerful Source in order to use Traken as the launching pad for galactic conquest. Zorca frames Adric for murder, and the cliffhanger for episode two originally involved the Doctor, Adric and Hellas on the brink of execution, about to be crushed between blocks of steel. A key element of part four was a stolen component from the TARDIS, which Mogen uses to construct a time disintegrator with which he plans to kill the Doctor. Byrne also introduced Hellas' daughter, Nyssa, whom he named for a friend of his called Nerissa.
Melkur was initially supposed to be the sole survivor of Traken's sister planet and the inventor of the Source. He did not become an alias for the Master until later in preproduction.
Continuing the tradition of the Master having aliases of 'Master', Tremas is an anagram. Geoffrey Beevers is credited as the Melkur to conceal the plot twist of the Master's return. Even after the identity of the person inside the Melkur has been revealed the credits still credit Beevers as the Melkur. The Melkur statue was actually played by Graham Cole. Beevers was credited however, as he provided the voice of the Melkur. Cole's role of a non-speaking parts, and these are not usually credited on Doctor Who.
"The Keeper of Traken" is the first story to feature a Master body change - though it is not a true regeneration, but rather the acquisition of another person's body.
Tom Baker was in a dour mood on set, as he missed Lalla Ward despite their marital troubles and disliked being surrounded by so many newcomers.
Links (Watch on DailyMotion.com)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Doctor Who: The Keeper of Traken (Story 115) DVD is available on Amazon.com,
Of watch via streaming on Hulu Plus.
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