Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Classic Who - Season 18, Story 112 - State of Decay

Romana: You are incredible.
The 4th Doctor: Yes, I suppose I am, really. I've never given it much thought.

"Oh, knowing's easy. Everyone does that ad nauseam. I just sort of hope." ~ The Fourth Doctor

"Well, it's quite a technocotheca you've got here." ~ The Fourth Doctor

The 4th Doctor: Well, only by hearsay. What is the Wasting?
Tarak: The Wasting?
The 4th Doctor: Yes.
Tarak: The Wasting is...The Wasting.
The 4th Doctor: Ah.

"Never mind. It's bats. Quite harmless. Ow! Well, in theory. That one was a bit carnivorous." ~ The Fourth Doctor

"Surely you realise something here must be wrong?" ~ The Fourth Doctor

"No, please don't be silent. It's so fascinating." ~ The Fourth Doctor

"The descendants of the original ship's officers." ~ Romana

The 4th Doctor: Have you ever heard of the Brothers Grimm?
Romana: This is no time for fairy tales.
The 4th Doctor: They also discovered the Law of Consonantal Shift. How language changes over the years.

"You're wrong.  The Doctor is not weaponless. He has the greatest weapon of all. Knowledge." ~ Camilla

"I was wrong, Romana. The fuel tanks aren't disused. Only this isn't rocket fuel, it's blood." ~ The Fourth Doctor

"Do you know, it just occurs to me. There are vampire legends on almost every inhabited planet. Creatures that stalk in the night and feast on the blood of the living. Creatures that fear sunlight and running water and certain herbs. Creatures that are so strong they can only be killed by beheading, or a stake through the heart." ~ The Fourth Doctor

"Well, you know, I've never been a great one for swarming. It's awfully kind of you to offer, but where were you thinking of swarming to?" ~ The Fourth Doctor

"Those officers aren't the descendants of the originals, they are the originals." ~ The Fourth Doctor

"There was once an old hermit from the mountains of south Gallifrey. He used to tell me ghost stories. I like a ghost story. Do you want to hear one? It's about a race of giant vampires. They came out of nowhere, and swarmed and swarmed...They swarmed all over the universe. And they were so strong that one single vampire could suck the life out of an entire planet. nyway, according to the story, we Time Lords hunted them down across the universe in a war so long and so bloody that we were sickened of violence forever." ~ The Fourth Doctor

Romana: I once worked in the Bureau of Ancient Records, for a time. It's just that I once came across a reference to something called the Record of Rassilon in one of the old data books. And it was an emergency instruction. A copy of the book was to be installed in certain time vehicles.
The 4th Doctor: What time vehicles?
Romana: Oh, I don't know. I forget.
The 4th Doctor: What time vehicles?
Romana: Type Forty, I think.

The 4th Doctor: Yes. Psst. You are wonderful.
Romana: Me? Wonderful? I suppose I am. I've never really thought about it.

The 4th Doctor: I want you to help me tap the memory core of the Tardis. Now, the information I want will be on the earliest section of the data core. It's called the Record of Rassilon and it's to do with... (strokes his throat where the bat bit him)
K9: Master?
The 4th Doctor: Vampires.

K9: Is this data of practical value, master?
The 4th Doctor: Well, it might come in useful, if we can only lay our hands on a mighty bolt of steel.

"The girl is a Time Lord. One of the ancient enemies of the Great One. She is to be held for sacrifice at the time of Arising." ~ Aukon

"I'm sorry, Time Lady. One of my family's died for your lot already. I reckon one's enough." ~ Adric

"Don't worry, don't worry. Have you ever heard the expression what goes up must come down?" ~ The Fourth Doctor

"State of Decay" was the first story filmed with Matthew Waterhouse in the role of Adric, but it was the second story actually aired, coming after "Full Circle" which was filmed after "State of Decay".  The story was based on script entitled "Witch Lords" written by Terrance Dicks for Season 15, but which never made it to the screen as the Beeb was doing "Count Dracula" at the time and nixed any other productions involving vampires.  Dicks rewrote the script for season 18, but struggled in adding Adric into the mix.  Additionally,  Dicks was often at odds with script editor Christopher H. Bidmead. Bidmead wanted the inclusion of vampires to be come as a surprise, while Dicks felt that viewers would quickly deduce this element.. Bidmead was already unhappy with the storyline, which he felt ran contrary to the efforts he and John Nathan-Turner were making to ground Doctor Who (1963) in scientific concepts.  To further confuse matters, director Peter Moffatt was eager to accentuate the Hammer Horror influences of the story, and was unhappy that Bidmead kept amending the scripts to downplay these elements.  For example, subplots involving townsfolk nocturnally wandering the forest like zombies, and rebellious citizens being found with bat-like bite marks on their necks were removed from the script.

The Time Lord hermit who told the Doctor about the Great Vampire was described as an old woman in many drafts.

Adric's addition to the TARDIS crew got off to a rocky start.  Tom Baker was in poor health for this serial (his usually curly hair had to be permed before filming), and he and Lalla Ward were also not on speaking terms, after Ward rebuffed his attempts to rekindle their romance some weeks earlier.  Baker has also come the realisation that the Beeb was not going to fund this idea for a Who movie, one of the reasons he had stayed for seven seasons of Who.  Waterhouse found his co-stars intimidating (he claimed that when he tried to say hello to Baker, he was told to piss off), while Ward said the young actor was impertinent and disrespectful at times, refusing to follow the instructions of cast and crew with vastly more experience than he.

The location shots were done at Burnham Beeches near Amersham, a popular Hammer Horror films location.

Links (Watch on
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

Doctor Who: The E-Space Trilogy - Full Circle/State of Decay/Warriors' Gate (Stories 112-114) DVD is available at, or watch via streaming at Hulu Plus.

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