Romana: You did, once.
The 4th Doctor: Hmm. And lost.
K9: All component parts are functioning normally, master.
The 4th Doctor: I don't believe it. I don't believe it! All component parts functioning normally, ha! Pah. You mean to tell me that after all we've been through, the systems are functioning perfectly?
K9: Not perfectly, Master, adverb attributed was normally.
The 4th Doctor: Oh, yes. The wilderness of outer Gallifrey. Ready to go?
Romana: I suppose so.
The 4th Doctor: Come on, it's not the end of the universe. We're home.
The 4th Doctor: Wrong place at the wrong time.
Romana: Again.
The 4th Doctor: What?
Romana: Sounds like a type D oligarchy. Typical use of propaganda. He could have been hallucinating. A folk tale, a myth.
Adric: That blue box I saw. I saw a blue box.
The 4th Doctor: A blue box. Really? What was it like?
Adric: Well it was old. And there was a door. No, there were two doors, and they opened inwards. And there was something funny about them. Handles weren't on the same level.
The 4th Doctor: Quite right. We're inside it. It's called a Tardis. This boy's not hallucinating. How's your transcendental dimensionalism? Never mind about that. Come on, K9.
Romana: Of course it does. Real space doesn't have (penny drops) negative coordinates. Doctor, that disruption we came through.
The 4th Doctor: Well, it's just a thought.
Romana: It's a very nasty thought. That would mean that we're out of real space altogether.
"How odd. I usually get on terribly well with children." ~ The Fourth Doctor
Varch: That's not Alzarius.
Romana: No, its still Gallifrey. If the Doctor's theory's right, we'll need a local image translator to see what's out there.
Adric: Or we could just look out through the door.
"Why can't people be nice to one another, just for a change. I mean, I'm an alien, and you don't want to drag me into a swamp, do you. You do." ~ The Fourth Doctor
"They're only spiders." ~ Romana
Dexeter: A little anaesthetic. I'm trying to research the psychodynamics of these creatures. Their motivation to attack us is immensely powerful.
The 4th Doctor: It is?
Dexeter: It's well documented. Of course, I've never seen one before, but it's in the manuals.
The 4th Doctor: Well, it wasn't aggressive when I met it. Anyway, it's only a baby one.
Dexeter: They have the same basic brain type.
Login: A little patience goes a long way.
The 4th Doctor: Yes, but too much patience goes absolutely nowhere.
"These short trips don't usually work. And the chances of reversing a short trip are even more remote. Still, here's hopping." ~ The Fourth Doctor
The 4th Doctor [on screen]: Dexeter, you promised you wouldn't harm that marsh creature.
Dexeter: Without a scientific understanding of these creatures, we are doomed to fear them forever.
The 4th Doctor [on screen]: That's not scientific understanding, its cold-blooded murder.
"Ready? It's been made ready for centuries. Look. This ship could take off in half an hour if you had a mind to it." ~ The Fourth Doctor
Nefred: You accuse us of willful procrastination?
The 4th Doctor: Yes! The willful procrastination of endless procedure. You want to hold onto the old order.
Nefred: You understand a great deal, Doctor.
"You're standing in the Great Book Room. These galleries contain manuals on the repair and maintenance of every single item on this ship. Everything is listed, down to the smallest rivet. Thanks to the manuals that have been passed down, we can take the Starliner apart and put it together again perfectly. Though there is one thing we can't do, Doctor. One secret our ancestors kept for themselves. Nobody knows how to pilot this ship." ~ The Deciders
The 4th Doctor: You know, she could be anywhere. There must be a better way of doing it than this. We've come full circle. You know what I think...
Adric: That's what the Decider said.
The 4th Doctor: Decider?
Adric: In the marsh.
The 4th Doctor: Really? What did he say? Exactly what did he say?
Adric: Tell Dexeter we've come full circle.
Garif: Well, if that's right, what if the doctor betrayed us?
Nefred: I don't think so. He's already demonstrated his great wisdom. He's not a man to side with chaos.
Garif: Nevertheless, chaos surrounds us. What are we to do?
The 4th Doctor: Adric!
Adric: It is what you wanted, isn't it? For the Tardis.
The 4th Doctor: But it's other people's property. Do you think its right going around taking other people's property?
Adric: Sometimes.
"Look, do you mind if we do one thing at a time? Good." ~ The Fourth Doctor
Garif: It's horrible!
The 4th Doctor: Oh, I don't think so. We're all basically primeval slime with ideas above its station.
Garif: How can you compare us to those, those things?
The 4th Doctor: Yes, I see what you mean. I suppose they are adaptive, intelligent.
The 4th Doctor: They asked me to stay on you know, become a Decider.
Romana: You, a Decider?
The 4th Doctor: Yes. I decided not too.
"Full Circle" was originally called The Planet That Slept.
It is the first of only two scripts of the original series to written by Doctor Who Fans the other being "Ghostlight". Andrew Smith's original outline involved the TARDIS landing on the planet Alzarius, where monstrous Marshmen rise from the swamps during the time of Mistfall. As the Doctor and Romana explore, a space freighter crashlands on Alzarius, and the time travellers must help its crew repair the ship while fending off the Marshmen and gigantic cave-dwelling spiders. They are aided by a young Marshchild, who has been rejected by the rest of her kind due to her pacifist nature. In the end, the Marshchild sacrifices herself to keep the Doctor and Romana safe until the mists vanish and the Marshmen retreat to the swamps.
"Full Circle" introduced Matthew Waterhouse as Adric to the fans, but not to the cast and crew as it was shot second, after "State of Decay". Waterhouse had already got on Tom Baker and Lalla Ward's nerves and did not redeem himself with this story. On Waterhouse's first day on set, he was unwell and vomited on the Marshmen costumes.
Adric's name was suggested by script editor Christopher H. Bidmead as an anagram of the last name of eminent physicist P. A. M. Dirac (who in 1930 was the first to predict the existence of antimatter).
Despite changes to the script -- a power struggle amongst the Outlers between Varsh and Tylos was eliminated -- Smith declared that he was very impressed with the end result .
The death of Adric's brother Varsh hit close to home for Matthew Waterhouse. Two years prior, Waterhouse's older brother Nicholas committed suicide.
Andrew Forbes is amused by the fact that his character Omril has a name in the credits but his name never mentioned in the serial's dialog.
Alan Rowe makes his final Doctor Who appearance, as Garif. He had previously appeared as Doctor Evans and the voice of Space Control in The Moonbase, Edward of Wessex in The Time Warrior and as James Skinsale in Horror of Fang Rock.
Trailer & Links
Doctor Who: The E-Space Trilogy - Full Circle/State of Decay/Warriors' Gate (Stories 112-114) DVD is available from Amazon.com,
, or watch via streaming at Hulu Plus.
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