K9: Sea bathing recommended. A traditional Earth exercise, mistress.
Romana: Well, go on, then. You exercise. Fetch!
Romana: Look what you've done.
The 4th Doctor: What have I done?
Romana: You've got the century wrong, you've got the season wrong and you've got K9's sea-water defences wrong.
The 4th Doctor: Well, I can't get everything right.
"One must always accept the unexpected." ~ The Fourth Doctor
The 4th Doctor: It's got to be unreal transfer.
Romana: Why has it got to be?
The 4th Doctor: It's the only way to manipulate solid objects.
Romana: What if I told you this part of the galaxy doesn't discover unreal transfer until 2386?
Brock: I don't believe it.
Mena: Rejuvenation. Complete cellular rejuvenation. Hardin has perfected a technique that works for living entities.
Brock: No wonder there's so much secrecy about these experiments.
Romana: That experiment was a fake, you know that.
The 4th Doctor: You spotted that? Good. Let's get back to the Tardis.
"You see, a common fault with tachyon particles is that they can induce a certain temporal instability in surrounding matter." ~ The Fourth Doctor
Romana: It's beautiful.
The 4th Doctor: Yes. Radon 222 decays rapidly.
Mina: But not the heavy metal dust. It won't be habitable for three centuries.
The 4th Doctor: Really? Why, how long did the war last?
Mina: Twenty minutes.
The 4th Doctor: As long as that.
"Gallifrey abandoned tachyonics when we developed warp matrix engineering." ~ Romana
Brock: His scarf killed Stimson.
The 4th Doctor: Arrest the scarf, then.
"Pangol's very young. Yes. And everyone else is old, except Pangol. And he runs the Generator." ~ The Fourth Doctor
The 4th Doctor: Pangol's very young.
Romana: Pangol?
The 4th Doctor: Yes. And everyone else is old, except Pangol. And he runs the Generator. When you were fitting the Schrödinger oscillator, did you notice there were two baryon shields?
Romana: Mmm. Why two, I wonder?
The 4th Doctor: I don't know. I didn't have time to look. Five hundred years goes by so rapidly.
"Do you know, I had a feeling he wasn't quite ready for the rigours of warp mechanics." ~ The Fourth Doctor
"There's no doubt about it, all this rushing about takes it out of you, particularly when you're twelve hundred and fifty years old." ~ The Fourth Doctor
Foamasi: I'm glad this has ended so satisfactorily.
The 4th Doctor: If it has ended.
Foamasi: With the arrest of those two, peace is restored.
Romana: What the Doctor means is...
The 4th Doctor: Don't cross your bridges before they're hatched.
"Some galactic hobo with ideas above his station. The cosmos is full of them. Anyway, there's been enough randomising on this job." ~ The Fourth Doctor
The Leisure Hive is notable for being John Nathan-Turner's debut as a producer. He instituted a number of major edits to the series, not all of which were popular.
A new theme and title sequence, were introduced, as well as a new costume for the Doctor and a new more accurate-looking Police Box prop. The prop was made of fiberglass rather than of wood and featured a stacked roof arrangement.
Tom Baker, Lalla Ward and Christopher H. Bidmead greatly disliked the changes JNT made with this story. Production of the serial was extremely challenging. Baker and Ward's tumultuous off-screen relationship was at a nadir, causing the mood on set to be distinctly chilly. Director Lovett Bickford's management of the shoot caused it to go so badly over budget that JNT was severely reprimanded by his superiors. Bickford would never work on Doctor Who again.
Working titles for "The Leisure Hive" included "The Argolins" and "Avalon".
Script writer David Fisher envisioned the story as a pastiche of gangster films. Foamasi is an anagram of mafiosi.
The opening scene at Brighton Beach was John Nathan-Turner's idea. K9 was unpopular with the production team due to technical difficulties, so JNT thought that his surprise near-destruction would come as an intriguing shock to viewers.
John Colin is credited with playing one role but actually plays three 1: The real Brock part one only 2: The Fake Brock in parts 1 ,2 and 3 and cliffhanger reprise in part 4. 3: the voice of Foamsi Chief Agent in part 4.
This was the first serial to not feature a music score by Dudley Simpson since Doctor Who: The Seeds of Doom: Part Six four years earlier.
Links (Watch on DailyMotion.com)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Doctor Who: The Leisure Hive (Story 110) DVD is available at Amazon.com,
or watch via instant streaming at Nexflix or Hulu Plus.
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