Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Classic Who - Season 16, Story 99 - The Pirate Planet

I've seen this one about a billion times, but it's one of my favorites!  :)

"Mister Fibuli! Mister Fibuli! By all the x-ray storms of Vega, where is that nincompoop? Moons of madness, why am I encumbered with incompetents?" ~ The Captain

"Piece of cake. Radial segment of baked confection. Coefficient and relevance to the Key of Time, zero." ~ K9

"See? For ten seconds the entire fabric of the space time continuum was ripped apart. Panaccenteration readings, critical overload, every system jammed solid. Gravity dilation readings. There, Mister Fibuli. Can you explain those figures? No? And why not? Because for ten seconds the whole infrastructure of quantum physics was in retreat. Find out what happened, Mister Fibuli, and find out fast, or by all the fires of night, I'll have that skull off you!" ~ The Captain

"Not so.  I'm a perfect capable of admitting when I'm wrong. Only this time I wasn't." ~ The Fourth Doctor

"Well, according to these space time coordinates, we have arrived at precisely the right point in space at precisely the right time.  But to the wrong planet. This isn't Calufrax." ~ The Fourth Doctor

"Never trust gimmicky gadgets." ~ The Fourth Doctor

The 4th Doctor: Er, excuse me! What I'd like to know. Where did you get those jelly babies?
Romana: Same place you get them.
The 4th Doctor: Where?
Romana: Your pocket.

"Failed, failed, failed! When someone fails me, someone dies." ~ The Captain

"Will you drive? I assume you know where we're going." ~ Romana

"Wrong? It's an economic miracle. Of course it's wrong." ~ The Fourth Doctor

Kimus: Say, you're very good at this. Do you drive these things for a living?
The 4th Doctor: No. I save planets, mostly, but this time I think I've arrived far, far too late.

"By the beard of the sky demon, the jaws of death were hot about your neck." ~ The Captain

"You'd have to ask the Doctor, though.  I'm only his assistant. He's the one you should be talking to. Or rather, listening to, if you have the stamina." ~ Romana

"Romana, we've stumbled on one of the most heinous crimes ever committed in this galaxy. We've got to get out of here and get out of here quickly." ~ The Fourth Doctor

"Standing around all day looking tough must be very wearing on the nerves, hmm? Long hours, violence, no intellectual stimulation...I'd give it up if I were you." ~ The Fourth Doctor

Mula: But how could he possibly know?
K9: My subsequent analysis of their brainwave patterns indicated no malice when they attacked him.
Mula: You mean they slammed him to the wall with good vibrations?
K9: Affirmative.

"The omens mean the death of another planet." ~ The Fourth Doctor

Pralix She had some kind of evil powers. The legend says she lived for hundreds of years.
The 4th Doctor: Come on, that's not necessarily evil. I've known hundreds of people who've lived for hundreds...
Romana: Shush, Doctor.

"By the left frontal lobe of the sky demon, Mister Fibuli, I used to be one of the greatest hyper-engineers of my time...Now, the ship from which most of the major components were salvaged, the Ventarialis, now there was a ship. The greatest raiding cruiser ever built. And I built it, Mister Fibuli, I built it with technology so far advanced you would not be able to distinguish it from magic...This planet? This vile, lumbering planet? Devil storms, Mister Fibuli, you are a callow fool. Do you not see how my heart burns for the dangerous liberty of the skies? Plunder, battle, and escape! My soul is imprisoned, bound to this ugly lump of blighted rock, beset by zombie Mentiads and interfering Doctors. Enough! They shall die! By the flaming moons of hell, they shall die. Find me those crystals, Mister Fibuli." ~ The Captain

"Well, they say you can fool some of the people all of the time. Let's see, shall we?" ~ The Fourth Doctor

Mr. Fibuli: It looks a pleasant world, Captain.
The Captain: Then it will be pleasant to destroy it.

"What is it you're really up to? What do you want? You don't want to take over the universe, do you? No. You wouldn't know what to do with it, beyond shout at it." ~ The Fourth Doctor

"Appreciate it? Appreciate it? What, you commit mass destruction and murder on a scale that's almost inconceivable, and you ask me to appreciate it? Just because you've happen to have made a brilliantly conceived toy out of the mummified remains of planets!" ~ The Fourth Doctor

"You're a good dog, K9. A good dog? You're a hero!" ~ The Fourth Doctor

The Captain: Excellent. And my Polyphase Avitron?
(The Doctor holds it out, upside down. The Captain takes it, and looks about to cry.)
The 4th Doctor: I'm sorry about that, but it was becoming an infernal nuisance.
The Captain: Destroyed? By the great parrot of Hades, you shall pay with the last drop of your blood. Every corpuscle, do you hear? Mister Fibuli.

"A plank. The theory is very simple. You walk along it. At the end, you fall off, drop one thousand feet. Dead." ~ The Captain

"Well, so much for the paranormal. It's back to brute force, I suppose." ~ Romana

"It won't work, you know. Believe me. I'm an old hand at regenerations. It can't be done that way. Those time dams back there, they just won't work." ~ The Fourth Doctor

The 4th Doctor: You know, I think the conservation of momentum is a very important law in physics, don't you?
Romana: Yes.
The 4th Doctor: I don't think anyone should tamper with it, do you?
Romana: No.
The 4th Doctor: No, nor do I.
(The Doctor pulls out a control unit, yanks a wire and puts it back. The guards come hurtling out of the corridor straight into the opposite wall.)
The 4th Doctor: Newton's revenge. Come on.

"This is the most dangerous manoeuvre the Tardis has ever attempted. Don't take it personally, old girl, just try and survive." ~ The Fourth Doctor

"Spanner? Spanner. That's it! A spanner in the works!" ~ The Fourth Doctor

"Let that be a lesson to you, my girl. Never take anything at its face value." ~ The Fourth Doctor

"Wait a minute. The only way the Captain could destroy Xanxia without blowing himself and this whole mountain to atoms would be to get inside the perimeter of the time dams without disturbing it, right? Which would require astronomic energy sources. So when he has enough of them, all he has to do is alter the balance slightly and create a standing vortex in the middle of the time field, so time starts up at the normal speed and the Queen dies." ~ Romana

Romana: But we can't move that. We can't move anything here. If we do, we'll just upset the whole system and create a gravity whirlpool.
The 4th Doctor: Not if I do something immensely clever.

The Pirate Planet was the second story in season 16 of Doctor Who. It was the second story in the Key to Time arc. The Pirate Planet was the only transmitted story for which Douglas Adams received sole on-screen credit. As of July 2012, it was one of the very few serials of the "classic" era not to be novelized.

This is Douglas Adams' first contribution to Doctor Who. According to the documentary A Matter of Time, included in the 2009 special edition DVD of The Key to Time, it was while working on The Pirate Planet that Adams sold his radio play, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, to the BBC. He worked on both projects at the same time.

The original draft for this story was extremely complex, centered around a Time Lord trapped in a giant aggression-absorbing machine and several paradoxes; it was greatly simplified by the script editor, Anthony Read.

Romana states the Doctor has been traveling in the TARDIS for five hundred twenty-three years. If this is correct and his age is seven hundred fifty-nine, (The Ribos Operation) then this would have made the Doctor about two hundred thirty-six when he first "borrowed" the TARDIS and left Gallifrey.

Links (Watch on
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

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