"Romana, you were not sent on this mission by the President of the Supreme Council. No, no, you weren't. The voice you just heard and the being you saw in the shape of the President was the White Guardian, or to be more accurate, the Guardian of Light and Time as opposed to the Guardian of Darkness, sometimes called the Black Guardian. They can assume any shape or form they wish." ~ The Fourth Doctor
"There are times when the forces within the universe upset the cosmic balance so badly that the entire universe is in danger of eternal chaos." ~ The Fourth Doctor
"Anyone for Tennis? Yes, it's an English expression that means 'Anyone coming outdoors to get soaked?'" ~ The Fourth Doctor
"Just stones? Yes, they're just stones. They're all aligned with various points on the horizon, giving you sunrise and moonrise at different times of the year." ~ The Fourth Doctor
"Typical male. Strands you here in the middle of nowhere with two complete strangers while he goes off somewhere enjoying himself." ~ Vivien
"Nobody home except us Druids." ~ The Fourth Doctor
"Hello. I hope that knife's been properly sterilised. No, no, no, no. You can catch all sorts of things off a dirty knife, you know. Lockjaw, tetanus, not to mentions staphylococcal infections..."~ The Fourth Doctor
"Well, you know how it is, Professor. I often get tied up in my job." ~ The Fourth Doctor
Emelia: It's getting rather exciting, isn't it?
The 4th Doctor: What? Yes, yes, of course. Let's hope it doesn't get too exciting, eh?
Emelia: "What's that?"
The 4th Doctor: "This is my dog. He's called K-9."
Emelia: "But he's mechanical! But isn't that rather..."
The 4th Doctor: "Oh yes, they're all the rage in Trenton, New Jersey."
Emelia: "Oh really? Do you have to a license for them?"
"What are you suggesting, Romana? Some kind of sisterhood that's been worshipping these stones for, when was the convent founded? Twelfth century, wasn't it? For seven hundred odd years? That's a little bit hard to believe, isn't it?" ~ Vivien
"Beware of the birds, he said. The raven and the crow. The raven and the crow. Birds!" ~ The Fourth Doctor
Emelia: Doctor, did I understand you correctly? That thing is made of stone?
The 4th Doctor: Yes, and it's closing on us fast.
Emelia: But it's impossible!
The 4th Doctor: No, it isn't. We're standing still.
"How do you kill a stone?" ~ The Fourth Doctor
"She called them the Ogri. Ogri. Of course! The Ogri. How silly of me. Yes, from Ogros, their home planet. That's in Tau Ceti. Repulsive place covered in great swamps full of amino acids, primitive proteins which they feed on by absorption. Hence their need of globulin." ~ The Fourth Doctor
"Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity said that you cannot travel in space faster than the speed of light, because the speed of light is a limiting factor. If you travelled more than a hundred and eighty thousand miles per second, you'd encounter the time distortion effect. In fact, you'd arrive at your destination before you'd left your starting point." ~ Emilia
Emelia: Are you from outer space?
The 4th Doctor: No.
Emelia: Oh.
The 4th Doctor: I'm more from what you'd call inner time.
"Pow is a technical expression, Professor. It means that all the microcircuitry will fuse into one great urgh of molten metal." ~ The Fourth Doctor
"Now, if they should break through, run as if something very nasty were after you, because something very nasty will be after you." ~ The Fourth Doctor
"They say it's a theoretical absurdity, and that's something I've always wanted to be lost in." ~ The Fourth Doctor
Megara 2: The sentence is death. You are to be executed immediately.
Vivien: Oh, may I watch? You don't mind, do you, Doctor?
The 4th Doctor: No, no, no, no, no. Please, be my guest. I wouldn't want you to miss my execution.
The 4th Doctor: I don't think, I don't think it would do any good. They're justice machines, remember? I knew a Galactic Federation once, lots of different lifeforms so they appointed a justice machine to administer the law.
Romana: What happened?
The 4th Doctor: They found the Federation in contempt of court and blew up the entire galaxy.
Article 3 - Subsection 135 of Megaran Legal Code: "We the Megaran are not permitted to read the memory cells of any beings, except when they are unable to present their evidence by reason of death, unconsciousness, or natural stupidity."
Romana: Doctor, is Earth always like that?
The 4th Doctor: Sometimes it's even exciting.
This was the only story between Frontier in Space and the end of the series' initial run not to have the special sounds created by Dick Mills. Mills suffered a brief illness and Elizabeth Parker provided the sound effects instead. However, due to an oversight, Mills was still credited on-screen.
The location used for de Vries' house was actually a business college. As a prank, during location filming some students removed the TARDIS prop and relocated it to the nearby quarry.
The exteriors of this story were filmed on location at the Rollright Stones, a real megalithic site in central England. An actual legend of the site states that it is impossible to count the stones.
"The Stones of Blood" was the 100th Doctor Who story, occurring in the 15th season, the anniversary of which was 23 November, 1978, five days after the broadcast of Part 4 of the serial. When it turned out after editing that the first episode was slightly short, director Darrol Blake tried to create a brief "birthday" scene for the Doctor's 751st birthday, in which Romana would present the Doctor with a cake and a new scarf (identical to the one he already had), and K-9 would sing "Happy Birthday" off-key. However, producer Graham Williams vetoed this idea as being too self-indulgent and the scene was never shot. Blake had already ordered a cake, and this was eaten by the cast and crew. A small "review" scene about the Key to Time story arc was inserted to fill the up the extra time.
The interior sets for the hyperspace ship were made of wood. Normally, to avoid having the sound of the actors' footsteps sound like wooden thumping, would have required foleying (re-recording the footsteps on a different surface during post-production). In this case, however, the sound engineer put microphones under the floor and then electronically altered the sound so that the footsteps sounded (appropriately) like walking on a metal floor.
John Leeson (K-9) moonlighted at the time by taking photos of fellow actors for "Spotlight", an annual actors' casting directory. During production of "The Stones of Blood", he took several photos of Beatrix Lehmann (Professor Rumford), which she was quite pleased with. As a token of appreciation, she gave him a 1936 Leica camera that she had received from Sir Ralph Richardson. As of 2007, he still has the camera.
The K-9 prop was notoriously difficult to operate, especially over rough terrain. In one scene, when the Doctor tells K-9 to go find Romana, the robot turns and then apparently rolls at fairly high speed across a plowed field. In reality, the robot rolls up a small ramp onto a trolley which is hidden in the grass, and then pulled along via cable.
For location shooting, K-9 was equipped with a small microphone and speaker, so that John Leeson could hear and interact with the other actors from a van parked nearby. One day, while waiting for a scene to be set-up, Tom Baker sat down near K-9 and began working on the Times crossword (Leeson's hobby), conversing with Leeson through the remote link. Without thinking about it, Leeson remained in character. He was later told that several young fans, who had come by to watch the production, were quite amazed by what appeared to be the Doctor and K-9 working on the puzzle together.
The script originally called for the Megara to appear as floating metal balls. Over fears that this would seem to be a rip-off of the training seeker in Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (1977), they were redesigned using a combination of electronic puppetry and optical effects.
Director Darrol Blake revealed on the DVD commentary that he wanted to use different incidental music but producer Graham Williams insisted on the use of regular composer Dudley Simpson.
The use of video to capture the location scenes instead of 16mm film was a directorial decision by Darrol Blake, who hated the clash between the picture quality of film and video that was commonplace on other stories.
David Fisher drew heavily upon British mythology for the names he used in his serial. Vivien Fay and her past alias, Lady Morgana Montcalm, recalled Morgan le Fay, King Arthur's sorceress half-sister. The word "Cailleach" itself was a Gaelic term meaning "old woman", and was associated with numerous entities in Celtic mythology. Dr Thomas Borlase was an homage to two celebrated historians, Thomas Price and William Borlase. The Megara, on the other hand, were named for Megaera, one of the Furies (also called the Erinyes or Eumenides) of Greco-Roman mythology; these were goddesses who persecuted those they perceived as guilty of a terrible crime.
The Nine Maidens were originally called The Nine Travellers.
David Fisher envisioned the Ogri as rocky-skinned humanoids who looked like regular stones only when stationary. This was deemed too costly, although elements of Fisher's original idea - such as the large footprint found by the Doctor and Romana - remained in the script.
Initially, the Ogri were to simply crush people, but this was replaced by their ability to absorb blood. The scene with the two campers was written at a late stage as an illustration.
When Romana is pushed off the cliff, the scene was originally filmed with 'Tom Baker' (I) pushing her (this was intended to be the Cessair disguised as the Doctor). Over fears that young viewers wouldn't understand why the "Doctor" would do this, the scene was later re-edited so that the attacker isn't seen. However, Romana's dialogue makes it clear that she thought she was pushed by the Doctor.
Links (Watch on DailyMotion.com)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Doctor Who: The Stones of Blood (Story 100, The Key to Time Series Part 3) (Special Edition) DVD is available at Amazon.com
Or watch via streaming at on

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