Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Classic Who - Season 15, Story 93 - The Invisible Enemy

"That's the trouble with computers. Always think in black and white. No aquamarines, no blues, no imagination." ~ The Fourth Doctor

The 4th Doctor: Mmm. When your forefathers went leapfrogging across the solar system on their way to the stars. Asteroid belt's probably teeming with them now. New frontiersmen, pioneers waiting to spread across the galaxy like a tidal wave. Or a disease.
Leela: Why disease? I thought you liked humanity?
The 4th Doctor: Oh, I do, I do. Some of my best friends are humans. When they get together in great numbers, other lifeforms sometimes suffer.

The 4th Doctor: Why do you keep repeating everything I say? You're not a parrot, are you?
Leela: Parrot?

Woman: Patient's name?
Leela: Er, just the Doctor.
Woman: Place of origin?
Leela: Gallifrey.
Woman:: Ireland?
Leela: Oh, I expect so.

"Whatever it is I'm suffering from seems to thrive on intellectual activity. Non-thinking is the only way to shake it off, but I can't stay mindless for eternity, can I." ~ The Fourth Doctor

"Negative, negative, negative. No entry. No entry.  I am K9 and I am warning you.  I too have offensive capability. You have been warned." ~ K9

"When we were first attacked. We were on our way to Titan. I assumed it was just a static build-up. Then when I checked the computer, it jumped into my mind, and that explains why Leela was unaffected. Have you met Leela? She's all instinct and intuition. That's why the virus rejected her. Of course. I begin to see it all now." ~ The Fourth Doctor

Leela: Can you explain simply?
K9: Negative.

"There is no need for gratitude. I am an automaton.  I am without emotional circuits. Only memory and awareness." ~ K9

The 4th Doctor 2: That is a reflex link, whereby I can tune myself into the Time Lord intelligentsia. A thousand super-brains in one.
Leela 2: Why don't you do it now?
The 4th Doctor 2: What? Oh, well, I lost that particular faculty when they kicked me out.

"I've heard it all before. You megalomaniacs are all the same." ~ The Fourth Doctor

"Sometimes my brilliance astonishes even me." ~ The Fourth Doctor

Leela: Is that all? If we can get to Titan on time, if we can get past Lowe and the others, if it works when we get it in there. If. I thought you didn't like killing?
The 4th Doctor: I don't.
Leela: Then why are you doing all this?
The 4th Doctor: The virus has a perfect right to exist as a virus, not as a giant storm threatening the entire Solar System. Everything has its place. Otherwise the delicate balance of the whole cosmos is destroyed.

Leela: K9's breaking up, my blaster's finished. What are we going to do?
The 4th Doctor: Shall we try using our intelligence?
Leela: Well, if you think that's a good idea.

Leela: You know we should have done what I said.
The 4th Doctor: What was that?
Leela: Blow them up.

"Methane atmosphere. Mix well with oxygen and run. That was a good idea of mine, K9, to blow it up." ~ The Fourth Doctor

This story introduced K9 as a companion to the Fourth Doctor. This is the only story in which the monitor on K9's left side actually displays anything.

The introduction of K9 Mark I marks the beginning of an almost seven-year span of stories featuring at least one non-human companion which lasted until the departure of Turlough, a native of Trion, and the destruction of Kamelion, a shape-shifting android, in Planet of Fire in 1984.

Enemy re-introduced the "primary" TARDIS console room, now slightly redesigned by Barry Newbery. It had been abandoned for the wooden, "secondary" control room in the previous year's season opener.

Links (Watch on
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

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