"Oh no, it isn't, is it, Doctor. It's not your precious Citadel at all. It's another rotten gloomy old tunnel." ~ Sarah Jane Smith
"There are alien spies in the tunnels. Enemies of the Federation and of Peladon. They must be found and destroyed." ~ Ortron
"It's not that, Doctor. I think we're about to have some trouble of our own." ~ Sarah Jane Smith
"You really are a suspicious fellow, aren't you?" ~ The Third Doctor
"We shall not learn the Doctor's plans by having him executed, Ortron. If he is our enemy, he will soon betray himself." ~ Thalira
"Yes, well, if you hadn't missed the target by about five hundred yards and fifty years, we wouldn't be in this mess." ~ Sarah Jane Smith
"Look, it's fifty years now since Peladon joined the Galactic Federation, and what have the miners got to show for it? Harder work for the same rewards." ~ The Third Doctor
"I believe that human beings sometimes find the appearance of my species rather frightening. Yet I assure you, we are an amiable and peace loving race." ~ Alpha Centuri
"Your Majesty, as you know, the miners are already on the point of armed rebellion. How would they react if their leader was killed by the Queen's guards? He'd become a martyr, a figurehead for a people's revolution. Revolution and civil war, your Majesty, unless you allow me to help you." ~ The Third Doctor
Eckersley: I'll say one thing for your friend the Doctor, he's got quite a knack of talking himself out of trouble.
Sarah: Mmm, just as long as he hasn't talked himself into a whole lot more.
"These Earth females seem to have a distressing tendency to rash action." ~ Alpha Centuri
"Now, do you think it's just a coincidence that Aggedor appeared in that cave just as I started my investigations?" ~ The Third Doctor
"The Ambassador opened the door because Ettis threatened to kill me. Now you can't say that means I was helping him." ~ Sarah Jane Smith
"There's no need to trouble the Queen, Doctor. I shall deal with you myself. Here in the temple, my will is law. I shall consult the judgement of Aggedor. Oh, mighty Aggedor, make known they will. How shall we punish those who have offended against thee?" ~ Ortron
"The decision is no longer yours or mine, your Majesty. The girl and the Doctor have gone to face the judgement of Aggedor." ~ Ortron
"A little bit of light hypnosis. It brings out his sweeter nature, doesn't it, old chap, hmm? Come and tickle his ears, Sarah." ~ The Third Doctor
"Inform the Federation. Get them to send you a bit of muscle. With Federation troops on the planet, you and your friend the Doctor, could make both sides see reason. And besides, if things really do blow up on this planet, the Federation could lose the trisilicate, and then they'll want to know why they weren't told how bad things were getting, you see?" ~ Eckersley
"The Doctor and his companion have been most barbarously treated. The behaviour of our Chancellor was unforgivable. You appealed to the judgement of Aggedor. Now you shall accept it. The Doctor is vindicated." ~ Queen Thalira
"There's nothing only about being a girl, your Majesty. Never mind why they made you a Queen, the fact is you are the Queen, so just you jolly well let them know it." ~ Sarah Jane Smith
Sarah: No, no, it was before all that started. Now listen, whoever's faking Aggedor would need a lot of technological equipment, right?
The 3rd Doctor: Yes. And a very considerable power source too.
Sarah: Well, there's all of that in the refinery.
"Pompous old idiot." ~ Sarah Jane Smith
"I'd like you to take me to the Federation refinery. From what Sarah tells me, there's something singularly suspicious going on down there." ~ The Third Doctor
"Unfortunately, Federation troops, as a result of the recent violence, are about to land on this planet. didn't send for them. I don't want them here any more than you do. But they're coming, and we cannot fight them. Now our only hope is to convince them that their presence here is not needed, and the way to do that, is to return the mines to working order. Now, I appeal to you for the sake of Peladon, go back to work. And when the Federation troops have gone, there'll be a fair hearing for all your complaints." ~ Ortron
"Natives of the planet Mars. Your friend, the Doctor, calls them Ice Warriors, but I thought they were still in orbit?" ~ Alpha Centuri
"Let us see what has emerged. You say that the miners have rebelled against their proper rulers. But Gebek here says that the nobles have cheated them of their rights. You say that the Doctor here is a spy and a saboteur. But the Ambassador says that he is an old and valued friend. (to Gebek) You say that your god appears to you because he is angry, but the Doctor here is sure that the appearances are caused by trickery." ~ Commander Azaxyr
"If we cannot have the trisilicate, then our space fleet will blast your hostile planet to dust." ~ Commander Azaxyr
"No, Sarah is absolutely right. Those two were in the refinery all the time. Commander Azaxyr isn't acting on behalf of the Federation at all. He's up to something on his own." ~ The Third Doctor
"My dear Sarah, Azaxyr will kill me anyway as soon as he finds I'm no longer useful. It's just a question of my getting rid of him before he gets rid of me." ~ The Third Doctor
"We have a saying on Peladon. If you can't stand the heat, keep out of the mine." ~ Gebek
"It was Ettis. He stabbed me. He's gone mad. He's got the sonic lance in a cave on Mount Megeshra. He's going to blow up the Citadel." ~ Rima
"If you use that sonic lance, you'll be killing your own Queen and a lot of your own people. Now most of the Ice Warriors are in that mine. The Peladonians are fighting them, Ettis, soldiers and miners together, and they're winning!" ~ The Third Doctor
"I was defending the safety of the Citadel. The death of the Doctor was an unfortunate necessity. You would do well to accept the situation." ~ Commander Azaxyr
"I still can't believe it. I can't believe that he's dead. You see, he was the most alive person I ever met." ~ Sarah Jane Smith
"Let there be no more of this foolishness, your Majesty. You can see for yourself the results of defying the Ice Warriors. Guard her." ~ Commander Azaxyr
"Ambassador, look. Look, it's the Doctor! He's alive. He's alive after all! You stay here and keep sending that SOS call. I'm going to join him." ~ Sarah Jane Smith
"I'm afraid that it's Eckersley that has been summoning up Aggedor. And now he's using him to attack your miners." ~ The Third Doctor
"Can't you ever stay out of trouble?" ~ Sarah Jane Smith
"When my father signed treaties with the Federation, he could not have known it would lead to nothing but bloodshed. However, we must accept the consequences." ~ Queen Thalira
"Ah. Then you must know that I'm in complete control of Aggedor. So may I suggest that you give yourself up straight away?" ~ The Third Doctor
The Third Doctor: Sarah, get out of here straight away. Warn Gebek. They're probably waiting for him. I'll try and help out with Aggedor.
Sarah: Well, you can't mean to stay in here?
The Third Doctor: Oh, this sort of nonsense doesn't worry me. You know that.
Sarah: No, I can't leave you in here!
The Third Doctor: Sarah, please, go.
"I shall summon assistance. Help! Guards!" ~ Alpha Centuri
"Well, don't sound so aggrieved. Anybody would think you prefer me dead." ~ The Third Doctor
"Yeah, well, don't worry. I think I know a way we can track him down." ~ The Third Doctor
"Don't move, Eckersley. Oh, yes. Aggedor may be getting on a bit but he can still sniff out a trail. I'm sorry, old chap, but it's all over." ~ The Third Doctor
"There's nothing only about being a miner, your Majesty, anymore there was about being a girl." ~ Sarah Jane Smith
"You're sure you don't want to stay and take the job, Doctor? Civil service post with a pension. I mean, I'd hate to stand in the way of your career." ~ Sarah Jane Smith
This is the last on-screen appearance of the Ice Warriors until the story "Cold War" aired in 2013, though they did reappear in various novels and audio dramas.
In an attempt to recapture the feel of The Curse of Peladon, the same director and designer were assigned to this story and many of the props that still existed (including the Alpha Centauri and Aggedor costumes) were re-used. The Ice Warrior costumes were all originally made for the 1960's episodes.
Links (Watch on DailyMotion.com)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
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