Ian: Yes. If they don't ask what a police box is doing under a bridge in the first place.
The 1st Doctor: But you know, young man, I have a feeling, or call it intuition if you like. I don't believe we're anywhere near your time, the 1960's.
Ian: I hope it is only an intuition, Doctor.
The 1st Doctor: Yes, well, ask yourself. Here we are, standing by the Thames and we've been here quite a while, how long? Quarter of an hour, twenty minute?
Ian: Easily, but what about it?
The 1st Doctor: Well, what have we heard? Nothing. Precisely nothing. No sound of birdsong, no voices, no sound of shipping, and not even the chimes of old Big Ben. It's uncanny. Uncanny.
The 1st Doctor: [To Susan] What you need is a jolly good smacked bottom!
"It's Battersea Power Station. I wonder what's happened to those two chimneys?" ~ Ian Chesterton
"Yes, but aren't you even a bit curious? After all, it's your city, you know. Don't you want to know what's happened to it?" ~ The First Doctor
Dortmun: Two more pairs of hands. Good, we need
David: She says she can cook.
Dortmun: Oh, can you?
David: And what do you do?
Susan: I eat.
The 1st Doctor: I think you'd better let us go.
Dalek: We do not release prisoners. We are the masters of the Earth.
The 1st Doctor: Not for long.
Dalek: I warn you, resistance is useless.
"Conquered the Earth? You poor, pathetic creatures. Don't you realise? Before you attempt to conquer the Earth, you will have to destroy all living matter." ~ The First Doctor
"Obey motorised dustbins?" ~ Dortmun
"My dear boy, what in Skaro was a million years ahead of us in the future. What we're seeing now is about the middle history of the Daleks." ~ The First Doctor
"Rebel against us and the Daleks will destroy London completely. You will all die, the males, the females and descendants. Rebels of London, come out of your hiding places. The Daleks offer you life." ~ Black Dalek
"My dear young man, the Daleks have only feelers, no hands, and they use their brains, not brute force." ~ The First Doctor
Ian: You know, Doctor, sometimes you astound me.
The 1st Doctor: Only sometimes, dear boy? What's happened to your memory? Don't you remember we know that the Daleks can use static electricity?
Ian: Of course.
Ian: You're a genius.
The 1st Doctor: Yes, there are very few of us left. Now, let's get out, and be crafty.
"Look, things aren't made better by running away. This is my planet! I just can't run off and see what it's like on Venus! " ~ David Campbell
"I never felt there was any time or place that I belonged to. I've never had any real identity." ~ Susan
The 1st Doctor: I don't care what that young man says. I make the decisions here, my dear, and I think we should make our way back to the Tardis.
Susan: What's the good of that, Grandfather? We need someone to help us blast all that rubble. Besides, London's crawling with Daleks. We must go north.
The 1st Doctor: Do you question my authority, child?
Susan: No, Grandfather, it's not that at all. It's just that David says
The 1st Doctor: You seem to place more reliance on that young man's word than mine, don't you.
Susan: Oh, Grandfather, it's not that. It's simply that he lives in this time. He understands the situation.
Barbara: Jenny, there's a whole bunch of them ahead of us.
Jenny: Shall we jump for it?
Barbara: No. I'm going through.
(She scatters them like skittles)
Jenny: We went straight through them! Straight through them!
Barbara: Yeah, it wasn't bad, was it. I rather enjoyed that. We won't be able to stay in this much longer though. They'll be after us with a vengeance now.
Tyler: I wasn't shooting at a man. These sewers are full of alligators.
Susan: Alligators? In the sewers of London?
Tyler: A lot of animals escaped from zoos during the plague. Most were killed but reptiles thrive down here.
The 1st Doctor: You do realise, of course, we shall have to let them both come down before we decide to defend ourselves.
Tyler: Well, we can take them one at a time.
The 1st Doctor: Oh yes, just one. The other’s bound to return and bring back reinforcements.
Tyler: If we stick together long enough, I’ll learn to do what you say the first time.
"No, Tyler, no. I never take life. Only when my own is immediately threatened. Now then, let us make our way to this mine and then we shall know how to deal with these Daleks. Leave this creature to his own devices and salvation." ~ The First Doctor
David: Your grandfather stood up to the journey fantastically well.
Susan: He’s a pretty fantastic sort of man.
"You see, man, to them, is just a work machine. An insignificant specimen that is not worth invading. Absolutely useless. It doesn’t matter to them whether you live or die." ~ The First Doctor
David: Is that what it is? They dare to tamper with the forces of creation?
The 1st Doctor: Yes, they dare. And we have got to dare to stop them.
Barbera: I have some important information. Rebels are planning a revolution against the Daleks.
Dalek: There will be no revolution. The Daleks are masters of Earth.
"Once the core is removed, we can replace it with a power system that will enable us to pilot the planet anywhere in the universe." ~ Black Dalek
Barbara: Right. This revolt is timed to start almost immediately. As in the case of the Indian mutiny, which I am sure
Black Dalek: Indian mutiny? We are the masters of India!
Barbara: I was talking about Red Indians in disguise! The plan will run parallel with the Boston Tea Party. Naturally, you already have information about this.
Black Dalek: Wait! Why have I not been informed of this?
Dalek 2: There has been no information.
Barbara: Good! That means the first part of the plan is a success. Now, I warn you, General Lee and the four, the fifth cavalry are already forming up to attack from the north side of the crater. The second wave, Hannibal’s forces, will of course come in from the Southern Alps. The third wave
Black Dalek: Attention! Attention! Mobilise defence forces!
"Thank you, but don’t call me Doc, I prefer Doctor. Do you mind?" ~ The First Doctor
Barbara: (as a Dalek) Robomen, this is your last order. Obey it and no other.
The 1st Doctor: Turn on the Daleks, turn on the Daleks, kill the Daleks, do you hear?
"But you told me! You said that you’d never known the security of living in one place and one time. Look, you said it was something that you always longed for. Well, I’m giving you that, Susan. I’m giving you a place, a time, an identity." ~ David Campbell
"One day, I shall come back. Yes, I shall come back. Until then, there must be no regrets, no tears, no anxieties. Just go forward in all your beliefs, and prove to me that I am not mistaken in mine." ~ The First Doctor
This story saw the first departure of an original cast member. The next regular cast departure came with Ian and Barbara leaving in The Chase, the following Dalek story. Another departure occurred in the next Dalek story after that, The Daleks' Master Plan, in which the character of Katarina was killed.
This was Carole Ann Ford's last regular appearance as Susan. She actually cried while filming the final scenes as Susan. Ford reprised her role as Susan in The Five Doctors (which starred Peter Davison as the Fifth Doctor) alongside Richard Hurndall as the First Doctor, and briefly in Dimensions in Time alongside Colin Baker as the Sixth Doctor.
William Hartnell does not appear in "The End of Tomorrow" due to an injury, although his stand-in Edmund Warwick does.
The story was adapted for the movie 1966 Daleks' Invasion Earth 2150 A.D. starring Peter Cushing. It was the second and, to date, final film to be based upon episodes of the televised series. Numerous changes were made to characters and story for the film, and a key plot element - Susan leaving the Doctor - is eliminated entirely.
The setting was moved forward by a century, and so references to the original Dalek attack occurring in 1980 were deleted.
Terry Nation originally submitted a script called 'The Red Fort', a historical tale set during The Indian Mutiny. The original script included a teenaged rebel named Saida, an English girl of Indian descent who was revealed as Dortmun's daughter after his death. Saida stowed away aboard the TARDIS at the story's conclusion, becoming the new companion. Subsequently, this character evolved into the Caucasian Jenny. Due to the popularity of the Daleks and demand for more appearances from them, it was abandoned.
The Robomen were conceived as wearing only a small disc on their temple, with wires snaking into the hair.
Links (Watch on YouTube.com)
Part 1 - World's End
Part 2 - The Daleks
Part 3 - Day of Reckoning
Part 4 - The End of Tomorrow
Part 5 - The Waking Ally
Part 6 - Flashpoint
Purchase DVD at Amazon.com or download from iTunes.
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