Friday, November 22, 2013

NuWho - Series 7, Episode 3 - A Town Called Mercy - Season 33, Story 227


"I see Keep Out signs as suggestions more than actual orders, like Dry Clean only." ~ The Eleventh Doctor

"Anachronistic electricity, Keep Out signs, aggressive stares. Has someone been peeking at my Christmas list?" ~ The Eleventh Doctor

Isaac: Says he wants us to give him the alien doctor.
Amy: But that's you. Why would he want to kill you? Unless he's met you.

"Why would I be curious? It's a mysterious space cowboy assassin. Curious? Of course I'm not curious." ~ The Eleventh Doctor

Kahler-Jex: But that wasn't the plan. He's not following the plan.
Amy: Welcome to my world.

"When he starts killing your people, you can use your justice." ~ The Gunslinger

"We'd been at war for nine years. A war that had already decimated half of our planet. Our task was to bring peace, and we did. We built an army that routed the enemy and ended the war in less than a week. Do you want me to repent, to beg forgiveness for saving millions of lives?" ~ Kahler Jex

"War is another world. You cannot apply the politics of peace to what I did. To what any of us did." ~ Kahler Jex

"Looking at you, Doctor, is like looking into a mirror, almost. There's rage there, like me. Guilt, like me. Solitude. Everything but the nerve to do what needs to be done. Thank the gods my people weren't relying on you to save them." ~ Kahler Jex

Amy: Oh, you're really letting him do this?
Rory: Save us all? Yeah, I really am.

Amy: This is not how we roll, and you know it. What happened to you, Doctor? When did killing someone become an option?
The 11th Doctor: Jex has to answer for his crimes.
Amy: And what then? Are you going to hunt down everyone who's made a gun or a bullet or a bomb?
The 11th Doctor: But they coming back, don't you see? Every time I negotiate, I try to understand. Well, not today. No. Today, I honour the victims first. His, the Master's, the Dalek's, all the people who died because of my mercy!
Amy: You see, this is what happens when you travel alone for too long. Well, listen to me, Doctor. We can't be like him. We have to be better than him.

"But that's how all this started. Jex turned someone into a weapon. Now that same story's going to make you a killer, too. Don't you see? Violence doesn't end violence, it extends it, and I don't think you want to do this. I don't think you want to become that man." ~ The Eleventh Doctor

"Frightened people. Give me a Dalek any day." ~ The Eleventh Doctor

Kahler-Jex: You think I'm unaffected by what I did? That I don't hear them screaming every time I close my eyes? It would be so much simpler if I was just one thing, wouldn't it? The mad scientist who made that killing machine, or the physician who's dedicated his life to serving this town. The fact that I'm both bewilders you.
The 11th Doctor: Oh, I know exactly what you are, and I see this reformation for what it really is. You committed an atrocity and chose this as your punishment. Don't get me wrong, good choice. Civilised hours, lots of adulation, nice weather, but, but justice doesn't work like that. You don't get to decide when and how your debt is paid.
Kahler-Jex: In my culture, we believe that when you die your spirit has to climb a mountain carrying the souls of everyone you wronged in your lifetime. Imagine the weight I will have to lift. The monsters I created, the people they killed. Isaac, he was my friend. Now his soul will be in my arms, too. Can you see now why I fear death? You want to hand me over. There's no shame in that. But you won't. We all carry our prisons with us. Mine is my past. Yours is your morality.

Kahler-Jex: When this is over, will you go back?
The Gunslinger: How can I? I am a monster now.
Kahler-Jex: So am I.

The Gunslinger: I'm a creature of war. I have no role to play during peace.
The 11th Doctor: Except maybe to protect it.


Working titles for this story included The Gunslinger and Mercy.

This was the first televised Western episode since The Gunfighters in 1966.

This was the first episode of the BBC Wales revival whose visual effects were not credited to The Mill. Although various episodes had, in the past, required help from other companies, The Mill had always managed to retain the main "Visual Effects" credit. The most notable recent example of this was The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe, where some of the effects were done by Space Digital. There, Space received an "Additional Visual Effects" credit. Here, however, they become the first company other than The Mill to get the main VFX credit since Rose.

This is the first episode not to feature the TARDIS interior since The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe.

Matt Smith recieved three riding lessons prior to the shoot.  This was his first time ever on horseback.

Watch instantly via online streaming at Amazon.

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