Monday, January 7, 2013

NuWho - Series 5, Episode 8 - The Hungry Earth (Season 31, Story 209a)

Nasreen: How much further do you think we can we go, Mack?
Mack: Into the unknown. Exciting, isn't it?

"Doctor, stop trying to distract us. We're in the wrong place. Doctor, it's freezing and I've dressed for Rio. We are not stopping here. Doctor. You listening to me? It's a graveyard. You promised me a beach." ~ Amy Pond

"After everything we've seen, we just drop back into our old lives? The nurse and the kissogram?" ~ Rory

"What did I break? Sonicking and entering. Totally different." ~ The Eleventh Doctor

"Oh, please. Have you always been this disgusting?" ~ Amy Pond

"It's shifting when it shouldn't be shifting. The ground, the soil, the earth, moving. But how? Why?" ~ The Eleventh Doctor

"The graves round here eat people." ~ Elliot

"Bio-programming. Oh, it's clever. You use bio-signals to resonate the internal molecular structure of natural objects. It's mainly used in engineering and construction, mostly jungle planets, but that's way in the future and not here. What's it doing here?" ~ The Eleventh Doctor

"Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." ~ The Eleventh Doctor

"The blue grass? Oh, Nasreen. Those trace minerals weren't X marking the spot, saying dig here. They were a warning. Stay away. Because while you've been drilling down, somebody else has been drilling up." ~ The Eleventh Doctor

"Look, Ambrose. We saw the Doctor's friend get taken, okay? You saw the lightning in the sky. I have seen the impossible today, and the only person who's made any sense of it for me, is the Doctor." ~ Nasreen

The 11th Doctor: No, no weapons. It's not the way I do things.
Ambrose: You said we're supposed to be defending ourselves.
The 11th Doctor: Oh, Ambrose, you're better than this. I'm asking nicely. Put them away.

Elliot: Is it monsters coming? Have you met monsters before?
The 11th Doctor: Yeah.
Elliot: You scared of them?
The 11th Doctor: No, they're scared of me.

"Oi, don't diss the sonic." ~ The Eleventh Doctor

"Cold blood. I know who they are." ~ The Eleventh Doctor

"So, I think I've met these creatures before. Different branch of the species, mind, but all the same. Let's see if our friend's thawed out." ~ The Eleventh Doctor

"No. You're really not. Because I'm the last of my species and I know how it sits in a heart. So don't insult me. Let's start again." ~ The Eleventh Doctor

"I'll gladly die for my cause. What will you sacrifice for yours?" ~ Alaya

"They're not aliens. They're Earth-liens. Once known as the Silurian race, or, some would argue, Eocenes, or Homo Reptilia. Not monsters, not evil. Well, only as evil as you are. The previous owners of the planet, that's all. Look, from their point of view, you're the invaders. Your drill was threatening their settlement. Now, the creature in the crypt. Her name's Alaya. She's one of their warriors, and she's my best bargaining chip. I need her alive. If she lives, so do Elliot and Mo and Amy, because I will find them. While I'm gone, you four people, in this church, in this corner of planet Earth, you have to be the best of humanity.  No dissecting, no examining. We return their hostage, they return ours, nobody gets harmed. We can land this together, if you are the best you can be. You are decent, brilliant people. Nobody dies today. Understand?" ~ The Eleventh Doctor

"No way. But, but that's, this is fantastic." ~ Nasreen

"Shall I tell you what's really going to happen, apes? One of you will kill me. My death shall ignite a war, and every stinking ape shall be wiped from the surface of my beloved planet." ~ Alaya

"Maybe more than a dozen. Maybe more like an entire civilisation living beneath the Earth." ~ The Eleventh Doctor

Matt Smith celebrated his twenty-seventh birthday during the filming of this episode.

Despite the press release saying that the story would take place in 2015, it actually took place in 2020. It may have been changed due to some events of the previous episode happening in 2015.

In Doctor Who and the Silurians another tribe of Silurians had gone into hibernation, intending to be revived 50 years later (before being destroyed). That episode was made in 1970 (with an unclear setting due to the unit dating controversy) and this episode was set exactly 50 years later in 2020.

This is the first Silurian story to feature a female member of the species.

Originally, Mo and Amy were to be stripped down to their underwear before being dissected. This was removed as "too adult".

This Silurian tribe have the ability to flick their long, forked tongues at their enemies, injecting them with poison. The Doctor implies that he has prior knowledge of such an ability, suggesting that he had encountered another Silurian tribe with a similar trait.


Available on Amazon, Netflix, or iTunes.

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