"You've had some cowboys in here. Not actual cowboys. Though that can happen." ~ The Eleventh Doctor
"It's a split in the skin of the world. Two parts of space and time that should never have touched. Pressed together. Right here in the wall of your bedroom." ~ The Eleventh Doctor
"Prisoner Zero will vacate the human residence or the human residence will be incinerated." ~ Atraxi
"I am writing a computer virus. Very clever, super fast, and a tiny bit alive. But don't let on!" ~ The Eleventh Doctor
"Don't you know where they came from? You don't, do you? The Doctor in the TARDIS doesn't know. Doesn't know doesn't know! The Universe is cracked. The Pandorica will open, silence will fall." ~ Prisoner Zero
"I started to think you were just, like, a mad man with a box." ~ Amy Pond
This is the only televised story starring a single incarnation of the Doctor to refer to the number of that incarnation in its title.
Caitlin Blackwood (young Amy) and Karen Gillan are real-life cousins, and Gillan convinced series producers to cast Blackwood in the role; amazingly, they hadn't actually met before Doctor Who.
One clothing retailer reported that in the month following the airing of this episode, in which the Doctor declared that "bow ties are cool," its bow tie sales increased by 94%
Available on Amazon, Netflix, or iTunes.
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