DoDo: Yes I have. It's just outside London. I came here once with the school. It's called Whipsnade.
"Earth? Earth? Well, it couldn't be anywhere else now, could it?" ~ Dodo Chaplet
DoDo: Flowers from America, birds from Africa, a snake from Brazil and now an elephant from India.
The 1st Doctor: Exactly, my dear.
Steven: It's a jungle incorporating things from all over the world.
The 1st Doctor: Yes, you're quite right, my boy. Yes, and top of everything else, it's a jungle without a sky.
"That reminds me, why are you dressed in these stupid clothes? Have you been footling about in my wardrobe? Is that what it is? What do you think you're playing at, crusades?" ~ The First Doctor
The 1st Doctor: Yes, yes. What do they look like, dear boy?
Steven: Terrifying. Is this is Earth, it's no longer inhabited by human beings.
The 1st Doctor: Shh. You'll frighten the child. Come on.
Steven: And where you are going?
Commander: To Refusis Two. The Earth also is dying. We have left it for the last time.
Steven: The last time?
Commander: Yes. In a short time it will burn and be swallowed in the pull of the Sun.
Steven: Then we must have journeyed forward millions of years.
Steven: What's all the fuss about? The man's caught Dodo's cold, that's all.
The 1st Doctor: All? All? These people, this generation, have never experienced the common cold for the simple reason it was wiped out many generations ago before they were born. They have no resistance to it.
Steven: What'll happen?
The 1st Doctor: I don't quite know, I don't know. But it might be fatal and we shall be to blame. Yes, it's all our fault and I should have foreseen it.
"I'm not snivelling. It's me nose running again! Anyway, I'm feeling better now but I don't suppose anyone cares." ~ Dodo Chaplet
Steven: Look, do you think this has happened before? That we've carried an infection from one age to another, or even one planet to another?
The 1st Doctor: Oh, I don't want to think it about it, dear boy. It's too horrifying. Though I must say that we're usually very healthy.
Steven: It'll spread through the whole ship, become an epidemic.
The 1st Doctor: Well, that depends on the strength of the virus infection.
DoDo: If it's half as bad as my cold was, it will.
Zentos: There is the crux of the matter. Do you expect us to believe that nonsense, that you manage in that ridiculous machine called the Tardis, have managed to travel through time? Guardians, Monoids, these beings, whatever they are, place a heavy strain on our credulity.
Steven: Well that's not very difficult! If your medical records are anything to go by, this segment of time, far from being one of the most advanced in knowledge, is one of the worst!
Zentos: We can cope with all things known to the fifty seventh segment of Earth life, but not with strange diseases brought by you as agents of the intelligences that inhabit Refusis!
Steven: Are you still on about that? I've told you before. We know nothing of that planet.
"That the nature of man, even in this day and age, hasn't altered at all. You still fear the unknown, like everyone else before you." ~ Steven Taylor
"Are you aware that you might be committing your entire community to a slow extinction? Trust me. Allow me, help me to find a new cure for this fever of yours." ~ The First Doctor
Commander: Zentos, this is your Commander speaking. I order you to release the travellers immediately. They will be given every facility for research. They may be our only hope. See to it.
Zentos: But the hearing decided differently, Commander. These people are dangerous.
Commander: Don't argue with me, Zentos. Those are my instructions. But in case you are right, I wish the Doctor to use his young friend as a guinea pig. If he succeeds in curing him, then I will set aside the verdict of the court. Now, proceed.
Dodo: Okay.
The 1st Doctor: What did you say?
Dodo: I said, okay.
The 1st Doctor: Yes, I thought you did. Now once this crisis is over, I'm going to teach you to speak English.
"Yes, I know I'm a bit of a quack, but the combination of these two membrane fluids, a little at a time, should do the trick." ~ The First Doctor
DoDo: Don't you have to squirt it into his arm?
The 1st Doctor: What, with a hypodermic needle? Good gracious, no. That went out a long time ago.
"Remember your journey is very important, young man, therefore you must travel with understanding as well as hope." ~ The First Doctor
The 1st Doctor: Well, er, yes. But when we were here some time ago we also were friends of your forebears. They were called Monoids. Things were very different then.
Yendom: These strangers, they
Monoid 2: You speak of the distant past. Following the recent revolution we are now the masters.
The 1st Doctor: I see, and the human beings?
Monoid 2: They work for us. Is that not true, Yendom?
Monoid 1: You controlled the immediate impact of the fever, but a mutation of it developed later on that sapped the will of the humans.
DoDo: You mean that it was our fault that you took over because of the fever?
Monoid 1: In part.
Monoid 2: You stay here.
Steven: Why? Where are you taking them?
Monoid 2: They will make the first landing on the planet Refusis. You will be held as a security for their conduct.
"So this is Refusis? Where's the red carpet, then?" ~ Dodo Chaplet
DoDo: Yes, I bet it'll take some time to get the whole of the population down here, so the sooner you get started, the better, I should think.
Monoid 2: Don't worry. It may not take as long as you think.
DoDo: What do you mean? Are you up to something?
The 1st Doctor: Nothing, my dear. We shall just have to wait until the next party lands.
Dodo: What if they don't come? What if they decide to find another planet?
The 1st Doctor: Well, in that case we shall just have to stay here.
Refusian [OC]: Here, we've always known peace. Never war or conflict.
DoDo: You're not the only ones like that. The Guardians, you know the humans who travel in the spaceship, they have used to have your ideas too.
The 1st Doctor: Yes, that's true my dear but, you mustn't think they were perfect. Oh, no. Sometimes they were extremely intolerant and selfish.
Refusian [OC]: Is that why they were conquered by the Monoids?
The 1st Doctor: Exactly.
Monoid 3: Who is it that travels in that launcher? We have seen no one since we have been here.
The 1st Doctor: Well, to tell the truth, neither have we.
"Some of us should go back to Refusis to help the Doctor and Dodo, whilst the rest stay here and try to deal with that bomb." ~ Steven Taylor
"A long time ago, your ancestors accepted responsibility for the welfare of these Monoids. They were treated like slaves. So no wonder when they got the chance, they repaid you in kind." ~ The First Doctor
"Oh Doctor, don't say you're catching a cold now." ~ Dodo Chaplet
Although Lesley Scott, Paul Erickson's then-wife, was credited as a co-writer, she did no work on the scripts. Erickson would later give his reasons in the First Doctor Handbook for sharing credit with her: "It was a personal arrangement I had with her, which was my own personal business at the time. The circumstances went into history. I need say no more than that."
The Monoids were played by actors, each holding a ping-pong ball in his mouth to represent the alien's single eye. The upper portion of the actor's face was hidden by a 'Beatle' wig.
The cast interact with real animals on loan from a zoo for the jungle scenes, a rarity at the time.
This was the first story in which Michael Sheard, a frequent and favourite guest star on Doctor Who, appeared.
Future Dalek voice Roy Skelton did his first work on Doctor Who, voicing the Monoids in Episodes 3 & 4.
There are occasional lapses by Jackie Lane into the Cockney accent in which she rehearsed the story, before the production team were instructed by their superiors that it was unacceptable for a regular character in Doctor Who to speak in anything other than 'BBC English'. Companion Ben Jackson (introduced only four stories later in The War Machines) was allowed to keep his Cockney accent.
Part 1: The Steel Sky
Part 2: The Plague
Part 3: The Return
Part 4: The Bomb

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