Thursday, January 3, 2013

Classic Who - Season 25, Story 148 - Remembrance of the Daleks

"Five, six, seven eight. It's a doctor at the gate." ~ School Girl

"What a predictable response." ~ The Seventh Doctor

"That's the point group, Group Captain, it isn't even remotely human." ~ The Seventh Doctor

"Aim for the eyepiece! Ace, give me some of that Nitro Nine that you're not carrying. Quickly." ~ The Seventh Doctor

"You can always judge a man by the quality of his enemies." ~ The Seventh Doctor

"Frightening, isn't it, to find there are others better versed in death than human beings." ~ The Seventh Doctor

"It is not your past. You haven't been born yet. Would someone look after Ace for me?" ~ The Seventh Doctor

Doctor: Get a vehicle ready. Load it up with plastic explosives and integral detonators.
Gilmore: Right.
Rachel: Why explosives?
Doctor: Well, that thing merely disorients and weakens them. What do you expect me to do then, talk to them sternly?

"When I say stay put, I mean stay put, not take on an entire Dalek assault squad single-handed. What were you doing here, anyway?" ~ The Seventh Doctor

"A long time ago, on my home planet of Gallifrey, there lived a stellar engineer called Omega. It was Omega who created the supernova that was the initial power source for Gallifreyan time travel experiments. He left behind him the basis on which Rassilon founded Time Lord society, and he left behind the Hand of Omega. The Hand of Omega is a mythical name for Omega's remote stellar manipulator, a device used to customise stars with. And didn't we have trouble with the prototype." ~ The Seventh Doctor

"Dalek hunting is a terminal pastime." ~ The Seventh Doctor

"It's simple, isn't it. Renegade Daleks are blobs. Imperial Daleks are bionic blobs with bits added. You can tell that Daleks are into racial purity. So, one lot of Daleks reckon the other lot of blobs are too different. They're mutants. Not pure in their blobbiness. They hate each other's chromosomes. War to the death." ~ Ace

"This is the Doctor, President Elect of the High Council of Time Lords, Keeper of the legacy of Rassilon, Defender of the Laws of Time, Protector of Gallifrey. I call upon you to surrender the Hand of Omega and return to your customary time and place."  ~ The Seventh Doctor

"Oh Davros, I am far more than just another Time Lord." ~ The Seventh Doctor

"Do you remember the Zygon gambit with the Lock Ness Monster? Or the Yetis in the Underground? Your species has the most amazing capacity for self-deception, matched by only its ingenuity when trying to destroy itself." ~ The Seventh Doctor

The 7th Doctor: You destroyed it.
Ace: I aimed for the eye-piece.

"Steady on? You drag me down from Cambridge, you quote the Peace Time Emergency Powers Act at me, and then you expect me to advise on something outside the realm of human experience. Bluntly, Group Captain, we're reliant on the Doctor because only the Doctor knows what is going on." ~ Rachel

"Stellar? As in stars? You mean he engineered stars?" ~ Ace

The 7th Doctor: No, no, it's called that because Time Lords have an infinite capacity for pretension.
Ace: I've noticed that.

The 7th Doctor: The Hand of Omega's inside this box. The most powerful and sophisticated remote stellar control manipulator device ever constructed.
Ace: Are you sure you want the Daleks to have it?
The 7th Doctor: Absolutely.

"You're finished. He's a grass, a dirty stinking grass! He's selling us out to the Daleks!" ~ Ace

"Do me a favour and drown yourself." ~ Ace

Allison: Doctor, how do you do that?
The 7th Doctor: Do what?
Allison: How do you just rewire a piece of alien machinery?
The 7th Doctor: It's easy when you have nine hundred years experience.

The 7th Doctor: Provided everything goes according to my plan.
Rachel: Plan?
ALLISON: I, er, I don't suppose you could let us know what your plan is?
The 7th Doctor: It's a surprise.
Rachel: Good. I love surprises.

"Does it worry you, Doctor, that with it I will transform Skaro's sun into a source of unimaginable power? And with that power at my disposal, the Daleks shall sweep away Gallifrey and its impotent quorum of Time Lords!" ~ Davros

Davros: The Daleks shall become Lords of Time! We shall become all...
The 7th Doctor: Powerful. Crush the lesser races. Conquer the galaxy. Unimaginable power. Unlimited rice pudding, et cetera, et cetera.

"I programmed the Hand of Omega to fly into Skaro's sun and turn it supernova. The resulting explosion destroyed Skaro, and the feedback destroyed the mothership. The Hand of Omega is now returning to Gallifrey." ~ The Seventh Doctor

"Your home planet a burnt cinder circling a dead sun." ~ The Seventh Doctor

This is the first instance of a Dalek levitating up a staircase on screen. However, Davros appears to have the power of flight in Revelation of the Daleks, achieved with the same special effect. In The Chase a Dalek is seen to elevate from sand and it is implied they can move between the decks of the Marie Celeste.

This is the first instance of a "skeleton effect" caused by Dalek weapons. This effect would be used in every subsequent Dalek story.

This is the first (and only) time in the series that the Doctor Who series has been (possibly) mentioned, by an announcer on a TV, saying: "This is BBC television, the time is quarter past five and Saturday viewing continues with an adventure in the new science fiction series Do-" - and then the scene changes.

The pre-credits sequence includes clips from famous speeches including those of JFK, Charles de Gaulle, the Duke of Edinburgh, and Martin Luther King. It had been originally been hoped to use a clip from a speech by HM the Queen when opening the Commonwealth Telephone Cable Link on 2 December 1963, but the production team contacted Buckingham Palace for permission to include the material, this was denied; apparently, Her Majesty did not wish to be quoted on a fictional television programme.

John Leeson, best remembered as the voice of K9, made a one-off return to the series in this story, providing the voice of a Dalek computer. It was his last contribution to the original series.

Russell T Davies has stated that the destruction of Skaro in this story is the first act of the Time War.

Links (Watch on
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

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