Thursday, January 3, 2013

Classic Who - Season 24, Story 145 - Paradise Towers

"That's the problem with young people today, no spirit of adventure." ~ The Seventh Doctor

"You may want to lie by the pool doing nothing all day. I intend to explore. Paradise Towers is supposed to be a remarkable architectural achievement, I'm told. Won all sorts of awards way back in the er, twenty first century." ~ The Seventh Doctor

"Nothing's just rubbish if you have an enquiring mind." ~ The Seventh Doctor

"Red Kangs, Red Kangs, Red Kangs are best." ~ Red Kangs

"Not got very enquiring minds, have you?" ~ The Seventh Doctor

"You we like, Doctor. What you wear is high fabsion and ice hot, for an old one." ~ Fire Escape

"No visitors, no ball games, no fly posts, no visitors." ~ Bin Liner

"Boys? Boys? What are boys? There are Old Ones, and the Caretakers and Kangs and the...That is all." ~ Fire Escape

The 7th Doctor: Did you say a whole tribe of Yellow Kangs have been wiped out, I mean, made unalive, just like that? But why? You didn't kill them, did you?
Fire Escape: To make unalive is not part of the Kang way. No ball games, no fly posts, no wipe-outs.
The 7th Doctor: Who did it, then? The Caretakers? The Blue Kangs? I mean, who?
Fire Escape: It takes place.

"Build high for happiness." ~ Bin Liner

Tilda: Oh, silly, us. We're the Rezzies.
Mel: The Rezzies?
Tabby: Yes, well, we're some of the Rezzies, anyway. We have a few like-minded friends here and there in the Towers.

The 7th Doctor: Do you usually do what I usually do in these circumstances?
Deputy: What's that?
The 7th Doctor: Run!

"The name is Pex. I put the world of Paradise Towers to rights." ~ Pex

"Pex, what's going on? Pex, what's happening in Paradise Towers?" ~ Mel

"We have been waiting for this momentous visit for so many years. You are the man who brought Paradise Towers to life. The visionary who dreamed up its pools and lifts and squares. And now you have returned to your creation. You will make all those dilapidated lifts and rise and fall as they've never done before. All signs of wallscrawl will disappear from the corridors of Paradise Towers. The floors will gleam and the windows will shine, and will be made as new. Fellow Caretakers, do you know who this is? This is the Great Architect returned to Paradise Towers. Bid him welcome. All Hail the Great Architect, all hail." ~ Chief Caretaker

"Shall I tell you what puzzles me most? Those cleaners we had so much trouble with. Well, presumably they're part of the organisation of Paradise Towers like your Caretakers. So why should they attack you? And another thing. I don't know why you're so keen to kill off the Great Architect. I thought you'd be delighted to have him here to put things to rights. It doesn't make sense. Does it?" ~ The Seventh Doctor

"Yes, we can count that as your last request. You're entitled to one if you're to undergo a three two seven appendix three subsection nine death. Not a pretty way to go." ~ Deputy Caretaker

"Tabby and Tilda talked about a war. They said that only the Oldsters and the Youngsters were brought to the Paradise Towers and the rest, the In-betweens, were sent off to fight and never came back. So how does it happen that you're here?" ~ Mel

"Now the main thing, fellow Caretakers, is not to panic. Just because it appears that something unfortunate may have happened to Caretaker number three four five stroke twelve subsection three, we must not go leaping to conclusions. Careless chat about the Robotic Self-activating Megapodic mark seven Z Cleaners having got out of control is not going to help anyone, and may needlessly upset other Caretakers. Many explanations are possible for this unlucky accident. In the mean time, all Caretakers will patrol their assigned streets as before. I'm sure you will be quite safe." ~ Chief Caretaker

"Nothing ventured. Nothing gained. Jackpot! Issued by the Great Architect, Kroagnon. Kroagnon? Oh no, not you again. I've got too many things to work out. You really aren't helping. What do you want anyway? Is it my death?" ~ The Seventh Doctor

"What is the matter with everyone in the Towers? I simply don't understand. I mean, the Cleaners go round killing people and carting them off and no one does anything to stop them. All you Kangs can do is draw wallscrawls on the subject all over the place.  I know, I've seen them. And the Caretakers, they're no better. They allow themselves to get killed off without saying anything either. Just because there's nothing about it in their precious rulebook. Oh, don't tell me you don't know. I mean, what is going on? I mean, what is behind that door belching out smoke that you Kangs are so keen on painting pictures of, eh? Any ideas? Or that simply just another mystery?" ~ The Seventh Doctor

"Are these antiques dotted around all over the building? It really is a splendid piece of auditoryarchitectatonicalmetrasyncocity." ~ The Seventh Doctor

"Ice hot, Doctor.  Ice hot!" ~ Fire Escape

"All Kangs know the muscle brain. He's a scaredy-cat. When the In-Betweens sent us all here in the ship, us and the Oldsters, the muscle brain hid away and came with us because he didn't want to fight in the war along with the other In-Betweens." ~ Blue Kang

"Not at all. You don't understand. I mean, the last people I want to meet are the Caretakers. I'm in as much danger as you. More, probably. You got to believe me. Listen, we've got to work together. The Chief Caretaker's off his head. If we don't stop the wipe-outs, who will? Please?" ~ The Seventh Doctor

"In our experience, Mel dear, it is much better not to struggle too much. It only causes needless distress." ~ Tilda

"You must have a secret escape route. I mean, it's not like Kangs to allow themselves to be caught like rats in a trap." ~ The Seventh Doctor

"Are you sure you want to get to the Pool in the Sky? Only the unalive go there." ~ Pex

The 7th Doctor: Like everyone else you seem terrified to face up to the reality of what's happening in Paradise Towers. I mean, killing me won't help you find out who's sending out those robotic Cleaners to kill people. And that's a problem that isn't going to go away, unless, of course, you're giving the orders yourself.
Chief Caretaker: What a ridiculous idea.
The 7th Doctor: Perhaps. But I do have a better one.
Chief Caretaker: And what is that?
The 7th Doctor: No doubt you've been allowing the Cleaners to kill off some of your people as well as the Kangs, for reasons which are at the moment beyond me but then I'm not a power crazed psychopath.
Chief Caretaker: What did you say?

"The Kangs play a game you see. They get into the lift and press the buttons for all kinds of floors up and down the building." ~ Pex

"No cause for panic? Two of my next door neighbours have just disappeared down the waste disposal chute. I wouldn't wish that on anybody." ~ Maddy

"Kroagnon was a brilliant architect, and Miracle City, his masterpiece. Only he refused to move out and let anybody move in. He thought that people would destroy the beauty of his work. But they got him out. Only those who moved in lived to regret it." ~ The Seventh Doctor

Mel: Don't you think it's wonderful to be somewhere calm and clean and relaxing?
Pex: It makes me nervous.
Mel: Oh, everything makes you nervous.

Mel: Pex, do something!
Pex: What shall I do?
Mel: Anything! Anything!
Pex: Help! Help!
Mel: Can't you think of anything else?

"Search hard, my Cleaners, search hard. Bring them all out! All the nasty human beings! The Caretakers, the Residents, the Kangs, all of them! We'll be back to collect the rubbish later." ~ Chief Caretaker

Mel: Imagine building this beautiful pool and filling it with mechanical killers.
The 7th Doctor: The rest of the Towers would have been like this pool if he'd had his way. A killer in every corner.

"That's Paradise Towers in a nutshell, I'm afraid. The Red Kangs didn't trust the Blue Kangs, and none of them trusted the Caretakers. And the Rezzies, from your account, prey on whoever they can and trust no one either. And all of them despise poor old Pex. Oh, the Great Architect must be delighted. How are we going to unite the people of Paradise Towers to defeat him?" ~ The Seventh Doctor

"I've been asked to give you this, Pex. It's a Kang bracelet. They wanted to give it to you. They think you're not a scaredy cat any longer but a real Kang. Good luck, Pex." ~ Mel

"Ah, Fire Escape. Now, have you managed to remove the Kang wallscrawls from the Tardis as you promised?" ~ The Seventh Doctor

"Paradise Towers" was conceived before Sylvester McCoy was cast as The Doctor.

Script writer Stephen Wyatt based his story in part on the J. G. Ballard novel High Rise, which depicts a luxury apartment building which descends into savagery.

In the original script, a mutated creature lived in the Paradise Towers pool. When producter John Nathan-Turner voiced concerns about how effectively this could be accomplished, it was changed to an aquatic version of the cleaners. The robot cleaners were added because script editor Andrew Cartmel was concerned about the lack of monsters in the story.

Pex was originally envisioned as a muscle-bound moron to parody such popular American heroes as Sylvester Stallone's Rambo. Unfortunately, no British actors of appropriate age and build were available, and so John Nathan-Turner suggested turning the concept completely on its head, by casting a small, slender actor who was clearly not the physical specimen Pex made himself out to be.

In successive drafts of the script, the planet on which Paradise Towers was located was referred to as 'Kroagnon', and then as 'Griphos'. The world was eventually left unnamed on-screen. There does exist a possibility that it could be Earth — bearing in mind that the program listing for Part One in Radio Times (cover dated: 3 - 9 October 1987) was accompanied by a black and white head-and-shoulders shot of Richard Briers as the Chief Caretaker, which bore the caption "Paradise Towers, Earth. Chief Caretaker — Richard Briers".

The Blue Kang Leader was unnamed on-screen, but was given the name Drinking Fountain in Wyatt's novelisation.

Wyatt thought many of performers cast to play The Caretakers were too young. JNT was displeased with Richard Briers performance, thinking it was over the top

This music score for this story was originally made by freelance composer David Snell. JNT rejected the music after it was completed, deeming it too repetitive. Keff McCulloch provided the replacement score very quickly.

Julie Brennon (Fire Escape) was married to Mark Strickson whom played The Fifth Doctor's companion Turlough.

Nisha Nayar, who appears uncredited as one of the Red Kangs, would later play the female programmer in Bad Wolf. After William Thomas, she was the second actor to appear in both the classic and revived series of Doctor Who.

The Doctor states that this story takes place in the 21st century. The advanced technology suggests it is set in the latter half.

Links (Watch on
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

Doctor Who: Paradise Towers (Episode 149) DVD is available at

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