Thursday, January 3, 2013

Classic Who - Season 23, Story 143d - Trial of a Time Lord: The Ultimate Foe

"No, my lady, but I would point out that much of the Railyard's so-called evidence was a farrago of distortion which would have had Ananias, Baron Munchhausen and every other famous liar blushing down to their very toe nails. Much of the evidence was not as I remembered." ~ The Sixth Doctor

"Justice? Pay no attention, madam. He has no concept of what justice is. He'd see me dead tomorrow." ~ The Sixth Doctor

The 6th Doctor: What was in that box?
Sabalom Glitz: I don't know. Scientific stuff, so he said. Stuff the Sleepers have been nicking from the Matrix for years.
Keeper: The Matrix? My Matrix?
Sabalom Glitz: Right. Well, it seems the Sleepers had found a way to break into the Matrix, and they were creaming off all this high-tech info to take back to Andromeda.

"They put an ancient culture like the Earth to the sword for the sake of a few miserable, filthy scientific advances?" ~ The Sixth Doctor

"In all my traveling through out the universe I have battled against evil.  Against power mad conspirators.  I should have stayed here!  Decidant, degenerate and rotten to the core!  Power mad conspirators...Daleks, Santaurans...Cybermen! They're still in the nursery compaired to us!  10 million years of absolute power...that's what it takes to be REALLY corrupt!" ~ The Sixth Doctor

The Master [on screen]: They made a deal with the Valeyard, or as I've always known him, the Doctor, to adjust the evidence, in return for which he was promised the remainder of the Doctor's regenerations.
The Valeyard: This is clearly...
The 6th Doctor: Just a minute! Did you call him the Doctor?
The Master [on screen]: There is some evil in all of us, Doctor, even you. The Valeyard is an amalgamation of the darker sides of your nature, somewhere between your twelfth and final incarnation. And I may say, you do not improve with age.

Sabalom Glitz: How can we be in a different world? We just stepped through a door, that's all.
The 6th Doctor: Into the Matrix, where the only logic is that there isn't any logic.
Sabalom Glitz: Yeah, I knew this was a mistake. My grip on reality's not too good at the best of times.

"For a lie to work, madam, it must be shrouded in truth." ~ The Master

Melanie: How utterly evil!
The Master: Thank you

"There's nothing purer and more unsullied, madam, than the desire for revenge. But, if you follow the metaphor, I've thrown a pebble into the water, perhaps killing two birds with one stone, and causing ripples that'll rock the High Council to its foundations. What more could a renegade wish for?" ~ The Master

"This is a very odd waiting room. Well, where are the hopelessly out-of-date magazines?" ~ The Sixth Doctor

Sabalom Glitz: Oh, great cosmic protector of grafters and dissemblers, save me. Save me! A voice from the grave.
The 6th Doctor [OC]: No, a grave voice.

"I really must curb these urges. I've no wish to be contaminated by your whims and idiosyncrasies." ~ The Valeyard

The Valeyard: Come now, Doctor. How else can I obtain my freedom, operate as a complete entity, unfettered by your side of my existence? Only by ridding myself of you and your misplaced morality, your constant crusading, your...
Sabalom Glitz: Idiotic honesty?
The Valeyard: Oaf. Microbe.
Sabalom Glitz: Pardon me for trying to help.

"With the Doctor as my enemy, I always have the advantage. But the Valeyard, the distillation of all that's evil in you, untainted by virtue, a composite of your every dark thought, is a different proposition. Additionally, he's infuriated me by threatening to deny me the pleasure of personally bringing about your destruction. And so he must pay the price. And you, Glitz, shall help me to collect." ~ The Master

"You Time Lords take the cake. Talk about devious. Compared to you lot I'm as transparent as crystal." ~ Sabalom Glitz

"There's always a choice." ~ The Sixth Doctor

"Unless we are prepared to sacrifice our lives for the good of all, then evil and anarchy will spread like the plague. The rule of law must prevail." ~ The Sixth Doctor

"The Valeyard overestimates his own cleverness. Like all megalomaniacs, he is consumed with his own vanity. There, that should inflame his bloated ego." ~ The Sixth Doctor

The Master: [attempting to hypnotize Glitz with a swinging watch] Are you listening, Sabalom Glitz?
Sabalom Glitz: Not really. I was just wondering how many grotzis this little bauble cost you.

"There are times in our relationship when I feel an interpreter wouldn't come amiss." ~ Mel

Sabalom Glitz: Very astute of you, Doc. You should live a long time.
The 6th Doctor: I already have. Over nine hundred years.

"The Matrix screen. Mel, get back to the trial room. Tell them to disconnect the Matrix screen and evacuate the court. Go! Do it, or there'll be mass murder." ~ The Sixth Doctor

This was Colin Baker's last appearance as the Doctor, though he was unaware of it at the time of filming. Baker was fired by the BBC, the only Doctor in the history of the show to be so poorly treated.

The Controller of BBC One at the time, Michael Grade, criticized Doctor Who, saying that the program had become overly violent and its storylines farcical.

This is the last onscreen appearance of the Time Lords as a civilization for twenty-three years. They would be killed off prior to the events of Series 1 of the revived series, in the aftermath of the Last Great Time War, leaving the Doctor as the sole survivor. They returned four years later in The End of Time.

Links (Watch on
Part 1
Part 2

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