Thursday, January 3, 2013

Classic Who - Season 23, Story 143b - Trial of a Time Lord: Mindwarp

"Gentlemen, may I remind you this is a court of law, not a debating society for maladjusted, psychotic sociopaths. You will both conduct yourselves in an orderly manner and show proper respect for the judicial procedure. I hope I make myself very clear." ~ Inquisitor

The 6th Doctor: Peri, a Warlord of Thordon wouldn't use his dying words to lie to us. Remember what he said? Thoros Beta, send more beams that kill.
Peri: Beams that kill wasn't the only thing he had on his mind. Dirty old Warlord. Glad we left that place when we did.

"My dear girl, if I stopped to question the wisdom of my actions, I'd never have left Gallifrey." ~ The Sixth Doctor

The 6th Doctor: Nurse, could you prepare to apply the, er, skedaddle test?
Peri: Are you sure that's wise?
The 6th Doctor: Come round here. I think the alternative could be much worse.

"Looks like a man, acts like a wolf. Lycanthropy?" ~ The Sixth Doctor

"Well, that explains the CD phaser sales to Thordon. Sil'd sell anything from bows and arrows to planet disintegrators." ~ The Sixth Doctor

Crozier: Yrcanos is a barbarian king. He knows only one thing, how to fight, therefore he is fighting our attempts to give him peace and tranquillity.
Yrcanos: Scum.
Crozier: The more stupid the subject, the longer it takes.

"My lady, it is as clear as the warts on an Edarg's face that the Valeyard has lost his nerve. He keeps saying that he has the most damning evidence, but where is it? I suggest to you, my lady, that this evidence does not exist. Whereas the fact that Earth was two light years away from its original position is incontrovertible." ~ The Sixth Doctor

"Take charge, Sil. I will be dead as that Raak if I wait for them to find the intruders. At once! Before I perish! Then where will you be, eh? Dead. No, worse than that. Poor. Oh, oh, oh, my head!" ~ Kiv

"Enough, Sil! What, do you intend to talk me to death?" ~ Kiv

Peri: We? That includes me, huh?
Yrcanos: On my planet of Krontep, a warrior queen fights alongside her king.
Peri: We're not on your planet.
Yrcanos: It doesn't matter, the rule still applies.

"The odds were against us. Why should I risk my life for a savage and a stupid girl? Why should I follow a mad warlord of Thordon? What's in it for me, huh?  I'm no hero." ~ The Sixth Doctor

"Kill you? You are Dorf of Kanval. Whatever's happened to your body, your spirit must remain the same. Now, die if you must, but do it in battle. Keep that hatred burning within you for when you find the man who has done this to you. There is one who has betrayed me.  I have a special death reserved for him. He's a traitor known as the Doctor." ~ Yrcanos

"Just like in the old days. There's nothing more enjoyable than watching people suffer." ~ Sil

"I suggest you always were just like that, my dear Doctor. A toady, a coward, a turncoat. You were afraid that Crozier wanted to transplant the brain of the alien Kiv into your head. You said as much yourself. The thought of that made you panic." ~ The Valeyard

"If the Time Lords of Gallifrey want my life, you don't think I'd entrust my defence to one of their august number, do you?" ~ The Sixth Doctor

"As with all corrupt dictatorships, there are pockets of resistance planning and working to overthrow the evil of Kiv and the other Mentors. My belief is that they await a great leader. I am he." ~ Yrcanos

"All right, all right. Let's rest first and then march. There's a good warlord, huh?" ~ Peri Brown

"You'll not die on me, you fish-faced monster." ~ Crozier

Yrcanos: This is a great day for battle. A great day to die!
Tuza: Does he always go on like that?
Peri: Afraid so.

"It's strange. Ever since we came to Thoros Beta I've been homesick. Not so much for a place, but a time. I just want to be back in my own time with people I love." ~ Peri

"I shall be as quiet as the silence that is in the starry skies, only quieter still." ~ The Sixth Doctor

Yrcanos: His name is Dorf and you are scum.
The 6th Doctor: No, actually I am known as the Doctor, and there's no need to thank me for helping you to escape. Come along.

"Be silent! I am King Yrcanos of the Krontep! I'm quite capable of making my own decisions!" ~ Yrcanos

"And so they took it upon themselves to act like second-rate gods?" ~ The Sixth Doctor

"Lies. There's something else going on here. The High Council has no right to order Peri's or anyone else's death. No, I was taken out of time for another reason, and I have every intention of finding out what it is." ~ The Sixth Doctor

Trevor Laird would later play Clive Jones, the father of Martha Jones. Laird is to date the only actor to play a recurring character in the BBC Wales version of the show who also appeared in the original series.

Along with cast mate Christopher Ryan (Kiv) Laird is one of 29 performers that have appeared to date in both the Classic and the New Who series.

Links (Watch on
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

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