Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Classic Who - Season 15, Story 97 - The Invasion of Time

"Negative. Prognostication impossible in matters concerning Doctor.  I cannot tell." ~ K9

"K9, sulking is also an emotional thing. If you cannot wish, you cannot sulk. K9! K9, I'm sorry." ~ Leela

"You promised complete control over the Time Lords." ~ The 4th Doctor

The 4th Doctor: Would you like a ball bearing?
K9: Please do not mock, master.

"I claim the inheritance of Rassilon. I claim the titles, honour, duty and obedience of all colleges. I claim the Presidency of the Council of Time Lords." ~ The Fourth Doctor

K9: Agree. Possibility of your explanation being better than mine, less than one percent.
Doctor: What? You are the most insufferably arrogant, overbearing, patronising bean tin.
K9: Master?
Doctor: Nothing. Someone once said that to me, once.
K9: Correction, master. Several people have said that about you.
Doctor: Thank you. Thank you very much.
K9: Thanks are not necessary.
Doctor: Well at least no one's ever called me smug!
K9: Correction.

Andred: Forgive me, sirs. The President-elect desires your immediate attendance.
Borusa: Then let him rot in a black star.

Andred: No, there's nothing for you to do, but, Leela? If you could avoid killing anyone, it would help.
Leela: I will try.

The 4th Doctor: That's funny, I've got a ringing in my head.
Borusa: That's the alarm system.

"Even the sonic screwdriver won't get me out of this one." ~ The Fourth Doctor

Leela: What was that?
Rodan: Probative space fleet. Neo-crystal structure, atomic power and weaponry, on its way to blast some part of the galaxy to dust, I suppose.
Leela: Then you must stop them!
Rodean: But that would be against every law of Gallifrey. Oh no, I could never interfere, only observe.

Borusa: You really disappoint me, Doctor. I expected better of you.
The 4th Doctor: Did you really? Thank you.

"There's no point in further discussion. Discussion is for the wise or the helpless, and I am neither." ~ Leela

"You keep your Lord President, I'll keep my Doctor. He has a plan. He always has a plan." ~ Leela

"Well, Lord Borusa, you and the other Time Lords are singularly logical, hmm? You're also short on humour and imagination. You can't offer distractions as I can. What's for tea?" ~ The Fourth Doctor

Gomer: I'm sorry I can't go any faster. By the time you're my age, I'm in my tenth regeneration, you know
Andred: Yes, sir, I know. I don't mind how slowly we go.
Gomer: In my younger days I was considered to be lively enough.

Andred: Die, traitor.
The 4th Doctor: Not now. Can't you see I'm busy?

"I don't know what they teach you at the Academy these days, but if you can't pull off a simple palace revolution, what can you pull off, hmm? " ~ The Fourth Doctor

Andred: Why haven't you explained this to the Supreme Council?
The 4th Doctor: Shush. Because they can read thoughts. Even encephalographic patterns. That's why I've plugged K9 into the Matrix instead of me. He's got no brains, you see. Sorry about that, K9.

Andred: But you have access to the greatest source of knowledge in the universe.
The 4th Doctor: Well, I do talk to myself sometimes, yes.

"He's mad. One of us is mad. It's either him..." ~ Andred

K9: I'm in charge. We will now trace the circuit again and fuse it.
Andred: But the circuit is part of the Academy. Instruction and investigation control.
K9: We will give them a day off school. Blow it.
"Maybe I am getting too young for this sort of thing. Come on." ~ The Fourth Doctor

The 4th Doctor: Victory over whom?
Stor: Victory over all.
The 4th Doctor: Victory over time?

The 4th Doctor: Well, Chancellor? Are you going to help me or kill me, hmm?

The 4th Doctor: It leaves you unconcerned. That's the difference between you and me, Chancellor. I'm very concerned.
Borusa: Then you should remember your training in detachment.

"There's no record in the Matrix of any president knowing the whereabouts of the Great Key. So who does? Not the Castellan, he's just a jumped up guard. But who guards the guards?" ~ The Fourth Doctor

Borusa: So what would you suggest we do?
The 4th Doctor: Run?
Borusa: Run.
The 4th Doctor: Let's do that.

The 4th Doctor: You got lost, didn't you.
Leela: Well, it's bigger than it looks, your Tardis.

"What nobody understands is, the advantage of my antiquated Tardis is that it's fully equipped and completely reliable. Yeah, well, almost completely." ~ The Fourth Doctor

"If I had a dog like you in my unit, I'd make him a sergeant." ~ Andred

The 4th Doctor: I could rule the universe with this, Chancellor.
Borusa: Is that what you want?

Rodan is the first female Gallifreyan to appear on screen since Susan Foreman more than a decade earlier.

This story provides one of the most extensive views of the interior of the TARDIS ever provided on television. As in The Masque of Mandragora, the deep TARDIS interior is shown to be an eclectic combination of rooms with highly variable designs, such as an indoor swimming pool and an industrial building. The interior TARDIS became much more homogenised after this. In the John Nathan-Turner era, the TARDIS interior greatly resembled the console room, with white, roundeled walls throughout.

Links (Watch on
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6

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