The 4th Doctor: Oh, the taxes. My dear old thing, all you need is a wiley accountant.
"Perhaps everyone runs from the tax man." ~ Leela
"I'm interested in this Undercity. Always like to get to the bottom of things." ~ The Fourth Doctor
Leela: You mean it is dark.
Cordo: What is dark?
The 4th Doctor: Do you think he's insulting me?
Leela: With a face like his? He would not dare.
"Before I die, I'll see this rat hole ankle deep in blood. That is a promised thing." ~ Leela
The 4th Doctor: What did they get you for?
Bisham: Curiosity.
The 4th Doctor: That's a crime here?
"You? You have nothing, Mandrell. No pride, no courage, no manhood. Even animals protect their own. You say to me you want to live. Well I'll say this to you. If you lie skulking in this black pit while the Doctor dies, then you will live, but without honour!" ~ Leela
Leela: All right, K9. Bite.
K9: Mistress?
Leela: Stun him.
Yes, K9. What do you want, a biscuit?" ~ Leela
"Tell this gorilla to take his paws off me." ~ Leela
"He is a Time Lord." ~ Leela
Commander: Shan't keep you pending long. His Excellency has invoiced your execution.
Leela: Good. That means I won't have to look at your ugly face any more.
Computer: Attention, Citizens. Attention all Citizens. Stand by for an important public bulletin. Have you seen this man? (The Doctor.) He is an anti-Company agent wanted for acts of terrorism. Gatherer Hade will pay a reward of five thousand talmars for information leading to the capture of the gangster, dead or alive.
Synge: Hey, five thousand.
The 4th Doctor: Peanuts. It's an insult. The Droges of Gabrielides offered a whole star system for my head once.
"What, that? Poof, it's just a knack. You've either got it or you haven't." ~ The Fourth Doctor
"Why won't you listen to me? Why don't you girls listen to me?" ~The Fourth Doctor
The 4th Doctor: Oh, I was just checking the books.
The Collector: Your appearance is not unexpected.
The 4th Doctor: I'm not the Auditor, I'm the Doctor.
The Collector: I know.
The Collector: What? What? Are you mad?
The 4th Doctor: Quite mad. Mad as a hatter.
"The Sun Makers" is Louise Jameson's favourite Classic Doctor Who serial.
The story originated from recent problems Robert Holmes was experiencing with UK tax authorities, and contains many references to the British tax system. These include the Inner Retinue (cf. Inland Revenue) and "the P45 return route" (cf. the P45 form).
The idea of man-made suns was inspired by Adrian Berry's non-fiction book The Iron Sun: Crossing The Universe Through Black Holes.
"The Sun Makers" marks the last appearance of Leela's darker outfit. For the next two serials — her last — she would continue to wear the lighter (and more revealing) one.
The joke involving the Doctor accidentally hypnotizing Leela was devised on the set by the two actors.
Unusually, Paddy Kingsland did the special sounds on this episode. He was also responsible for special sounds on the radio adaptation of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Hence, as Louise Jameson pointed out in the DVD commentary, there was some crossover of sounds. Most notably, the sound of the Doctor fiddling with the combination lock in Part Four is the same as the sound of the Guide being consulted in the original Hitchhiker's radio drama.
At one point in scripting, the scene in which Leela is stunned when entering the large safe was to have been her death scene. However, the production team decided against killing Leela, in part because to have Tom Baker's Doctor shown grieving midway through a story would have been inappropriate both for the story and Baker's version of the character.
Michael Keating's performance in this serial led to him being cast in the "Blake's Seven" TV series.
Trailer & Links
Doctor Who: The Sun Makers (Story 95) DVD is available from Amazon.com,
or download from iTunes, or watch via streaming on Hulu Plus.
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