Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Classic Who - Season 14, Story 89 - The Face of Evil


"I think this is not Hyde Park. Could be a nexial discontinuity. Must remember to overhaul those tracers. Put a knot in my hanky. (His hanky already has a knot in it.) I wonder what that was for. Little look round, Doctor? Why not." ~ The Fourth Doctor

The 4th Doctor: Leela. A nice name, Leela. I never met anyone called Leela. Would you like a jelly baby?
Leela: It's true, then. They say the Evil One eats babies.

"I want you to do exactly as I say. You and I are going to walk away from here very slowly and very quietly. And no matter what happens, you mustn't cry out or make any sudden move. And above all, you mustn't run until I tell you. Is that clear?" ~ The Fourth Doctor

"I keep on telling you, I'm not the Evil One. Who was it saved your life?" ~ The Fourth Doctor

"Never be certain of anything. It's a sign of weakness." ~ The Fourth Doctor

The 4th Doctor: You don't understand? If they're preparing for a battle, they're hardly likely to send men on patrol on the off-chance that you might come back.
(Two crossbow bolts thud into the tree trunk directly in front of the Doctor. Leela is hiding behind it.)
The 4th Doctor: On the other hand, I could be wrong about that.

"That gesture you did. Yes, that's the one. It's presumably to ward off evil. It's interesting because it's also the sequence for checking the seals on a Starfall Seven spacesuit. And what makes that particularly interesting is that you don't know what a Starfall Seven spacesuit is, do you. Now drop your weapons, or I'll kill him with this deadly jelly baby." ~ The Fourth Doctor

"That wasn't necessary. Who licensed you to slaughter people? No more Janis thorns, you understand? Ever." ~ The Fourth Doctor

The 4th Doctor: Well now, it seems I have been here before.
Leela: That's the Evil One.
The 4th Doctor: Is it. I must have made quite an impression.

The 4th Doctor: I like the hat. Very fetching.
Leela: That was the Hand of Xoanon.
The 4th Doctor: That was an armoured space glove, or what was left of one.

The 4th Doctor: Amazing. You know, I had a feeling, I had a feeling that Neeva was actually expecting to hear an answer to his prayer.
Leela: There wouldn't be much point in praying if he didn't.

"Leela, I have a feeling. Something nasty. Something I did. It seems like it." ~ The Fourth Doctor

"Answers are easy. It's asking the right questions that is hard." ~ The Fourth Doctor

"I suppose you're always right about everything." ~ Leela

"If he can be killed, then he is not the Evil One, because the Evil One is a god." ~ Leela

Leela: Where did you learn to shoot like that?
The 4th Doctor: Shoot like what? Oh, like that. In Switzerland. Charming man. William Tell, he was called.

Leela: So what happened? Doctor, what happened?
The 4th Doctor: I'm rather afraid I did.

"I do you honour, Lord of Time. We've waited long for your return." ~ Jabel

"A machine that's become a living creature. An old mission computer with schizophrenia. Not a very pretty thought, is it. Not my fault." ~ The Fourth Doctor

The 4th Doctor: When I was here before, I programmed Xoanon for the Mordee. Unfortunately I forgot to wipe my personality print from the data core. Or did I really forget? I forget if I forgot.
Leela: You're not making yourself very clear, Doctor.

Tomas: We've outgrown the old superstitions, Neeva.
Neeva: But it is there, isn't it, Tomas. We start getting proof and we stop believing.
Tomas: With proof, we don't have to believe.

"Ha! You'll have to be quicker than that, you overblown adding machine." ~ The 4th Doctor

"Me? But I don't want to be leader. I'm far too unreasonable, aren't I, Doctor? Doctor?" ~ Leela

The Face of Evil introduces Louise Jameson as Leela. This character was inspired by Emma Peel of The Avengers, Palestinian terrorist Leila Khalid and Eliza Doolittle.

The story was written with two endings, one with Leela going off with the Doctor and one where she didn't.

Links (Watch on
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

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