Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Classic Who - Season 12, Story 79 - Revenge of the Cybermen

(Oh look! Supersized Cybermats!)

"If you two could put your weight on the door and stop it opening too suddenly. Don't want to lose my arm. I'm rather attached to it. It's so handy." ~ The Fourth Doctor

"Doctor, do you expect me to believe that that old police box is just going to materialise out of nothing?" ~ Harry Sullivan

"Who's the homicidal maniac?" ~ The Fourth Doctor

"I've just made a third interesting discovery about your plague virus, Commander.  One, it scratches metal. Two, it attacks its victims so suddenly that they become unconscious before they can even raise the alarm, and three...It removes tape from radio logs. It must be a very literate and inquisitive virus. Whatever it is that's attacking your crew, Commander, it's certainly not a plague." ~ The Fourth Doctor

"They disappeared after their attack on Voga at the end of the Cyber War. Not the same thing as dying out, Commander. They're utterly ruthless. Total machine creatures." ~ The Fourth Doctor

"You know, I sometimes wonder your friend is quite right in the head." ~ Commander Stevenson

"Voga, otherwise known as the Planet of Gold, is hated and feared by Cybermen because gold is lethal to them. It's the perfect non-corrodible metal. It plates their breathing apparatus and in effect suffocates them." ~ The Fourth Doctor

Harry: I'm rich. I can buy myself out of the Navy, buy a quiet little practice in the country, solid gold stethoscope. Uh oh. That's torn it.
[The guards grab them and haul them away.]
Harry: All right, steady on, old chap.
Sarah: Hey! 

"Well, we can't just sit here glittering, can we." ~ Sarah Jane Smith

"Isn't it wonderful to feel needed, Commander?" ~ The Fourth Doctor

"You've no home planet, no influence, nothing. You're just a pathetic bunch of tin soldiers skulking about the galaxy in an ancient spaceship." ~ The Fourth Doctor

"It was a glorious triumph, for human ingenuity. They discovered your weakness and invented the glitter gun, and that was the end of Cybermen except as gold-plated souvenirs that people use as hat stands." ~ The Fourth Doctor

"Cybermen do not subscribe to any theory of morality in war, Doctor." ~ Cyber-Leader

Lester: Why don't we just wait here?
The 4th Doctor: I think my idea's better.
Lester: What is your idea?
The 4th Doctor: I don't know yet. That's the trouble with ideas. They only come a bit at a time.

The 4th Doctor: Harry, were you trying to undo this?
Harry: Well, naturally.
The 4th Doctor: Did you make the rocks fall, Harry?
Harry: Er, well, I suppose I must have done, yes.
[The Doctor laughs.]

"Eight minutes. In eight minutes the accursed Planet of Gold will be utterly destroyed. Annihilated, vapourised. It is good." ~ Cyber-Leader

"Oh, please, don't call me human. Just Doctor will do very nicely, thank you. Is that your rocket?" ~ The Fourth Doctor

"Cogito ergo sum.  I think, therefore it missed." ~ The Fourth Doctor

Revenge introduced a new form of Cybermat and the title of "Cyber-Leader".

This serial marks the first appearance of the Cybermen on the series for seven years, since Doctor Who: The Invasion: Episode 8 (1968), and their final appearance for another seven years, until Doctor Who: Earthshock: Part One (1982). It is therefore their only appearance during either the 1970s or the Tom Baker era.

Originally, Cybermen costumes from The Invasion were to have been used, but only two had survived, and in poor condition. This necessitated entirely new outfits, which included chest panels constructed from the innards of old television sets and trousers which, for the first time, were not tucked into the Cyber-boots.

This marks the final appearance of the Cybermats in the classic series. They would appear in the Doctor Who: The Adventure Games 2010 installment Blood of the Cybermen, but they would not make a televised return until Closing Time, a full thirty-six years after this serial.

The original script by Gerry Davis was heavily rewritten by script editor Robert Holmes and storyline totally altered. Davies' version involved a space station operating as a casino. The Cybermen would be using Cybermats to spread a plague (intended to be the same virus introduced in The Moonbase), only to have the Doctor use the casino's gold reserves to eradicate them. The Cybermen have been smuggled onto Nerva by Kellman before the story begins, with the aim of destroying a gold-rich asteroid in the station's vicinity. Kellman has betrayed a group of miners (led by a man named Evans, and also including Jones and Williams) who have been marooned on the asteroid for a quarter of a century; they eventually kill him by dynamiting a tunnel. The Doctor manages to reprogram the Cybermats to destroy the Cybermen using gold dust he has retrieved from the asteroid.

The secret radio transmitter disguised as a clothes brush, used by Kellman, is the very same prop that appears in Live and Let Die (1973). The prop was handed over by Roger Moore himself when he visited the BBC in 1973. He later told the Radio Times that the props master, not recognising Moore, had paid him two shillings and sixpence for the item: "I'd popped into the Beeb [BBC] for a cup of tea and spotted a notice about an upcoming "Doctor Who", so I thought the darlings would be so cash-strapped they'd need anything they could get their hands on. It wasn't MGM, after all. But I didn't expect to walk out with two and six!"

Links (Watch on
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

The Doctor Who: Revenge of the Cybermen DVD, which has some great extras on it, BTW, is available at

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